(WIP) Towards the Automated Composition of Machine Learning Services
F. Mohr, M.D. Wever, E. Hüllermeier, A. Faez, in: SCC, IEEE, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2018.

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Conference Paper
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| English
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IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2018
Conference Location
San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Date
2018-07-02 – 2018-07-07
Cite this
Mohr F, Wever MD, Hüllermeier E, Faez A. (WIP) Towards the Automated Composition of Machine Learning Services. In: SCC. San Francisco, CA, USA: IEEE; 2018. doi:10.1109/SCC.2018.00039
Mohr, F., Wever, M. D., Hüllermeier, E., & Faez, A. (2018). (WIP) Towards the Automated Composition of Machine Learning Services. In SCC. San Francisco, CA, USA: IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/SCC.2018.00039
@inproceedings{Mohr_Wever_Hüllermeier_Faez_2018, place={San Francisco, CA, USA}, title={(WIP) Towards the Automated Composition of Machine Learning Services}, DOI={10.1109/SCC.2018.00039}, booktitle={SCC}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Mohr, Felix and Wever, Marcel Dominik and Hüllermeier, Eyke and Faez, Amin}, year={2018} }
Mohr, Felix, Marcel Dominik Wever, Eyke Hüllermeier, and Amin Faez. “(WIP) Towards the Automated Composition of Machine Learning Services.” In SCC. San Francisco, CA, USA: IEEE, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1109/SCC.2018.00039.
F. Mohr, M. D. Wever, E. Hüllermeier, and A. Faez, “(WIP) Towards the Automated Composition of Machine Learning Services,” in SCC, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2018.
Mohr, Felix, et al. “(WIP) Towards the Automated Composition of Machine Learning Services.” SCC, IEEE, 2018, doi:10.1109/SCC.2018.00039.
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