Knowledge Equity and Open Science in qualitative research – Practical research considerations
I. Steinhardt, F. Kruschick, Research Ideas and Outcomes 8 (2022) e86387.

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| English
Steinhardt, IsabelLibreCat
Kruschick, Felicitas

<jats:p>How can Knowledge In/Equity be addressed in qualitative research by taking the idea of Open Science into account? Two projects from the Open Science Fellows Programme by Wikimedia Deutschland will be used to illustrate how Open Science practices can succeed in qualitative research, thereby reducing In/Equity. In this context, In/Equity is considered as a fair and equal representation of people, their knowledge and insights and comprehends questions about how epistemic, structural, institutional and personal biases generate and shape knowledge as guidance. Three questions guide this approach: firstly, what do we understand by In/Equity in the context of knowledge production in these projects? Secondly, who will be involved in knowledge generation and to what extent will they be valued or unvalued? Thirdly, how can data be made accessible for re-use to enable true participation and sharing?</jats:p>
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Research Ideas and Outcomes
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Steinhardt I, Kruschick F. Knowledge Equity and Open Science in qualitative research – Practical research considerations. Research Ideas and Outcomes. 2022;8:e86387. doi:10.3897/rio.8.e86387
Steinhardt, I., & Kruschick, F. (2022). Knowledge Equity and Open Science in qualitative research – Practical research considerations. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 8, e86387.
@article{Steinhardt_Kruschick_2022, title={Knowledge Equity and Open Science in qualitative research – Practical research considerations}, volume={8}, DOI={10.3897/rio.8.e86387}, journal={Research Ideas and Outcomes}, publisher={Pensoft Publishers}, author={Steinhardt, Isabel and Kruschick, Felicitas}, year={2022}, pages={e86387} }
Steinhardt, Isabel, and Felicitas Kruschick. “Knowledge Equity and Open Science in Qualitative Research – Practical Research Considerations.” Research Ideas and Outcomes 8 (2022): e86387.
I. Steinhardt and F. Kruschick, “Knowledge Equity and Open Science in qualitative research – Practical research considerations,” Research Ideas and Outcomes, vol. 8, p. e86387, 2022, doi: 10.3897/rio.8.e86387.
Steinhardt, Isabel, and Felicitas Kruschick. “Knowledge Equity and Open Science in Qualitative Research – Practical Research Considerations.” Research Ideas and Outcomes, vol. 8, Pensoft Publishers, 2022, p. e86387, doi:10.3897/rio.8.e86387.
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