72 Publications
2025 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58806
@article{Milkov_2025, title={Philosophy’s 25-Years Principle: Philosophy between Intuitive Understanding and Discursive Reasoning}, volume={8}, DOI={10.22158/jrph.v8n1p36}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Research in Philosophy and History}, publisher={SCHOLINK INC.}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2025}, pages={36–43} }
2025 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58818
@inbook{Milkov, place={Oxford}, edition={1}, series={Oxford New Histories of Philosophy}, title={Susan Stebbing and Some Poorly Explored Venues of Analytic Philosophy}, booktitle={Susan Stebbing: Analysis, Common Sense, and Public Philosophy}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Coliva, Annalisa and Doulas, Luis}, collection={Oxford New Histories of Philosophy} }
2025 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58822
@inbook{Milkov, place={London}, edition={1}, title={Wisdom’s Wittgenstein}, booktitle={Wittgenstein and Other Philosophers: His Influence on Historical and Contemporary Analytic Philosophers, 2 vol., Volume II}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Khani , Ali Hossein and Kemp , Gary } }
2025 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58821
@inbook{Milkov, place={London}, edition={1}, title={Stebbing’s Wittgenstein}, booktitle={Wittgenstein and Other Philosophers: His Influence on Historical and Contemporary Analytic Philosophers, vol. II}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Khani , Ali Hossein and Kemp , Gary } }
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58808
@article{Milkov_2024, title={Whitehead and Russell: Odd Couple? Review of Whitehead und Russell: Perspektiven, Konvergenzen, Dissonanzen, hg. von Ch. Kann und D. Sölch}, volume={44}, DOI={10.1353/rss.2024.a929934}, number={1}, journal={Russell: th Journal for Bertrand Russell Studies}, publisher={The Johns Hopkins University Press}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2024}, pages={114–119} }
2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58809
@inbook{Milkov_2024, place={Münster}, edition={1}, series={Philosophie und Bildung}, title={Philosophie lernen in sieben Länder: Stücke einer philosophischen Autobiographie}, booktitle={Autobiographisches Philosophieren}, publisher={LIT-Verlag}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Albus, Vanessa and Haase, Volker}, year={2024}, pages={76–92}, collection={Philosophie und Bildung} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55237
@article{Milkov_2023, title={The History of the Concept of Truth-making}, volume={13}, DOI={10.17265/2159-5313/2023.0X.005}, number={10}, journal={Philosophy Study }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, pages={449–461} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54996
@article{Milkov_2023, title={The History of the Concept of Truth-making}, volume={13}, DOI={10.17265/2159-5313/2023.0X.005}, number={10}, journal={Philosophy Study }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, pages={449–461} }
2023 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55204
@book{Milkov_2023, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={New Studies in the History and Historiography of Philosophy}, title={Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy}, volume={12}, DOI={10.1515/9783110726282}, publisher={De Gruyter Berlin New York}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, collection={New Studies in the History and Historiography of Philosophy} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55236
@article{Milkov_2023, title={Bertrand Russell’s Philosophical Logic and its Logical Forms}, volume={2}, DOI={10.30958/ajphil.2-3-3}, number={3}, journal={Athens Journal of Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, pages={193–209} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55249 |

@article{Milkov_2022, title={Mauro Luiz Engelmann: Reading Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021}, volume={11}, DOI={00.0000/nwr.v11i0.3637}, journal={Nordic Wittgenstein Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2022} }
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2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56312
@inbook{Milkov_2021, place={London}, edition={1}, series={Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy}, title={The Berlin Group and the Society for Scientific Philosophy}, DOI={10.4324/9781315650647}, booktitle={The Routledge Handbook of Logical Empiricism}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Uebel, Thomas}, year={2021}, pages={118–126}, collection={Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58766
@inbook{Milkov_2021, place={London}, edition={1}, series={Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science}, title={Kurt Grelling and the Idiosyncrasy of the Berlin Logical Empiricism}, DOI={10.4324/9780429429835-4}, booktitle={Logical Empiricism and the Physical Science}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Lutz, Sebastian and Adam Tamas Tuboly}, year={2021}, pages={64–83}, collection={Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science} }
2020 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55203
@book{Milkov_2020, place={London}, title={Early Analytic Philosophy and the German Philosophical Tradition}, publisher={Bloomsbury Academic}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2020} }
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55235
@article{Milkov_2020, title={Introduction to Bertrand Russell’s Conspectus of J. E. McTaggart’s Lectures on Hermann Lotze (Jan–Feb. 1898)}, volume={40}, number={1}, journal={Russell}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2020}, pages={53–56} }
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55234
@article{Milkov_2020, title={Russell’s Conception of Propositional Attitudes in Relation to Pragmatism}, volume={14}, journal={An Anthology of Philosophical Studies}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2020}, pages={117–128} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58767
