Probing nonclassicality with matrices of phase-space distributions
M. Bohmann, E. Agudelo, J. Sperling, Quantum (2020).
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Journal Article
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| English
Bohmann, Martin;
Agudelo, Elizabeth;
Sperling, JanLibreCat 

<jats:p>We devise a method to certify nonclassical features via correlations of phase-space distributions by unifying the notions of quasiprobabilities and matrices of correlation functions. Our approach complements and extends recent results that were based on Chebyshev's integral inequality \cite{BA19}. The method developed here correlates arbitrary phase-space functions at arbitrary points in phase space, including multimode scenarios and higher-order correlations. Furthermore, our approach provides necessary and sufficient nonclassicality criteria, applies to phase-space functions beyond <mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mi>s</mml:mi></mml:math>-parametrized ones, and is accessible in experiments. To demonstrate the power of our technique, the quantum characteristics of discrete- and continuous-variable, single- and multimode, as well as pure and mixed states are certified only employing second-order correlations and Husimi functions, which always resemble a classical probability distribution. Moreover, nonlinear generalizations of our approach are studied. Therefore, a versatile and broadly applicable framework is devised to uncover quantum properties in terms of matrices of phase-space distributions.</jats:p>
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Bohmann M, Agudelo E, Sperling J. Probing nonclassicality with matrices of phase-space distributions. Quantum. Published online 2020. doi:10.22331/q-2020-10-15-343
Bohmann, M., Agudelo, E., & Sperling, J. (2020). Probing nonclassicality with matrices of phase-space distributions. Quantum, Article 343.
@article{Bohmann_Agudelo_Sperling_2020, title={Probing nonclassicality with matrices of phase-space distributions}, DOI={10.22331/q-2020-10-15-343}, number={343}, journal={Quantum}, author={Bohmann, Martin and Agudelo, Elizabeth and Sperling, Jan}, year={2020} }
Bohmann, Martin, Elizabeth Agudelo, and Jan Sperling. “Probing Nonclassicality with Matrices of Phase-Space Distributions.” Quantum, 2020.
M. Bohmann, E. Agudelo, and J. Sperling, “Probing nonclassicality with matrices of phase-space distributions,” Quantum, Art. no. 343, 2020, doi: 10.22331/q-2020-10-15-343.
Bohmann, Martin, et al. “Probing Nonclassicality with Matrices of Phase-Space Distributions.” Quantum, 343, 2020, doi:10.22331/q-2020-10-15-343.