Effect of nucleating additives on short- and long-term tensile strength and residual stresses of welded polypropylene samples
A. Wübbeke, V. Schöppner, T. Arndt, J.-O. Maras, M. Fitze, C. Moltzahn, T. Wu, T. Niendorf, Polymers (2021).
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| English
Wübbeke, AndreaLibreCat;
Schöppner, VolkerLibreCat;
Arndt, TheresaLibreCat;
Maras, Jan-Ole;
Fitze, Marcus ;
Moltzahn, Christian ;
Wu, Tao;
Niendorf, Thomas
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Wübbeke A, Schöppner V, Arndt T, et al. Effect of nucleating additives on short- and long-term tensile strength and residual stresses of welded polypropylene samples . Polymers. Published online 2021.
Wübbeke, A., Schöppner, V., Arndt, T., Maras, J.-O., Fitze, M., Moltzahn, C., Wu, T., & Niendorf, T. (2021). Effect of nucleating additives on short- and long-term tensile strength and residual stresses of welded polypropylene samples . Polymers.
@article{Wübbeke_Schöppner_Arndt_Maras_Fitze_Moltzahn_Wu_Niendorf_2021, title={Effect of nucleating additives on short- and long-term tensile strength and residual stresses of welded polypropylene samples }, journal={Polymers}, publisher={MDPI}, author={Wübbeke, Andrea and Schöppner, Volker and Arndt, Theresa and Maras, Jan-Ole and Fitze, Marcus and Moltzahn, Christian and Wu, Tao and Niendorf, Thomas}, year={2021} }
Wübbeke, Andrea, Volker Schöppner, Theresa Arndt, Jan-Ole Maras, Marcus Fitze, Christian Moltzahn, Tao Wu, and Thomas Niendorf. “Effect of Nucleating Additives on Short- and Long-Term Tensile Strength and Residual Stresses of Welded Polypropylene Samples .” Polymers, 2021.
A. Wübbeke et al., “Effect of nucleating additives on short- and long-term tensile strength and residual stresses of welded polypropylene samples ,” Polymers, 2021.
Wübbeke, Andrea, et al. “Effect of Nucleating Additives on Short- and Long-Term Tensile Strength and Residual Stresses of Welded Polypropylene Samples .” Polymers, MDPI, 2021.