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={The Frontiers Collection}, title={Wittgenstein’s Ways}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_2}, booktitle={Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Da Costa, Newton and Shyam Wuppuluri}, year={2020}, pages={7–19}, collection={The Frontiers Collection} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58771
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={Cham}, edition={1}, series={The Frontiers Collection}, title={Essay in Formal Biology}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_25}, booktitle={ WITTGENSTEINIAN (adj.) }, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Da Costa, Newton and Shyam Wuppuluri}, year={2020}, pages={473–486}, collection={The Frontiers Collection} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58776
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={Cham}, edition={1}, series={The Frontiers Collection}, title={Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_27}, booktitle={WITTGENSTEINIAN (adj.)}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Da Costa, Newton and Shyam Wuppuluri}, year={2020}, pages={505–518}, collection={The Frontiers Collection} }
2020 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 58884
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={London}, edition={1}, title={Frege, Gottlob (1848–1925)}, DOI={10.5040/9781350994997.0008}, booktitle={Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers}, publisher={Bloomsbury}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Adair-Toteff, Chrostopher}, year={2020} }
2020 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 58881 |

@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={London}, edition={1}, title={Stumpf, Carl (1848–1936)}, DOI={10.5040/9781350994997.0009}, booktitle={Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers}, publisher={Bloomsbury}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Adair-Toteff, Christopher}, year={2020} }
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2019 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 58901
@inbook{Milkov_2019, title={John Wisdom (1904-1993)}, booktitle={Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Fieser , James and Dowden, Bradley }, year={2019} }
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2018 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55202
@book{Milkov_2018, place={Sankt-Petersburg}, title={The Philosophy of Logical Atomism (in Russian)}, publisher={“Nauka [Science]” Publishing House (of the Russian Academy of Sciences)}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2018} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55233
@article{Milkov_2018, title={Hermann Lotze and Franz Brentano}, volume={10}, number={2}, journal={Philosophical Readings }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2018}, pages={115–122} }
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58868
@inbook{Milkov_2018, place={Wien}, edition={1}, series={Emigration -- Exil -- Kontinuität: Schriften zur zeitgeschichtlichen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsforschung}, title={Drei Länder und vier Universitäten. Hans Reichenbachs Odyssee als Naturphilosoph}, volume={16}, booktitle={Deutschsprachige Philosophie im amerikanischen Exil 1933–1945. Historische Erfahrung und Begriffliche Transformation. Deutschsprachige Philosophie im Exil in den USA 1933–1945}, publisher={LIT}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Beck, Max and Coomann, Nicholas}, year={2018}, pages={61–77}, collection={Emigration -- Exil -- Kontinuität: Schriften zur zeitgeschichtlichen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsforschung} }
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58876
@inbook{Milkov_2018, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Value Inquiry Book Series}, title={Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God}, volume={322}, DOI={10.1163/9789004376311_015}, booktitle={The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy}, publisher={Brill}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Salazar , Heather and Nicholls, Roderick }, year={2018}, pages={250–272}, collection={Value Inquiry Book Series} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55232
@article{Milkov_2017, title={The Method of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus: Toward a New Interpretation }, volume={33}, number={2}, journal={Southwest Philosophy Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2017}, pages={197–202} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55246
@article{Milkov_2016, title={William R. Woodward, Hermann Lotze: An Intellectual Biography, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015}, volume={25}, number={2}, journal={Metascience}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2016}, pages={221–224} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55231
@article{Milkov_2016, title={The 1900-Turn in Bertrand Russell’s Logic, the Emergence of His Paradox, and the Way Out}, volume={7}, journal={Siegener Beiträge Zur Geschichte Und Philosophie der Mathematik }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2016}, pages={29–50} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55230
@article{Milkov_2016, title={Walter Dubislav’s Philosophy of Science and Mathematics}, volume={6}, number={1}, journal={HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2016}, pages={96–116} }
2015 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 55215
@book{Milkov_2015, place={Hamburg}, series={Philosophische Bibliothek“ Reihe}, title={Die Berliner Gruppe: Texte zum Logischen Empirismus}, volume={621}, publisher={Felix Meiner}, year={2015}, collection={Philosophische Bibliothek“ Reihe} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55245
@article{Milkov_2015, title={Erwiderung auf : Margret Kaiser-el-Safti, „Reflexion und Introspektion. Ein Essay zum philosophischen Kontext der empirischen Psychologie}, journal={Erwägen–Wissen–Ethik}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2015}, pages={50–52} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55229
