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1843 Publications
2015 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 39753
@book{Schmitz_Isik_2015, place={Bielefeld}, title={Muslimische Identitäten in Europa. Dispositive im gesellschaftlichen Wandel}, publisher={Transcript}, year={2015} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48587
@article{Hartung_2015, title={Generisches Geschichtslernen. Drei Aufgabentypen im Vergleich}, volume={14E}, DOI={10.13109/zfgd.2015.14e.1.47}, number={1}, journal={Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG}, author={Hartung, Olaf}, year={2015}, pages={47–62} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 48591
@article{Hartung_2015, title={Die “sich ewig wiederholende Arbeit” des Geschichtsbewusstseins - Sprache als Medium des historischen Lernens}, volume={09}, DOI={10.13109/zfgd.2010.09.1.180}, number={1}, journal={Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik}, publisher={Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG}, author={Hartung, Olaf}, year={2015}, pages={180–190} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36863
@inbook{Weber_2015, place={Frankfurt a.M. / Basel}, title={It’s a Material World. Feminismus, Science Fiction und Technoscience}, booktitle={Die Körper des Kinos. Für eine fröhliche Filmwissenschaft. Annette Brauerhoch zum 60. Geburtstag}, publisher={Stroemfeld}, author={Weber, Jutta}, editor={Hüls, Christian and Lettenewitsch, Natalie and Zechner, Anke}, year={2015}, pages={265–275} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36870
@inbook{Weber_2015, place={Bielefeld}, title={Technoscience, Kontrollgesellschaft und Biopolitik}, booktitle={Leben zwischen Kultur und Natur. Zur Neuaushandlung von Natur und Kultur in den Technik- und Lebenswissenschaften}, publisher={transcript}, author={Weber, Jutta}, editor={Compagna, Diego}, year={2015}, pages={409–416} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36869
@inbook{Weber_Kramarae_2015, place={Cambridge}, title={Categorizing Life and Death. The Unmaking of Civilians in US Robot Wars}, booktitle={Boundary Objects and Beyond: Working with Leigh Star}, publisher={MIT Press}, author={Weber, Jutta and Kramarae, Cheris}, editor={Bowker, Geoffrey and Clarke, Adele and Timmermans, Stefan}, year={2015}, pages={303–322} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36857 |
@inbook{Weber_2015, place={New York, Milton Park}, edition={3rd Edition [Neudruck]}, title={From Science and Technology to Feminist Technoscience}, booktitle={Women, Science, and Technology. A Reader in Feminist Science Studies}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Weber, Jutta}, editor={Wyer, Mary and Barbercheck, Mary and Cookmeyer, Donna and Ozturk, Hatice and Wayne, Marta}, year={2015}, pages={543–556} }
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2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37227
@inbook{Wallmeier_2015, place={Göttingen}, title={Handlungsstrukturen in spätmittelalterlichen Stadtrechten}, booktitle={Regiolekt, Funktiolekt, Idiolekt: Die Stadt und ihre Sprachen. Akten der 31. Jahrestagung des Internationalen Arbeitskreises Historische Stadtsprachenforschung}, publisher={V & R unipress}, author={Wallmeier, Nadine}, editor={Karin, Anna and Ulivi, Silvia and Wich-Reif, Claudia}, year={2015}, pages={155–171} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37229
@article{Wallmeier_2015, title={Adverbialsätze in mittelniederdeutschen Rechtstexten des 13. bis 16. Jahrhunderts}, volume={138}, journal={Niederdeutsche Jahrbuch}, author={Wallmeier, Nadine}, year={2015}, pages={7–26} }
2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 35711
@inproceedings{Nofen_Temmen_2015, title={Lecture meets laboratory experimental experiences for large audiences: Results of a first implementation and recommendation}, DOI={10.1109/educon.2015.7095963}, booktitle={2015 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Nofen, Barbara and Temmen, Katrin}, year={2015} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 27393
