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3744 Publications
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 4500
@inbook{Jenert_2018, title={,Messy Research‘: Methodologische Herausforderungen der Hochschulbildungsforschung}, booktitle={Theorie und Praxis der Hochschulbildungsforschung: Theoretische, methodologische und methodische Denkanstöße für die Hochschuldidaktik}, publisher={Springer Verlag}, author={Jenert, Tobias}, year={2018}, pages={149–166} }
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 4505
@inbook{Jenert_Barnat_Salden_Dilger_2018, place={Bielefeld}, title={Struktur, Prozess oder Didaktik als Ausgangspunkt? Ein integratives Modell der Curriculumentwicklung an Hochschulen}, booktitle={Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik}, publisher={Bertelsmann }, author={Jenert, Tobias and Barnat, M. and Salden, P. and Dilger, B.}, year={2018}, pages={149–164} }
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 4506
@inbook{Jenert_2018, place={Bielefeld}, series={Theorie und Praxis der Schreibwissenschaft }, title={Transfer von, in oder zwischen Lehrentwicklungsprojekten an Hochschulen. Oder: Warum es so schwer ist, Gutes nachzumachen. }, volume={3}, booktitle={Das Writing Fellow-Programm: Ein Praxishandbuch zum Schreiben in der Lehre}, publisher={WBV}, author={Jenert, Tobias}, editor={Dreifürst, Stephanie and Liebetanz, Franziska and Voigt, AnjaEditors}, year={2018}, pages={26–29}, collection={Theorie und Praxis der Schreibwissenschaft } }
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 4519
@inbook{Lüttenberg_Wolf_Beverungen_2018, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Service (Systems) Engineering für die Produktion}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-658-20905-6_3}, booktitle={Service Engineering}, publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden}, author={Lüttenberg, Hedda and Wolf, Verena and Beverungen, Daniel}, year={2018}, pages={31–49} }
2018 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 4520
@inproceedings{Neumann_Gutt_Kundisch_2018, title={The Traveling Reviewer Problem - Exploring the Relationship Between Offline Locations and Online Rating Behavior}, booktitle={Workshop on IS Design and Economic Behavior (ISDEB)}, author={Neumann, Jürgen and Gutt, Dominik and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2018} }
| Files available
2018 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 4531
@article{Jenert_2018, title={Gemeinsam für mehr Wirkung: Warum lehrbezogene lokale Netzwerke ein Ansatz sein können, die Hochschullehre nachhaltig voranzubringen}, journal={Deutsche Universitätszeitschrift 06/2018}, author={Jenert, Tobias}, year={2018}, pages={16–17} }
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4532
@inproceedings{Jenert_2018, title={,, Die Hochschule ist wie ein Tanker’’: Überlegungen zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Lehrinnovationen an Universitäten}, author={Jenert, Tobias}, year={2018} }
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4539
@inproceedings{Jenert_2018, title={‘Messy data, messy research?! ’Using Mixed Methods to support educational design decisions in Higher Education}, author={Jenert, Tobias}, year={2018} }
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4540
@inproceedings{Jenert_2018, title={Fostering Educational Innovators ‘Networks in Higher Education}, author={Jenert, Tobias}, year={2018} }
| Files available
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4564
@article{Haake_Recker_2018, title={The Generalized Nash Bargaining Solution for Transfer Price Negotiations under Incomplete Information}, volume={27}, DOI={10.1007/s10726-018-9592-8}, number={6}, journal={Group Decision and Negotiation}, publisher={Springer}, author={Haake, Claus-Jochen and Recker, Sonja}, year={2018}, pages={905–932} }
| Files available
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4577
@inproceedings{Bohn_Kundisch_2018, title={An Extended Perspective of Technology Pivots in Software Startups: Towards a Theoretical Model}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)}, author={Bohn, Nicolai and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2018} }
| Files available
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4665
@inproceedings{Schäfer_Feng_2018, title={Further Development of the Double Conditional Smoothing for Nonparametric Surfaces Under a Lattice Spatial Model}, booktitle={Book of Abstracts}, author={Schäfer, Bastian and Feng, Yuanhua}, year={2018}, pages={7} }
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4667
@article{Feng_Letmathe_2018, series={Book of Abstracts}, title={The Non-Gaussian ESEMIFAR Model}, author={Feng, Yuanhua and Letmathe, Sebastian}, year={2018}, pages={7}, collection={Book of Abstracts} }
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4668
@inproceedings{Forstinger_Feng_Peitz_2018, title={Forecasting Non-Negative Financial Processes Using Different Parametric and Semi-Parametric ACD-Type Models}, booktitle={Book of Abstracts}, author={Forstinger, Sarah and Feng, Yuanhua and Peitz, Christian}, year={2018}, pages={17} }
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4669
@inproceedings{Zhang_Feng_2018, title={A Box-Cox Semiparametric Multiplicative Error Model}, booktitle={Book of Abstracts}, author={Zhang, Xuehai and Feng, Yuanhua}, year={2018}, pages={19} }
2018 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 4672
@book{Forstinger_2018, place={Universität Paderborn}, title={Modelling and forecasting financial and economic time series using different semiparametric ACD models}, author={Forstinger, Sarah}, year={2018} }
2018 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4766
@inproceedings{Ingo Berendes_Bartelheimer_Hendrik Betzing_Beverungen_2018, place={San Francisco, CA, USA}, series={ICIS ’18}, title={Data-driven Customer Journey Mapping in Local High Streets: A Domain-specific Modeling Language}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Systems}, author={Ingo Berendes, C. and Bartelheimer, Christian and Hendrik Betzing, Jan and Beverungen, Daniel}, year={2018}, collection={ICIS ’18} }
2018 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4772
@article{Gilroy_Golderbein_2018, title={Die ökonomische Inzidenz von Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen aus internationaler Perspektive}, number={4}, journal={WiSt-Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium}, author={Gilroy, Bernard Michael and Golderbein, Alexander}, year={2018}, pages={29--35} }
2018 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 4793
@book{Hilleringmann_2018, title={Corruption in the health care sector : the influence of bribery and relative reciprocity on a physician’s prescription decision}, author={Hilleringmann, Vanessa}, year={2018} }
2018 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 4794
@inbook{Peitz_Gilroy_Seiler_2018, place={Stuttgart}, title={Bewertung von Wachstumsunternehmen}, booktitle={Handbuch Kapitalmarktorientierte Unternehmensbewertung: Grundlagen, Methoden, Regulierung und Branchentrends}, publisher={Schäffer Poeschel}, author={Peitz, Christian and Gilroy, Bernard Michael and Seiler, Volker}, editor={Crasselt, Nils and Lukas, Elmar and Mölls, Sascha and Timmreck, ChristianEditors}, year={2018}, pages={103–120} }