@article{Milkov_2015, title={On Walter Dubislav}, volume={36}, DOI={10.1080/01445340.2014.962247}, number={2}, journal={History and Philosophy of Logic}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2015}, pages={147–161} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58900
@inbook{Milkov_2015, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie}, title={Carl Stumpf’s Debt to Hermann Lotze}, volume={46}, DOI={10.1163/9789004299108_006}, booktitle={Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint. Essays on Carl Stumpf}, publisher={Brill}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Fisette , Denis and Martinelli , Riccardo }, year={2015}, pages={101–122}, collection={Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie} }
2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 17467
@book{Peckhaus_Milkov_2013, place={Dordrecht u. a.}, series={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science}, title={The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism}, volume={273}, publisher={Springer}, year={2013}, collection={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science} }
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2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55244
@article{Milkov_2013, title={Phillip Stambovsky, Inference and the Metaphysics of Reason: An Onto-Epistemological Critique, Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press}, volume={14}, number={1}, journal={Essays in Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2013}, pages={134–137} }
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55228
@article{Milkov_2013, title={The Joint Philosophical Program of Russell and Wittgenstein and Its Demise}, volume={2}, journal={Nordic Wittgenstein Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2013}, pages={81–105} }
2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 55214
@book{Milkov_Peckhaus_2013, place={Dordrecht}, edition={1}, series={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science}, title={The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism}, volume={273}, DOI={10.1007/978-94-007-5485-0}, publisher={Springer Verlag }, year={2013}, collection={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58810
@inbook{Milkov_2013, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science}, title={The Berlin Group and the Vienna Circle: Affinities and Divergences}, volume={273}, DOI={10.1007/978-94-007-5485-0_1}, booktitle={The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Milkov, Nikolay and Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2013}, pages={3–32}, collection={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58814
@inbook{Milkov_2013, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science}, title={Carl Hempel: Whose Philosopher}, volume={273}, DOI={10.1007/978-94-007-5485-0_14}, booktitle={The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2013}, pages={293–310}, collection={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science} }
2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55227
@article{Milkov_2012, title={Karl Popper’s Debt to Leonard Nelson}, volume={86}, journal={Grazer philosophische Studien }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2012}, pages={137–156} }
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55226
@article{Milkov_2011, title={A Logical–Contextual History of Philosophy}, volume={27}, number={1}, journal={Southwest Philosophy Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2011}, pages={21–29} }
2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58877
@inbook{Milkov_2011, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Value Inquiry Book Series}, title={Sexual Experience}, volume={232}, DOI={10.1163/9789401200684_019}, booktitle={Sex, Love, and Friendship}, publisher={Brill}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={ Leigh McEvoy, Adrianne}, year={2011}, pages={155–165}, collection={Value Inquiry Book Series} }
2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55243
@article{Milkov_2010, title={Mark Wilson, Wandering Significance: An Essay on Conceptual Behaviour. Oxford: Clarendon Press}, volume={20}, number={1}, journal={Pragmatics & Cognition }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2010}, pages={188–195} }
2010 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 58902
@inbook{Milkov_2010, edition={1}, title={Rudolph Hermann Lotze (1817–1881)}, booktitle={Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Fieser, James and Dowden, Bradley }, year={2010} }
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55242
@article{Milkov_2009, title={Thomas Mormann, Bertrand Russell, München: Beck, 2007}, volume={78}, journal={Grazer Philosophische Studien }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2009}, pages={290–293} }
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55225
@article{Milkov_2008, title={Russell’s Debt to Lotze}, volume={39}, number={2}, journal={Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part A}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2008}, pages={186–193} }
2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55224
@article{Milkov_2006, title={Mesocosmological Descriptions: An Essay in the Extensional Ontology of History}, volume={7}, number={2}, journal={Essays in Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2006}, pages={1–19} }
2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55241
@article{Milkov_2005, title={Russell Studies in Germany Today}, number={125/126}, journal={Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2005}, pages={35–47} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55240
@article{Milkov_2004, title={Jay F. Rosenberg, Thinking About Knowing}, volume={14}, number={2}, journal={Pragmatics & Cognition }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={395–401} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55223
@article{Milkov_2004, title={Ist Wittgensteins Tractatus in irgendeinem Sinne mystisch?}, volume={79}, number={4}, journal={Theologie und Philosophie }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={511–526} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55222
