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1080 Publications

2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4167 | OA
Classen C, Förstner J, Meier T, Schuhmann R. Enhanced FDTD edge correction for nonlinear effects calculation. In: 2010 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. IEEE; 2010. doi:10.1109/aps.2010.5562017
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4172 | OA
Piegdon KA, Declair S, Förstner J, et al. Tuning quantum-dot based photonic devices with liquid crystals. Optics Express. 2010;18(8). doi:10.1364/oe.18.007946
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4127
Duc HT, Förstner J, Meier T. Microscopic analysis of charge and spin photocurrents injected by circularly polarized one-color laser pulses in GaAs quantum wells. Physical Review B. 2010;82(11). doi:10.1103/physrevb.82.115316
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2010 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4176
Duc HT, Förstner J, Meier T. Microscopic theoretical analysis of optically generated injection currents in semiconductor quantum wells. In: Song J-J, Tsen K-T, Betz M, Elezzabi AY, eds. Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XIV. Vol 7600. SPIE Proceedings. SPIE; 2010:76000S-76000S - 9. doi:10.1117/12.840388
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24980
Gögh N, Thomas P, Kuznetsova I, Meier T, Varga I. Localization of excitons in weakly disordered semiconductor structures: A model study. Annalen der Physik. 2010;18(12):905-909. doi:10.1002/andp.20095211219
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23480
Gögh N, Thomas P, Kuznetsova I, Meier T, Varga I. Localization of excitons in weakly disordered semiconductor structures: A model study. Annalen der Physik. 2010;(12):905-909. doi:10.1002/andp.200910382
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1734
Zentgraf T, Zhang S, Oulton RF, Zhang X. Ultranarrow coupling-induced transparency bands in hybrid plasmonic systems. Physical Review B. 2009;80(19). doi:10.1103/physrevb.80.195415
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1735
Oulton RF, Sorger VJ, Zentgraf T, et al. Plasmon lasers at deep subwavelength scale. Nature. 2009;461(7264):629-632. doi:10.1038/nature08364
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1736
Valentine J, Li J, Zentgraf T, Bartal G, Zhang X. An optical cloak made of dielectrics. Nature Materials. 2009;8(7):568-571. doi:10.1038/nmat2461
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 7973
Buchholz SS, Fischer SF, Kunze U, Reuter D, Wieck AD. Nonlocal Aharonov–Bohm conductance oscillations in an asymmetric quantum ring. Applied Physics Letters. 2009;94(2). doi:10.1063/1.3069281
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4553
Berth G, Wiedemeier V, Hüsch K-P, et al. Imaging of Ferroelectric Micro-Domains in X-Cut Lithium Niobate by Confocal Second Harmonic Microscopy. Ferroelectrics. 2009;389(1):132-141. doi:10.1080/00150190902993267
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 7497
Mehta M, Ruth M, Piegdon KA, Krix D, Nienhaus H, Meier C. Inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching of bulk ZnO single crystal and molecular beam epitaxy grown ZnO films. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. 2009;27(5). doi:10.1116/1.3186528
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 7498
Lei W, Notthoff C, Offer M, et al. Electron energy structure of self-assembled In(Ga)As nanostructures probed by capacitance-voltage spectroscopy and one-dimensional numerical simulation. Journal of Materials Research. 2009;24(07):2179-2184. doi:10.1557/jmr.2009.0293
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 7499
Huba K, Krix D, Meier C, Nienhaus H. Ultrathin K∕p-Si(001) Schottky diodes as detectors of chemically generated hot charge carriers. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films. 2009;27(4):889-894. doi:10.1116/1.3100218
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8578
Wilde MA, Reuter D, Heyn C, Wieck AD, Grundler D. Inversion-asymmetry-induced spin splitting observed in the quantum oscillatory magnetization of a two-dimensional electron system. Physical Review B. 2009. doi:10.1103/physrevb.79.125330
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8579
Buchholz SS, Fischer SF, Kunze U, Reuter D, Wieck AD. Nonlocal Aharonov–Bohm conductance oscillations in an asymmetric quantum ring. Applied Physics Letters. 2009. doi:10.1063/1.3069281
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8580
Blokland JH, Bozkurt M, Ulloa JM, et al. Ellipsoidal InAs quantum dots observed by cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy. Applied Physics Letters. 2009. doi:10.1063/1.3072366
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8581
Greilich A, Spatzek S, Yugova IA, et al. Collective single-mode precession of electron spins in an ensemble of singly charged (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots. Physical Review B. 2009. doi:10.1103/physrevb.79.201305
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8582
Greilich A, Economou SE, Spatzek S, et al. Ultrafast optical rotations of electron spins in quantum dots. Nature Physics. 2009:262-266. doi:10.1038/nphys1226
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2009 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8583
Yugova IA, Sokolova AA, Yakovlev DR, et al. Long-Term Hole Spin Memory in the Resonantly Amplified Spin Coherence ofInGaAs/GaAsQuantum Well Electrons. Physical Review Letters. 2009. doi:10.1103/physrevlett.102.167402
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