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2593 Publications
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21298
Mirbabaie, Milad, S. Stieglitz, and F. Brünker. “Dynamics of Convergence Behaviour in Social Media Crisis Communication – A Complexity Perspective on Peoples’ Behaviour.” Information Technology & People, 2021.
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21300
Brendel, A.B., Milad Mirbabaie, T.B. Lembcke, and L. Hofeditz. “Ethical Management of Artificial Intelligence.” Sustainability, 2021.
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21301
Mirbabaie, Milad, S. Stieglitz, N.R.J. Frick, and H.L. Möllmann. “Driving Digital Transformation During a Pandemic: Study of Virtual Collaboration in a German Hospital.” Journal of Medical Internet Research Medical Informatics , 2021.
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21313
Bittner, E., Milad Mirbabaie, and S. Morana. “Digital Facilitation Assistance for Collaborative, Creative Design Processes.” In 54th Hawaii International Conference System Sciences, 2021.
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21314
Bührke, J., A.B. Brendel, S. Lichtenberg, M. Greve, and Milad Mirbabaie. “Is Making Mistakes Human? On the Perception of Typing Errors in Chatbot Communication.” In 54th Hawaii International Conference System Sciences, 2021.
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21326
Holtmann, Jörg, Jan-Phillipp Steghöfer, Michael Rath, and David Schmelter. “Cutting through the Jungle: Disambiguating Model-Based Traceability Terminology (Extended Abstract).” In Software Engineering 2021, edited by Anne Koziolek, Ina Schaefer, and Christoph Seidl, P-310:59–60. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2021.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21337 |

Berkemeier, Manuel Bastian, and Sebastian Peitz. “Derivative-Free Multiobjective Trust Region Descent Method Using Radial Basis Function Surrogate Models.” Mathematical and Computational Applications 26, no. 2 (2021).
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2021 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 21340
Wende, Marc, and Eugeny Kenig. “Konzeption Und Inbetriebnahme Eines Versuchsstandes Zur Gravidestillation.” In Jahrestreffen Der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik Und Wärme- Und Stoffübertragung. Jahrestreffen Der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Fluidverfahrenstechnik Und Wärme- Und Stoffübertragung, 2021.
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21374
Emmrich, Daniel, Annalena Wolff, Nikolaus Meyerbröker, Jörg Lindner, André Beyer, and Armin Gölzhäuser. “Scanning Transmission Helium Ion Microscopy on Carbon Nanomembranes.” Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2021, 222–31.
2021 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 21376
Grabo, Matti, and Eugeny Kenig. “Modellierung Eines Latentwärmespeichersystems in Form Einer Ungeordneten Schüttung Makro-Verkapselter PCM-Elemente,” 2021.
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21378
Hartel, Rita, and Alexander Dunst. “An OCR Pipeline and Semantic Text Analysis for Comics.” In MANPU 2020: The 4th International Workshop on CoMics ANalysis, Processing and Understanding@Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges. Cham, 2021.
2021 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 21431
Chudalla, Nick, Gerson Meschut, Aurélie Bartley, and Tim Michael Wibbeke. “Analyse Des Versagensverhaltens Geklebter Stahl Verbindungen Beim Werkstoffschonenden Entfügen in Der Karosserieinstandsetzung.” In 21. Kolloquium: Gemeinsame Forschung in Der Klebtechnik, edited by DECHEMA, Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V., 2021.
2021 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 21442
Tinkloh, Steffen Rainer, Tao Wu, Thomas Tröster, and Thomas Niendorf. “Development of a Submodel Technique for FFT-Based Solvers in Micromechanical Analysis,” 2021.
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21460
Frick, Nicholas R. J., Milad Mirbabaie, Stefan Stieglitz, and Jana Salomon. “Maneuvering through the Stormy Seas of Digital Transformation: The Impact of Empowering Leadership on the AI Readiness of Enterprises.” Journal of Decision Systems, 2021, 1–24.
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21478
Afifi, Haitham, Arunselvan Ramaswamy, and Holger Karl. “Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Vehicle Movements in Wireless Sensor Networks.” In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): IoT and Sensor Networks Symposium (IEEE ICC’21 - IoTSN Symposium). Montreal, Canada, 2021.
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21479
Afifi, Haitham, Arunselvan Ramaswamy, and Holger Karl. “A Reinforcement Learning QoI/QoS-Aware Approach in Acoustic Sensor Networks.” In 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications \& Networking Conference (CCNC) (CCNC 2021), 2021.
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21525
Gutt, Dominik, Jürgen Neumann, Wael Jabr, and Dennis Kundisch. “The Fate of the App: Economic Implications of Updating under Reputation Resetting,” 2021.
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21532
Görzen, Thomas. “‘What’s the Point of the Task?’ Exploring the Influence of Task Meaning on Creativity in Crowdsourcing.” International Journal of Innovation Management 25, no. 1 (2021).
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21535
Bengs, Viktor, Róbert Busa-Fekete, Adil El Mesaoudi-Paul, and Eyke Hüllermeier. “Preference-Based Online Learning with Dueling Bandits: A Survey.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 22, no. 7 (2021): 1–108.
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21543 |

Schneider, Stefan Balthasar, Haydar Qarawlus, and Holger Karl. “Distributed Online Service Coordination Using Deep Reinforcement Learning.” In IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS). IEEE, 2021.
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