A silicon based technology for monolithic integration of waveguides and VLSI CMOS circuits

U. Hilleringmann, K. Knospe, C. Heite, K. Schumacher, K. Goser, Microelectronic Engineering 15 (2002) 289–292.

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Journal Article | Published | English
Hilleringmann, UlrichLibreCat; Knospe, K.; Heite, C.; Schumacher, K.; Goser, K.
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Microelectronic Engineering

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Hilleringmann U, Knospe K, Heite C, Schumacher K, Goser K. A silicon based technology for monolithic integration of waveguides and VLSI CMOS circuits. Microelectronic Engineering. 2002;15(1-4):289-292. doi:10.1016/0167-9317(91)90231-2
Hilleringmann, U., Knospe, K., Heite, C., Schumacher, K., & Goser, K. (2002). A silicon based technology for monolithic integration of waveguides and VLSI CMOS circuits. Microelectronic Engineering, 15(1–4), 289–292. https://doi.org/10.1016/0167-9317(91)90231-2
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Hilleringmann, Ulrich, K. Knospe, C. Heite, K. Schumacher, and K. Goser. “A Silicon Based Technology for Monolithic Integration of Waveguides and VLSI CMOS Circuits.” Microelectronic Engineering 15, no. 1–4 (2002): 289–92. https://doi.org/10.1016/0167-9317(91)90231-2.
U. Hilleringmann, K. Knospe, C. Heite, K. Schumacher, and K. Goser, “A silicon based technology for monolithic integration of waveguides and VLSI CMOS circuits,” Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 15, no. 1–4, pp. 289–292, 2002, doi: 10.1016/0167-9317(91)90231-2.
Hilleringmann, Ulrich, et al. “A Silicon Based Technology for Monolithic Integration of Waveguides and VLSI CMOS Circuits.” Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 15, no. 1–4, Elsevier BV, 2002, pp. 289–92, doi:10.1016/0167-9317(91)90231-2.


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