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3744 Publications
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21812
@inproceedings{Vorbohle_Szopinski_Kundisch_2021, title={Toward Understanding the Complexity of Business Models – A Taxonomy of Business Model Dependencies}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)}, author={Vorbohle, Christian and Szopinski, Daniel and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2021} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5163
@article{Uhde_2021, title={Tax avoidance through securitization}, volume={79}, DOI={10.1016/j.qref.2020.07.008}, journal={The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance}, author={Uhde, André}, year={2021}, pages={411–421} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15073
@article{Bünnings_Schiele_2021, title={Spring Forward, Don’t Fall Back: The Effect of Daylight Saving Time on Road Safety}, volume={103}, DOI={10.1162/rest_a_00873}, number={1}, journal={The Review of Economics and Statistics}, author={Bünnings, Christian and Schiele, Valentin}, year={2021}, pages={165–176} }
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21093 |
@inproceedings{Kirchhoff_Burmeister_Weskamp_Engels_2021, title={Towards a Decision Support System for Cross-Sectoral Energy Distribution Network Planning}, booktitle={Energy Informatics and Electro Mobility ICT}, author={Kirchhoff, Jonas and Burmeister, Sascha Christian and Weskamp, Christoph and Engels, Gregor}, editor={Breitner, Michael H. and Lehnhoff, Sebastian and Nieße, Astrid and Staudt, Philipp and Weinhardt, Christof and Werth, Oliver}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 20212 |
@article{Prester_Wagner_Schryen_Hassan_2021, title={Classifying the Ideational Impact of Information Systems Review Articles: A Content-Enriched Deep Learning Approach}, volume={140}, number={January113432}, journal={Decision Support Systems}, author={Prester, Julian and Wagner, Gerit and Schryen, Guido and Hassan, Nik Rushdi}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 20844 |
@article{Wagner_Prester_Roche_Schryen_Benlian_Paré_Templier_2021, title={Which Factors Affect the Scientific Impact of Review Papers in IS Research? A Scientometric Study}, volume={58}, number={3103427}, journal={Information & Management}, author={Wagner, Gerit and Prester, Julian and Roche, Maria and Schryen, Guido and Benlian, Alexander and Paré, Guy and Templier, Mathieu}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23494 |
@article{Stumpe_Rößler_Schryen_Kliewer_2021, title={Study on Sensitivity of Electric Bus Systems under Simultaneous Optimization of Charging Infrastructure and Vehicle Schedules}, volume={10}, DOI={}, number={100049}, journal={EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics}, author={Stumpe, Miriam and Rößler, David and Schryen, Guido and Kliewer, Natalia}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 17934 |
@article{Wagner_Prester_Schryen_2021, title={Exploring the Scientific Impact of Information Systems Design Science Research}, volume={48}, number={137}, journal={Communications of the Association for Information Systems}, author={Wagner, Gerit and Prester, Julian and Schryen, Guido}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21401
@article{Bornemann_Schipp_Sureth-Sloane_2021, title={Was treibt die Komplexität der Ertragsbesteuerung multinationaler Unternehmen? – Ergebnisse einer Befragung in der deutschen Finanzverwaltung}, volume={59}, number={3}, journal={Deutsches Steuerrecht}, author={Bornemann, Tobias and Schipp, Adrian and Sureth-Sloane, Caren}, year={2021}, pages={182–190} }
2021 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 22213
@book{Lorenz_Sureth-Sloane_Diller_2021, title={Abweichende steuerliche Verrechnungspreise in der Steuererklärung oder als Ergebnis einer Betriebsprüfung zwischen verschiedenen Staaten}, DOI={10.52569/eexu5414}, publisher={Executive Summary}, author={Lorenz, Johannes and Sureth-Sloane, Caren and Diller, Markus}, year={2021} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 21402
@article{Sureth-Sloane_Simons_2021, title={Wie kompliziert darf eine Regel sein?}, number={Nr. 20}, journal={Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung}, author={Sureth-Sloane, Caren and Simons, Dirk}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 24517
@book{Harst_Schanz_Siegel_Sureth-Sloane_2021, title={2020 Global MNC Tax Complexity Survey}, DOI={10.52569/jtln9499}, publisher={TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency}, author={Harst, Simon and Schanz, Deborah and Siegel, Felix and Sureth-Sloane, Caren}, year={2021} }
2021 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 29052
@book{Lagarden_Schreiber_Simons_Sureth-Sloane_2021, title={Wem nutzt Public Country-by-Country Reporting?}, publisher={Schmalenbach IMPULSE}, author={Lagarden, Martin and Schreiber, Ulrich and Simons, Dirk and Sureth-Sloane, Caren}, year={2021} }
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2021 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 29053
@book{Maßbaum_Sureth-Sloane_2021, place={Herne}, title={Besteuerung und Rechtsformwahl, 8., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage}, publisher={Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe}, author={Maßbaum, Alexandra and Sureth-Sloane, Caren}, year={2021} }
2021 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 29055
@article{Sureth-Sloane_2021, title={Zur Komplexität des Steuersystems}, journal={Süddeutsche Zeitung}, author={Sureth-Sloane, Caren}, year={2021} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29152
@article{Haake_Trockel_2021, title={Socio-legal systems and implementation of the Nash solution in Debreu–Hurwicz equilibrium}, DOI={10.1007/s10058-021-00278-z}, journal={Review of Economic Design}, publisher={Springer}, author={Haake, Claus-Jochen and Trockel, Walter}, year={2021} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29300
@article{Mirbabaie_Hofeditz_Schmid_2021, title={Ausgestaltungs- und Anwendungspotenziale von Virtual und Augmented Reality Technologien im Kontext von Coworking Spaces}, DOI={10.1365/s40702-021-00818-9}, journal={HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH}, author={Mirbabaie, Milad and Hofeditz, Lennart and Schmid, Leon}, year={2021} }
2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29301
@article{Fromm_Slawinski_Mirbabaie_2021, title={Affordance-Experimentation: Eine Fallstudie zur Entwicklung von Virtual-Reality-Anwendungsfällen im Unternehmenskontext}, DOI={10.1365/s40702-021-00828-7}, journal={HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik}, publisher={Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH}, author={Fromm, Jennifer and Slawinski, Elena and Mirbabaie, Milad}, year={2021} }
2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29590
@inproceedings{Vorbohle_Gottschalk_Kundisch_Engels_Wünderlich_2021, title={A Procedure Model for Enhancing Ideation in the Collaborative Development of Business Ecosystems}, booktitle={Tagungsband der contribution at: 17. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2022 (WI)}, author={Vorbohle, Christian and Gottschalk, Sebastian and Kundisch, Dennis and Engels, Gregor and Wünderlich, Nancy}, year={2021} }
2021 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 21724
@inproceedings{Althaus_Müller_Kundisch_2021, title={What Price Culture? – A Taxonomy of Entry Pricing Policies at Museums}, author={Althaus, Maike and Müller, Stefanie Jutta Marianne and Kundisch, Dennis}, year={2021} }