C. Kuznik, M.F. Oliveira, W. Müller, Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE (2012).

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Journal Article | English
Kuznik, Christoph; Oliveira, Marcio F.; Müller, WolfgangLibreCat
We present an enhanced UVM for SystemC library which incorporates verification best practices from OVM-ML and UVM as well as project partner implementations. Moreover, we extended functionality and implemented missing features, such as domain specific components, stimuli sequence generation and management, call-back facilities, response to request routing, transaction recording and many more. Apart from that, we added crucial verification components, such as functional coverage.
Publishing Year
Journal Title
Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE
Conference Location
University Booth, Dresden , Mrz. 2012

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Kuznik C, Oliveira MF, Müller W. SYSTEMC UVM VERIFICATION COMPONENTS. Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE. Published online 2012.
Kuznik, C., Oliveira, M. F., & Müller, W. (2012). SYSTEMC UVM VERIFICATION COMPONENTS. Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE.
@article{Kuznik_Oliveira_Müller_2012, title={SYSTEMC UVM VERIFICATION COMPONENTS}, journal={Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE}, author={Kuznik, Christoph and Oliveira, Marcio F. and Müller, Wolfgang}, year={2012} }
Kuznik, Christoph, Marcio F. Oliveira, and Wolfgang Müller. “SYSTEMC UVM VERIFICATION COMPONENTS.” Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE, 2012.
C. Kuznik, M. F. Oliveira, and W. Müller, “SYSTEMC UVM VERIFICATION COMPONENTS,” Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE, 2012.
Kuznik, Christoph, et al. “SYSTEMC UVM VERIFICATION COMPONENTS.” Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE, 2012.


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