@article{Milkov_2004, title={Leo Tolstois Darlegung des Evangelium und seine theologisch-philosophische Ethik}, volume={30}, journal={Neues Jahrbuch }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={311–333} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55221
@article{Milkov_2004, title={G. E. Moore and the Greifswald Objectivists on the Given, and the Beginning of Analytic Philosophy}, volume={14}, journal={Axiomathes}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={361–379} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58918
@article{Milkov_2004, title={G. E. Moore and the Greifswald Objectivists on the given and the Beginning of Analytic Philosophy}, volume={14}, DOI={10.1023/B:AXIO.0000024898.09109.06}, journal={Axiomathes}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={361–379} }
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2003 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55201
@book{Milkov_2003, series={Philosophical Studies Series}, title={A Hundred Years of English Philosophy}, volume={94}, publisher={Dordrecht: Kluwer }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2003}, collection={Philosophical Studies Series} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55258
@article{Milkov_2003, title={Tolstoi und Wittgenstein: Einfluß und Ähnlichkeiten}, volume={16}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2003}, pages={187–206} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55220
@article{Milkov_2003, title={L. Susan Stebbing’s Criticism of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus}, volume={10}, journal={Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2003}, pages={351–363} }
2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55257
@article{Milkov_2002, title={Lotze’s Concept of ‘States of Affairs’ and its Critics}, volume={15}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2002}, pages={437–450} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55239
@article{Milkov_2001, title={Frege in Context [Review Article: G. Gabriel und W. Kienzler (Hg.), Frege in Jena, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1997; G. Gabriel and Uwe Dathe (Hg.), Frege: Werk und Wirkung, Paderborn: mentis, 2000]}, volume={9}, number={3}, journal={British Journal for the History of Philosophy }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={557–570} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55256
@article{Milkov_2001, title={A Case for Socialism: On the Use of Theoretical Philosophy in Political Theory}, volume={3}, journal={Labyrinth }, publisher={International On-Line Journal for Philosophy, Vienna}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55238
@article{Milkov_2001, title={Political Philosophy in Bulgaria—A Fresh Start? [Review Article: P. Makariev et al. (eds.), Creating Democratic Societies: Values and Norms, Washington DC, 1999]}, volume={53}, number={1}, journal={Studies in East European Thought}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={145–156} }
2001 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 55259
@inbook{Milkov_2001, place={Basel}, title={Verifikation II}, volume={11}, booktitle={Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie}, publisher={Schwabe & Co}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Ritter, J and Gründer, K and Gabriel, G}, year={2001}, pages={702–703} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55255
@article{Milkov_2001, title={Tractarian Scaffoldings}, volume={14}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={399–414} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55219
@article{Milkov_2001, title={The History of Russell’s Concepts ‘Sense-data’ and ‘Knowledge by Acquaintance’}, volume={43}, journal={Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={221–231} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58919
@article{Milkov_2001, title={The History of Russell’s Concepts ‘Sense-data’ and ‘Knowledge by Acquaintan¬ce’}, volume={43}, DOI={10.28937/9783787336807_9}, journal={Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte}, publisher={Felix Meiner}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={221–31} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55254
@article{Milkov_2000, title={Lotze and the Early Cambridge Analytic Philosophy}, volume={13}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2000}, pages={133–153} }
1999 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55253
@article{Milkov_1999, title={The Latest Frege}, volume={12}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1999}, pages={41–49} }
1997 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55200
@book{Milkov_1997, place={Frankfurt}, title={The Varieties of Understanding: English Philosophy since 1898}, volume={2}, publisher={New York: Peter Lang}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1997} }
1997 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55199
@book{Milkov_1997, place={Frankfurt}, title={The Varieties of Understanding: English Philosophy since 1898}, volume={1}, publisher={New York: Peter Lang}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1997} }
1992 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55198
@book{Milkov_1992, place={Amsterdam}, title={Kaleidoscopic Mind: An Essay in Post-Wittgensteinian Philosophy}, publisher={Atlanta (GA): Rodopi}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1992} }
1989 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55252
@article{Milkov_1989, title={Wittgenstein on the Language of Thought}, volume={1}, number={2}, journal={European Journal for Semiotic Studies }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1989}, pages={295–305} }
1987 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55251
@article{Milkov_1987, title={On the Reconstruction of the Early Wittgenstein’s Philosophy}, volume={27}, number={1}, journal={Darshana International }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1987}, pages={47–53} }
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72 Publications
2025 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58806
@article{Milkov_2025, title={Philosophy’s 25-Years Principle: Philosophy between Intuitive Understanding and Discursive Reasoning}, volume={8}, DOI={10.22158/jrph.v8n1p36}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Research in Philosophy and History}, publisher={SCHOLINK INC.}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2025}, pages={36–43} }
