Representative Sample Extraction from Spray Flames for SMPS and HR-TEM Measurements
R. Tischendorf, M. Bieber, R. Kneer, H.-J. Schmid, in: PARTEC 2019 International Congress on Particle Technology, 2019.

Conference Abstract
| Published
| English
Tischendorf, RicardoLibreCat;
Bieber, M.;
Kneer, R.;
Schmid, Hans-JoachimLibreCat
Publishing Year
PARTEC 2019 International Congress on Particle Technology
Conference Location
Conference Date
2019-09-04 – 2019-04-11
Cite this
Tischendorf R, Bieber M, Kneer R, Schmid H-J. Representative Sample Extraction from Spray Flames for SMPS and HR-TEM Measurements. In: PARTEC 2019 International Congress on Particle Technology; 2019.
Tischendorf, R., Bieber, M., Kneer, R., & Schmid, H.-J. (2019). Representative Sample Extraction from Spray Flames for SMPS and HR-TEM Measurements. PARTEC 2019 International Congress on Particle Technology, Nürnberg.
@inproceedings{Tischendorf_Bieber_Kneer_Schmid_2019, title={Representative Sample Extraction from Spray Flames for SMPS and HR-TEM Measurements}, publisher={PARTEC 2019 International Congress on Particle Technology}, author={Tischendorf, Ricardo and Bieber, M. and Kneer, R. and Schmid, Hans-Joachim}, year={2019} }
Tischendorf, Ricardo, M. Bieber, R. Kneer, and Hans-Joachim Schmid. “Representative Sample Extraction from Spray Flames for SMPS and HR-TEM Measurements.” PARTEC 2019 International Congress on Particle Technology, 2019.
R. Tischendorf, M. Bieber, R. Kneer, and H.-J. Schmid, “Representative Sample Extraction from Spray Flames for SMPS and HR-TEM Measurements,” presented at the PARTEC 2019 International Congress on Particle Technology, Nürnberg, 2019.
Tischendorf, Ricardo, et al. Representative Sample Extraction from Spray Flames for SMPS and HR-TEM Measurements. PARTEC 2019 International Congress on Particle Technology, 2019.
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