@inbook{Bigga_2015, place={Frankfurt am Main}, title={Consumer und Nutrition Literacy versus „Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Technik“ (WAT)?! }, booktitle={Allgemeinbildung und Curriculumentwicklung. Herausforderungen an das Fach Wirtschaft-Arbeit-Technik}, publisher={Peter Lang Wissenschaftsverlag}, author={Bigga, Regine}, editor={Meier, Bernd and Banse, Gerhard}, year={2015}, pages={101–119} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37461
@article{Seifert_Schwab_Gasteiger-Klicpera_2015, title={Effects of a Whole-Class Reading Program Designed for Different Reading Levels and the Learning Needs of L1 and L2 Children}, volume={32}, DOI={10.1080/10573569.2015.1029176}, number={6}, journal={Reading & Writing Quarterly}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Seifert, Susanne and Schwab, Susanne and Gasteiger-Klicpera, Barbara}, year={2015}, pages={499–526} }
2015 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 37510 |
@inbook{Weber_2015, place={New York, London}, edition={3rd Edition}, title={From Science and Technology to Feminist Technoscience}, booktitle={Women, Science, and Technology. A Reader in Feminist Science Studies}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Weber, Jutta}, editor={Wyer, Mary and Barbercheck, Mary and Cookmeyer, Donna and Ozturk, Hatice and Wayne, Marta}, year={2015}, pages={397–414} }
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2015 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 37512 |
@inbook{Weber_2015, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Technokultur, Posthumanität und neue Lebensformen}, booktitle={Cultural Studies und Medienanalyse}, publisher={Springer VS}, author={Weber, Jutta}, editor={Hepp, Andreas and Krotz, Friedrich and Lingenberg, Swantje and Wimmer, Jeffrey}, year={2015}, pages={387–395} }
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 37407
@article{Bigga_2015, place={Leverkusen}, title={Was der Mensch essen darf}, volume={2}, journal={Haushalt in Bildung und Forschung}, publisher={Verlag Barbara Budrich}, author={Bigga, Regine}, year={2015}, pages={128f} }
2015 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 37558 |
@book{Weber_Krasmann_2015, title={Game Changer? On the Epistemology, Ontology, and Politics of Drones. Behemoth – A Journal on Civilisation Volume 8 Issue No. 2}, journal={Behemoth – A Journal on Civilisation}, year={2015} }
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2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 33028
@inproceedings{Solanki_Fröhleke_Böcker_2015, title={Implementation of Hybrid Filter for 12-Pulse Thyristor Rectifier Supplying High-Current Variable-Voltage DC Load}, DOI={10.1109/TIE.2015.2393833}, author={Solanki, J. and Fröhleke, N. and Böcker, Joachim}, year={2015} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 19564
@article{Büker_Rendtorff_2015, title={Sichtweisen von Lehrkräften auf Ethnizität und Geschlecht. Eine Problemanzeige}, volume={Heft 1}, journal={Zeitschrift für Pädagogik}, author={Büker, Petra and Rendtorff, Barbara}, year={2015}, pages={101–117} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 22579
@article{Grundmeier_von Keudell_de los Arcos de Pedro_2015, title={Fundamentals and Applications of Reflection FTIR Spectroscopy for the Analysis of Plasma Processes at Materials Interfaces}, DOI={10.1002/ppap.201500087}, journal={Plasma Processes and Polymers}, author={Grundmeier, Guido and von Keudell, Achim and de los Arcos de Pedro, Maria Teresa}, year={2015}, pages={926–940} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 22582
@article{Mitschker_Dietrich_Ozkaya_de los Arcos de Pedro_Giner_Awakowicz_Grundmeier_2015, title={Spectroscopic and Microscopic Investigations of Degradation Processes in Polymer Surface-Near Regions During the Deposition of SiOx Films}, DOI={10.1002/ppap.201500085}, journal={Plasma Processes and Polymers}, author={Mitschker, Felix and Dietrich, Jan and Ozkaya, Berkem and de los Arcos de Pedro, Maria Teresa and Giner, Ignacio and Awakowicz, Peter and Grundmeier, Guido}, year={2015}, pages={1002–1009} }