2025 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58818
@inbook{Milkov, place={Oxford}, edition={1}, series={Oxford New Histories of Philosophy}, title={Susan Stebbing and Some Poorly Explored Venues of Analytic Philosophy}, booktitle={Susan Stebbing: Analysis, Common Sense, and Public Philosophy}, publisher={Oxford University Press}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Coliva, Annalisa and Doulas, Luis}, collection={Oxford New Histories of Philosophy} }
2025 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58822
@inbook{Milkov, place={London}, edition={1}, title={Wisdom’s Wittgenstein}, booktitle={Wittgenstein and Other Philosophers: His Influence on Historical and Contemporary Analytic Philosophers, 2 vol., Volume II}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Khani , Ali Hossein and Kemp , Gary } }
2025 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58821
@inbook{Milkov, place={London}, edition={1}, title={Stebbing’s Wittgenstein}, booktitle={Wittgenstein and Other Philosophers: His Influence on Historical and Contemporary Analytic Philosophers, vol. II}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Khani , Ali Hossein and Kemp , Gary } }
2024 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58808
@article{Milkov_2024, title={Whitehead and Russell: Odd Couple? Review of Whitehead und Russell: Perspektiven, Konvergenzen, Dissonanzen, hg. von Ch. Kann und D. Sölch}, volume={44}, DOI={10.1353/rss.2024.a929934}, number={1}, journal={Russell: th Journal for Bertrand Russell Studies}, publisher={The Johns Hopkins University Press}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2024}, pages={114–119} }
2024 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58809
@inbook{Milkov_2024, place={Münster}, edition={1}, series={Philosophie und Bildung}, title={Philosophie lernen in sieben Länder: Stücke einer philosophischen Autobiographie}, booktitle={Autobiographisches Philosophieren}, publisher={LIT-Verlag}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Albus, Vanessa and Haase, Volker}, year={2024}, pages={76–92}, collection={Philosophie und Bildung} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55237
@article{Milkov_2023, title={The History of the Concept of Truth-making}, volume={13}, DOI={10.17265/2159-5313/2023.0X.005}, number={10}, journal={Philosophy Study }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, pages={449–461} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54996
@article{Milkov_2023, title={The History of the Concept of Truth-making}, volume={13}, DOI={10.17265/2159-5313/2023.0X.005}, number={10}, journal={Philosophy Study }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, pages={449–461} }
2023 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55204
@book{Milkov_2023, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={New Studies in the History and Historiography of Philosophy}, title={Hermann Lotze’s Influence on the Twentieth Century Philosophy}, volume={12}, DOI={10.1515/9783110726282}, publisher={De Gruyter Berlin New York}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, collection={New Studies in the History and Historiography of Philosophy} }
2023 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55236
@article{Milkov_2023, title={Bertrand Russell’s Philosophical Logic and its Logical Forms}, volume={2}, DOI={10.30958/ajphil.2-3-3}, number={3}, journal={Athens Journal of Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2023}, pages={193–209} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55249 |

@article{Milkov_2022, title={Mauro Luiz Engelmann: Reading Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021}, volume={11}, DOI={00.0000/nwr.v11i0.3637}, journal={Nordic Wittgenstein Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2022} }
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2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56312
@inbook{Milkov_2021, place={London}, edition={1}, series={Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy}, title={The Berlin Group and the Society for Scientific Philosophy}, DOI={10.4324/9781315650647}, booktitle={The Routledge Handbook of Logical Empiricism}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Uebel, Thomas}, year={2021}, pages={118–126}, collection={Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy} }
2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58766
@inbook{Milkov_2021, place={London}, edition={1}, series={Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science}, title={Kurt Grelling and the Idiosyncrasy of the Berlin Logical Empiricism}, DOI={10.4324/9780429429835-4}, booktitle={Logical Empiricism and the Physical Science}, publisher={Routledge}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Lutz, Sebastian and Adam Tamas Tuboly}, year={2021}, pages={64–83}, collection={Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science} }
2020 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55203
@book{Milkov_2020, place={London}, title={Early Analytic Philosophy and the German Philosophical Tradition}, publisher={Bloomsbury Academic}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2020} }
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55235
@article{Milkov_2020, title={Introduction to Bertrand Russell’s Conspectus of J. E. McTaggart’s Lectures on Hermann Lotze (Jan–Feb. 1898)}, volume={40}, number={1}, journal={Russell}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2020}, pages={53–56} }
2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55234
@article{Milkov_2020, title={Russell’s Conception of Propositional Attitudes in Relation to Pragmatism}, volume={14}, journal={An Anthology of Philosophical Studies}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2020}, pages={117–128} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58767
