Control of the electron dynamics in solid-state high harmonic generation on ultrafast time scales by a polarization-skewed laser pulse
X. Song, S. Yang, G. Wang, J. Lin, L. Wang, T. Meier, W. Yang, Control of the Electron Dynamics in Solid-State High Harmonic Generation on Ultrafast Time Scales by a Polarization-Skewed Laser Pulse, LibreCat University, 2023.
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Research Data
Song, Xiaohong;
Yang, Shidong;
Wang, Guifang;
Lin, Jianpeng;
Wang, Liang;
Meier, TorstenLibreCat
Yang, Weifeng

Dataset of the publication “Control of the electron dynamics in solid-state high harmonic generation on ultrafast time scales by a polarization-skewed laser pulse”, by X. Song, S. Yang, G. Wang, J. Lin, L. Wang, T. Meier, and W. Yang, published in Optics Express 31, 18862 (2023) , .<br> The zip file includes a brief description, the data on which the plot of figures 1 – 3 are based, and matlab figure files.
Publishing Year
Cite this
Song X, Yang S, Wang G, et al. Control of the Electron Dynamics in Solid-State High Harmonic Generation on Ultrafast Time Scales by a Polarization-Skewed Laser Pulse. LibreCat University; 2023. doi:10.5281/ZENODO.8001856
Song, X., Yang, S., Wang, G., Lin, J., Wang, L., Meier, T., & Yang, W. (2023). Control of the electron dynamics in solid-state high harmonic generation on ultrafast time scales by a polarization-skewed laser pulse. LibreCat University.
@book{Song_Yang_Wang_Lin_Wang_Meier_Yang_2023, title={Control of the electron dynamics in solid-state high harmonic generation on ultrafast time scales by a polarization-skewed laser pulse}, DOI={10.5281/ZENODO.8001856}, publisher={LibreCat University}, author={Song, Xiaohong and Yang, Shidong and Wang, Guifang and Lin, Jianpeng and Wang, Liang and Meier, Torsten and Yang, Weifeng}, year={2023} }
Song, Xiaohong, Shidong Yang, Guifang Wang, Jianpeng Lin, Liang Wang, Torsten Meier, and Weifeng Yang. Control of the Electron Dynamics in Solid-State High Harmonic Generation on Ultrafast Time Scales by a Polarization-Skewed Laser Pulse. LibreCat University, 2023.
X. Song et al., Control of the electron dynamics in solid-state high harmonic generation on ultrafast time scales by a polarization-skewed laser pulse. LibreCat University, 2023.
Song, Xiaohong, et al. Control of the Electron Dynamics in Solid-State High Harmonic Generation on Ultrafast Time Scales by a Polarization-Skewed Laser Pulse. LibreCat University, 2023, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.8001856.