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2594 Publications
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21064
@article{Tinkloh_Wu_Tröster_Niendorf_2021, title={The Effect of Fiber Waviness on the Residual Stress State and Its Prediction by the Hole Drilling Method in Fiber Metal Laminates: A Global-Local Finite Element Analysis}, DOI={10.3390/met11010156}, number={156}, journal={Metals}, author={Tinkloh, Steffen Rainer and Wu, Tao and Tröster, Thomas and Niendorf, Thomas}, year={2021} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24130
@article{Magnier_Wu_Tinkloh_Tröster_Scholtes_Niendorf_2021, title={On the reliability of residual stress measurements in unidirectional carbon fibre reinforced epoxy composites}, DOI={10.1016/j.polymertesting.2021.107146}, number={107146}, journal={Polymer Testing}, author={Magnier, A. and Wu, T. and Tinkloh, Steffen Rainer and Tröster, Thomas and Scholtes, B. and Niendorf, T.}, year={2021} }
2021 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 30849
@book{Henkenius_2021, title={Entwurf netzfreundlicher Synchrongleichrichter mit integriertem Synchronwandler}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-1109}, author={Henkenius, Carsten}, year={2021} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 22925
@article{Claes_Chatwell_Baumhögger_Hetkämper_Zeipert_Vrabec_Henning_2021, title={Measurement procedure for acoustic absorption and bulk viscosity of liquids}, DOI={10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109919}, number={109919}, journal={Measurement}, author={Claes, Leander and Chatwell, René Spencer and Baumhögger, Elmar and Hetkämper, Tim and Zeipert, Henning and Vrabec, Jadran and Henning, Bernd}, year={2021} }
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21093 |

@inproceedings{Kirchhoff_Burmeister_Weskamp_Engels_2021, title={Towards a Decision Support System for Cross-Sectoral Energy Distribution Network Planning}, booktitle={Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT}, author={Kirchhoff, Jonas and Burmeister, Sascha Christian and Weskamp, Christoph and Engels, Gregor}, editor={Breitner, Michael H. and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Nieße, Astrid and Staudt, Philipp and Weinhardt, Christof and Werth, Oliver}, year={2021} }
| Download (ext.)
2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 30957
@article{Lammer_2021, title={Revolten in Gelb und Grün. In “Rosa und Hannah. Das Blatt wenden” inspiriert Joke J. Hermsen für Krisenzeiten}, author={Lammer, Christina}, year={2021} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 31744
@article{Moritzer_Hillemeyer_Kramer_Hopmann_2021, title={Designing of thermosetting plastic components for direct screwing - Auslegung von Duroplastbauteilen zur Direktverschraubung}, journal={Joining Plastics}, author={Moritzer, Elmar and Hillemeyer, Johannes and Kramer, M. and Hopmann, C.}, year={2021}, pages={94–103} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 31740
@article{Moritzer_Richters_2021, title={ Characterization of wood-filled thermoplastic polyurethanes for the injection molding process}, volume={138}, number={38}, journal={Journal of Applied Polymer Science}, author={Moritzer, Elmar and Richters, Maximilian}, year={2021} }
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 31760
@inproceedings{Moritzer_Krassmann_Brikmann_2021, place={Dresden}, title={Entwicklung der Spritzniettechnik als werkstoffgerechtes Fügeverfahren für hybride Strukturen}, booktitle={11. Fügetechnisches Gemeinschaftskolloquium}, author={Moritzer, Elmar and Krassmann, Dimitri and Brikmann, Johannes}, year={2021} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 31762
@article{Moritzer_Jilg_Rücker_2021, title={Er kommt auf die Korngröße an, Mikrogranulat verbessert die Verteilung feindisperser Füllstoffe in der Direktcompoundierung}, journal={Kunststoffe}, author={Moritzer, Elmar and Jilg, J. and Rücker, Tobias}, year={2021}, pages={24–27} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 31758
@article{Schöppner_Martens_2021, title={Eine runde Sache}, journal={Kunststoffe}, author={Schöppner, Volker and Martens, Jan Hendrik}, year={2021}, pages={91–93} }
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 31767
@inproceedings{Hopp_Tölle_2021, title={Influence of Fiber Content on the Fiber Dust Formation During Shredding for Mechanical Recycling of Different Glass and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics}, booktitle={36th International Conference of Polymer Processing Society (PPS)}, author={Hopp, Matthias and Tölle, Lisa}, year={2021} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 31765
@article{Moritzer_Hillemeyer_Lotzin_2021, title={Fügeelement angespritzt - Einfluss auf die Verbundfestigkeit zwischen Organoblech und Schraubblindniet untersucht}, journal={Kunststoffe}, author={Moritzer, Elmar and Hillemeyer, Johannes and Lotzin, R.}, year={2021}, pages={42–45} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 31763
@article{Moritzer_Wortmann_Krieger_Hüsgen_Frese_2021, title={Effect of Isocyanate Absorption on the Mechanical Properties of Silicone Elastomers in Polyurethane Vacuum Casting}, journal={ACS Omega}, author={Moritzer, Elmar and Wortmann, M. and Krieger, P. and Hüsgen, B. and Frese, N.}, year={2021} }
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 31774
@inproceedings{Moritzer_Wächter_Fuhrmann_2021, place={Burgas (Bulgarien)}, title={ INVESTIGATION OF THE PROCESSABILITY OF DIFFERENT HIGHPERFORMANCE MATERIALS IN THE FDM PROCESS WITH REGARD TO THE SHRINKAGE BEHAVIOR}, booktitle={23rd International Conference Materials}, author={Moritzer, Elmar and Wächter, Julian and Fuhrmann, C.}, year={2021}, pages={58–67} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 31776
@article{Schöppner_Gevers_2021, title={ Lebensdauer vorhersagen?}, journal={K-Zeitung}, author={Schöppner, Volker and Gevers, Karina}, year={2021} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 31775
@article{Moritzer_2021, title={ Kühlen mit dem Wärmerohr}, journal={Kunststoffe}, author={Moritzer, Elmar}, year={2021}, pages={64–67} }
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 31777
@inproceedings{Schöppner_Altepeter_Wanke_2021, place={Melbourne (Kanada)}, title={Material Degradation of Polypropylene on the Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder}, booktitle={36th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS)}, author={Schöppner, Volker and Altepeter, Matthias and Wanke, Sven}, year={2021} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 31718
@inbook{Willeke_2021, place={Göttingen}, title={Schriftstellerische Inszenierungspraktiken und autofiktionale Schreibreflexionen im Weblog Turmsegler von Benjamin Stein}, booktitle={Schreiben, Text, Autorschaft II. Zur Narration und Störung von Lebens- und Schreibprozessen}, publisher={V&R unipress }, author={Willeke, Stephanie}, editor={Gansel, Carsten and Lehnen , Katrin and Oswalt, Vadim }, year={2021}, pages={131–158} }
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 31781
@inproceedings{Moritzer_Bürenhaus_2021, place={ Chemnitz (Online)}, title={Untersuchung der Faserlängenabnahme von kurz- und langglasfaserverstärk-ten Thermoplasten im Spritzgießprozess}, booktitle={27. Techomer - Fachtagung über Verarbeitung und Anwendung von Polymeren}, author={Moritzer, Elmar and Bürenhaus, Franziska Isabelle}, year={2021} }