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={The Frontiers Collection}, title={Wittgenstein’s Ways}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_2}, booktitle={Wittgensteinian : Looking at the World From the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein’s Philosophy}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Da Costa, Newton and Shyam Wuppuluri}, year={2020}, pages={7–19}, collection={The Frontiers Collection} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58771
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={Cham}, edition={1}, series={The Frontiers Collection}, title={Essay in Formal Biology}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_25}, booktitle={ WITTGENSTEINIAN (adj.) }, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Da Costa, Newton and Shyam Wuppuluri}, year={2020}, pages={473–486}, collection={The Frontiers Collection} }
2020 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58776
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={Cham}, edition={1}, series={The Frontiers Collection}, title={Aesthetic Gestures: Elements of a Philosophy of Art in Frege and Wittgenstein}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-030-27569-3_27}, booktitle={WITTGENSTEINIAN (adj.)}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Da Costa, Newton and Shyam Wuppuluri}, year={2020}, pages={505–518}, collection={The Frontiers Collection} }
2020 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 58884
@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={London}, edition={1}, title={Frege, Gottlob (1848–1925)}, DOI={10.5040/9781350994997.0008}, booktitle={Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers}, publisher={Bloomsbury}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Adair-Toteff, Chrostopher}, year={2020} }
2020 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 58881 |

@inbook{Milkov_2020, place={London}, edition={1}, title={Stumpf, Carl (1848–1936)}, DOI={10.5040/9781350994997.0009}, booktitle={Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers}, publisher={Bloomsbury}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Adair-Toteff, Christopher}, year={2020} }
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2019 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 58901
@inbook{Milkov_2019, title={John Wisdom (1904-1993)}, booktitle={Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Fieser , James and Dowden, Bradley }, year={2019} }
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2018 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55202
@book{Milkov_2018, place={Sankt-Petersburg}, title={The Philosophy of Logical Atomism (in Russian)}, publisher={“Nauka [Science]” Publishing House (of the Russian Academy of Sciences)}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2018} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55233
@article{Milkov_2018, title={Hermann Lotze and Franz Brentano}, volume={10}, number={2}, journal={Philosophical Readings }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2018}, pages={115–122} }
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58868
@inbook{Milkov_2018, place={Wien}, edition={1}, series={Emigration -- Exil -- Kontinuität: Schriften zur zeitgeschichtlichen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsforschung}, title={Drei Länder und vier Universitäten. Hans Reichenbachs Odyssee als Naturphilosoph}, volume={16}, booktitle={Deutschsprachige Philosophie im amerikanischen Exil 1933–1945. Historische Erfahrung und Begriffliche Transformation. Deutschsprachige Philosophie im Exil in den USA 1933–1945}, publisher={LIT}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Beck, Max and Coomann, Nicholas}, year={2018}, pages={61–77}, collection={Emigration -- Exil -- Kontinuität: Schriften zur zeitgeschichtlichen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsforschung} }
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58876
@inbook{Milkov_2018, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Value Inquiry Book Series}, title={Bertrand Russell’s Religion without God}, volume={322}, DOI={10.1163/9789004376311_015}, booktitle={The Philosophy of Spirituality: Analytic, Continental and Multicultural Approaches to a New Field of Philosophy}, publisher={Brill}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Salazar , Heather and Nicholls, Roderick }, year={2018}, pages={250–272}, collection={Value Inquiry Book Series} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55232
@article{Milkov_2017, title={The Method of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus: Toward a New Interpretation }, volume={33}, number={2}, journal={Southwest Philosophy Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2017}, pages={197–202} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55246
@article{Milkov_2016, title={William R. Woodward, Hermann Lotze: An Intellectual Biography, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015}, volume={25}, number={2}, journal={Metascience}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2016}, pages={221–224} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55231
@article{Milkov_2016, title={The 1900-Turn in Bertrand Russell’s Logic, the Emergence of His Paradox, and the Way Out}, volume={7}, journal={Siegener Beiträge Zur Geschichte Und Philosophie der Mathematik }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2016}, pages={29–50} }
2016 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55230
@article{Milkov_2016, title={Walter Dubislav’s Philosophy of Science and Mathematics}, volume={6}, number={1}, journal={HOPOS: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2016}, pages={96–116} }
2015 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 55215
@book{Milkov_2015, place={Hamburg}, series={Philosophische Bibliothek“ Reihe}, title={Die Berliner Gruppe: Texte zum Logischen Empirismus}, volume={621}, publisher={Felix Meiner}, year={2015}, collection={Philosophische Bibliothek“ Reihe} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55245
@article{Milkov_2015, title={Erwiderung auf : Margret Kaiser-el-Safti, „Reflexion und Introspektion. Ein Essay zum philosophischen Kontext der empirischen Psychologie}, journal={Erwägen–Wissen–Ethik}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2015}, pages={50–52} }
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55229
