Integrated Communication System: Gesture and language acquisition in typically developing children and children with LD and DLD
C. Lüke, U. Ritterfeld, A. Grimminger, K. Rohlfing, U. Liszkowski, Frontiers in Psychology 11 (2020).
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Journal Article
| English
Lüke, Carina;
Ritterfeld, Ute;
Grimminger, AngelaLibreCat;
Rohlfing, KatharinaLibreCat;
Liszkowski, Ulf
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Frontiers in Psychology 11
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Lüke C, Ritterfeld U, Grimminger A, Rohlfing K, Liszkowski U. Integrated Communication System: Gesture and language acquisition in typically developing children and children with LD and DLD. Frontiers in Psychology 11. Published online 2020. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00118
Lüke, C., Ritterfeld, U., Grimminger, A., Rohlfing, K., & Liszkowski, U. (2020). Integrated Communication System: Gesture and language acquisition in typically developing children and children with LD and DLD. Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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Lüke, Carina, Ute Ritterfeld, Angela Grimminger, Katharina Rohlfing, and Ulf Liszkowski. “Integrated Communication System: Gesture and Language Acquisition in Typically Developing Children and Children with LD and DLD.” Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2020.
C. Lüke, U. Ritterfeld, A. Grimminger, K. Rohlfing, and U. Liszkowski, “Integrated Communication System: Gesture and language acquisition in typically developing children and children with LD and DLD,” Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2020, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00118.
Lüke, Carina, et al. “Integrated Communication System: Gesture and Language Acquisition in Typically Developing Children and Children with LD and DLD.” Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2020, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00118.