@article{Milkov_2015, title={On Walter Dubislav}, volume={36}, DOI={10.1080/01445340.2014.962247}, number={2}, journal={History and Philosophy of Logic}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2015}, pages={147–161} }
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58900
@inbook{Milkov_2015, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie}, title={Carl Stumpf’s Debt to Hermann Lotze}, volume={46}, DOI={10.1163/9789004299108_006}, booktitle={Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint. Essays on Carl Stumpf}, publisher={Brill}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Fisette , Denis and Martinelli , Riccardo }, year={2015}, pages={101–122}, collection={Studien zur Österreichischen Philosophie} }
2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 17467
@book{Peckhaus_Milkov_2013, place={Dordrecht u. a.}, series={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science}, title={The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism}, volume={273}, publisher={Springer}, year={2013}, collection={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science} }
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2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55244
@article{Milkov_2013, title={Phillip Stambovsky, Inference and the Metaphysics of Reason: An Onto-Epistemological Critique, Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press}, volume={14}, number={1}, journal={Essays in Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2013}, pages={134–137} }
2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55228
@article{Milkov_2013, title={The Joint Philosophical Program of Russell and Wittgenstein and Its Demise}, volume={2}, journal={Nordic Wittgenstein Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2013}, pages={81–105} }
2013 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 55214
@book{Milkov_Peckhaus_2013, place={Dordrecht}, edition={1}, series={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science}, title={The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism}, volume={273}, DOI={10.1007/978-94-007-5485-0}, publisher={Springer Verlag }, year={2013}, collection={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58810
@inbook{Milkov_2013, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science}, title={The Berlin Group and the Vienna Circle: Affinities and Divergences}, volume={273}, DOI={10.1007/978-94-007-5485-0_1}, booktitle={The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Milkov, Nikolay and Peckhaus, Volker}, year={2013}, pages={3–32}, collection={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science} }
2013 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58814
@inbook{Milkov_2013, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, series={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science}, title={Carl Hempel: Whose Philosopher}, volume={273}, DOI={10.1007/978-94-007-5485-0_14}, booktitle={The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2013}, pages={293–310}, collection={Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science} }
2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55227
@article{Milkov_2012, title={Karl Popper’s Debt to Leonard Nelson}, volume={86}, journal={Grazer philosophische Studien }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2012}, pages={137–156} }
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55226
@article{Milkov_2011, title={A Logical–Contextual History of Philosophy}, volume={27}, number={1}, journal={Southwest Philosophy Review }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2011}, pages={21–29} }
2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 58877
@inbook{Milkov_2011, place={Leiden}, edition={1}, series={Value Inquiry Book Series}, title={Sexual Experience}, volume={232}, DOI={10.1163/9789401200684_019}, booktitle={Sex, Love, and Friendship}, publisher={Brill}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={ Leigh McEvoy, Adrianne}, year={2011}, pages={155–165}, collection={Value Inquiry Book Series} }
2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55243
@article{Milkov_2010, title={Mark Wilson, Wandering Significance: An Essay on Conceptual Behaviour. Oxford: Clarendon Press}, volume={20}, number={1}, journal={Pragmatics & Cognition }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2010}, pages={188–195} }
2010 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 58902
@inbook{Milkov_2010, edition={1}, title={Rudolph Hermann Lotze (1817–1881)}, booktitle={Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Fieser, James and Dowden, Bradley }, year={2010} }
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55242
@article{Milkov_2009, title={Thomas Mormann, Bertrand Russell, München: Beck, 2007}, volume={78}, journal={Grazer Philosophische Studien }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2009}, pages={290–293} }
2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55225
@article{Milkov_2008, title={Russell’s Debt to Lotze}, volume={39}, number={2}, journal={Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, Part A}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2008}, pages={186–193} }
2006 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55224
@article{Milkov_2006, title={Mesocosmological Descriptions: An Essay in the Extensional Ontology of History}, volume={7}, number={2}, journal={Essays in Philosophy}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2006}, pages={1–19} }
2005 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55241
@article{Milkov_2005, title={Russell Studies in Germany Today}, number={125/126}, journal={Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2005}, pages={35–47} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55240
@article{Milkov_2004, title={Jay F. Rosenberg, Thinking About Knowing}, volume={14}, number={2}, journal={Pragmatics & Cognition }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={395–401} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55223
@article{Milkov_2004, title={Ist Wittgensteins Tractatus in irgendeinem Sinne mystisch?}, volume={79}, number={4}, journal={Theologie und Philosophie }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={511–526} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55222
@article{Milkov_2004, title={Leo Tolstois Darlegung des Evangelium und seine theologisch-philosophische Ethik}, volume={30}, journal={Neues Jahrbuch }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={311–333} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55221
@article{Milkov_2004, title={G. E. Moore and the Greifswald Objectivists on the Given, and the Beginning of Analytic Philosophy}, volume={14}, journal={Axiomathes}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={361–379} }
2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58918
@article{Milkov_2004, title={G. E. Moore and the Greifswald Objectivists on the given and the Beginning of Analytic Philosophy}, volume={14}, DOI={10.1023/B:AXIO.0000024898.09109.06}, journal={Axiomathes}, publisher={Springer}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2004}, pages={361–379} }
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2003 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55201
@book{Milkov_2003, series={Philosophical Studies Series}, title={A Hundred Years of English Philosophy}, volume={94}, publisher={Dordrecht: Kluwer }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2003}, collection={Philosophical Studies Series} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55258
@article{Milkov_2003, title={Tolstoi und Wittgenstein: Einfluß und Ähnlichkeiten}, volume={16}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2003}, pages={187–206} }
2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55220
@article{Milkov_2003, title={L. Susan Stebbing’s Criticism of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus}, volume={10}, journal={Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2003}, pages={351–363} }
2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55257
@article{Milkov_2002, title={Lotze’s Concept of ‘States of Affairs’ and its Critics}, volume={15}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2002}, pages={437–450} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55239
@article{Milkov_2001, title={Frege in Context [Review Article: G. Gabriel und W. Kienzler (Hg.), Frege in Jena, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1997; G. Gabriel and Uwe Dathe (Hg.), Frege: Werk und Wirkung, Paderborn: mentis, 2000]}, volume={9}, number={3}, journal={British Journal for the History of Philosophy }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={557–570} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55256
@article{Milkov_2001, title={A Case for Socialism: On the Use of Theoretical Philosophy in Political Theory}, volume={3}, journal={Labyrinth }, publisher={International On-Line Journal for Philosophy, Vienna}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55238
@article{Milkov_2001, title={Political Philosophy in Bulgaria—A Fresh Start? [Review Article: P. Makariev et al. (eds.), Creating Democratic Societies: Values and Norms, Washington DC, 1999]}, volume={53}, number={1}, journal={Studies in East European Thought}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={145–156} }
2001 | Encyclopedia Article | LibreCat-ID: 55259
@inbook{Milkov_2001, place={Basel}, title={Verifikation II}, volume={11}, booktitle={Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie}, publisher={Schwabe & Co}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, editor={Ritter, J and Gründer, K and Gabriel, G}, year={2001}, pages={702–703} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55255
@article{Milkov_2001, title={Tractarian Scaffoldings}, volume={14}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={399–414} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55219
@article{Milkov_2001, title={The History of Russell’s Concepts ‘Sense-data’ and ‘Knowledge by Acquaintance’}, volume={43}, journal={Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={221–231} }
2001 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58919
@article{Milkov_2001, title={The History of Russell’s Concepts ‘Sense-data’ and ‘Knowledge by Acquaintan¬ce’}, volume={43}, DOI={10.28937/9783787336807_9}, journal={Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte}, publisher={Felix Meiner}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2001}, pages={221–31} }
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2000 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55254
@article{Milkov_2000, title={Lotze and the Early Cambridge Analytic Philosophy}, volume={13}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={2000}, pages={133–153} }
1999 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55253
@article{Milkov_1999, title={The Latest Frege}, volume={12}, journal={Prima philosophia }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1999}, pages={41–49} }
1997 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55200
@book{Milkov_1997, place={Frankfurt}, title={The Varieties of Understanding: English Philosophy since 1898}, volume={2}, publisher={New York: Peter Lang}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1997} }
1997 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55199
@book{Milkov_1997, place={Frankfurt}, title={The Varieties of Understanding: English Philosophy since 1898}, volume={1}, publisher={New York: Peter Lang}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1997} }
1992 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 55198
@book{Milkov_1992, place={Amsterdam}, title={Kaleidoscopic Mind: An Essay in Post-Wittgensteinian Philosophy}, publisher={Atlanta (GA): Rodopi}, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1992} }
1989 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55252
@article{Milkov_1989, title={Wittgenstein on the Language of Thought}, volume={1}, number={2}, journal={European Journal for Semiotic Studies }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1989}, pages={295–305} }
1987 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 55251
@article{Milkov_1987, title={On the Reconstruction of the Early Wittgenstein’s Philosophy}, volume={27}, number={1}, journal={Darshana International }, author={Milkov, Nikolay}, year={1987}, pages={47–53} }