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420 Publications
1996 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43617
Meier, T., Rossi, F., Gulia, M., Selbmann, P. E., Molinari, E., Thomas, P., Thomas, P., & Koch, S. W. (1996). Microscopic theory of the Bloch-oscillation dynamics in semiconductor superlattices: Intra- versus interband Dephasing. In M. Scheffler & R. Zimmermann (Eds.), Proceedings of the 23rd ICPS (pp. 1775–1778). World Scientific.
1996 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43410
Meier, T., von Plessen, G., Koch, M., Feldmann, J., Thomas, P., Koch, S. W., Göbel, E. O., Goosen, K.W., Kuo, J. M., & Kopf, R. F. (1996). Exciton ionization induced by an electric field in a strongly coupled GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattice. Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter, 53(20), 13688–13693.
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1996 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43416
Meier, T., Albrecht, T. F., Bott, K., Schulze, A., Koch, M., Cundiff, S. T., Feldmann, J., Stolz, W., Thomas, P., Koch, S. W., & Göbel, E. O. (1996). Disorder mediated biexcitonic beats in semiconductor quantum wells. Physical Review B, 54(7), 4436–4439.
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1996 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43419
Meier, T., & Mukamel, S. (1996). Femtosecond Spectroscopic Signatures of Electronic Correlations in Conjugated Polyenes and Semiconductor Nanostructures. Physical Review Letters, 77(16), 3471–3474.
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1996 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 43565
Meier, T., Koch, M., von Plessen, G., Feldmann, J., Koch, S. W., Thomas, P., Göbel, E. O., Goosen, K. W., Kuo, J. M., & Kopf, R. F. (1996). Field-induced exciton ionization studied by four-wave mixing. In K. Hess (Ed.), Hot Carriers in Semiconductors (pp. 3–6). Plenum Press.
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1996 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 43615
Meier, T., Koch, S. W., Hader, J., Je, K.-C., Rossi, F., & Thomas, P. (1996). Equilibrium and nonequilibrium optical effetcs in semiconductor heterostructures. In A.-P. Jauho & E. V. Buzeaneva (Eds.), Frontiers in Nanoscale Science of Micro/Submicro Devices (Vol. 328, pp. 459–478). Kluver Publ.
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1996 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 43559
Meier, T., Rossi, F., Thomas, P., Koch, S. W., Selbmann , P. E., & Molinari, E. (1996). Phonon-Induced Suppression of Bloch Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattices: a Monte Carlo Investigation. In K. Hess (Ed.), Hot Carriers in Semiconductors (pp. 157–160). Plenum Press.
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1995 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43578
Meier, T., von Plessen, G., Thomas, P., & Koch, S. W. (1995). Coherent effects induced by static and time-dependent electric fields in semiconductors. Physical Review B, 51(20), 14490–14497.
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1995 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43586
Meier, T., Smith, G. O., Mayer, E. J., Heuckeroth, V., Kuhl, J., Bott, K., Schulze, A., Bennhardt, D., Koch, S. W., Thomas, P., Hey, R., & Ploog, K. (1995). Polarization selection rules for quantum beating between light-and heavy-hole excitons in GaAs quantum wells. Solid State Communications, 94(5), 373–377.
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1995 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43590
Meier, T., Rossi, F., Thomas, P., & Koch, S. W. (1995). Dynamic Localization in Anisotropic Coulomb Systems: Field induced Crossover of the Exciton Dimension. Physical Review Letters, 75(13), 2558–2561.
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1995 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43591
Meier, T., Je, K.-C., Rossi, F., & Koch, S. W. (1995). Theory of quasi-equilibrium nonlinear optical absorption in semiconductor superlattices. Applied Physics Letters, 67(20), 2978–2980.
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1995 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43589
Meier, T., Kuhl, J., Mayer, E. J., Smith, G. O., Bott, K., Schulze, A., Heuckeroth, V., Heller, O., Cundiff, S. T., Bennhardt, D., Koch, S. W., Thomas, P., Hey, R., & Ploog, K. (1995). Transient degenerate four-wave-mixing on excitons in GaAs quantum wells. Laser Physics, 5(3), 616–620.
1995 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43604
Meier, T., Kuhl, J., Mayer, E. J., Smith, G. O., Schulze, A., Bennhardt, D., Koch, S. W., Thomas, P., Hey, R., & Ploog, K. (1995). Biexciton Contributions to the Excitonic Nonlinearity in GaAs Quantum Wells. In D. J. Lockwood (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors ICPS (pp. 1776–1779). World Scientific.
1995 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43451
Meier, T., Feldmann, J., Koch, M., von Plessen, G., Stolz, W., Thomas, P., & Göbel, E. O. (1995). Coherent dynamics of exciton wave packets in quantum wells and superlattices. In D. J. Lockwood (Ed.), Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors ICPS (pp. 1296–1303). World Scientific.
1995 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43452
Meier, T., Mayer, E. J., Smith, G. O., Heuckeroth, V., Kuhl, J., Bott, K., Schulze, A., Koch, S. W., Thomas, P., Hey, R., & Ploog, K. (1995). Polarization dependence of beating phenomena at the energetically lowest exciton transition in GaAs quantum wells. Physical Review B, 51(16), 10909–10914.
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1995 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43581
Meier, T., Rossi, F., Thomas, P., Koch, S. W., Selbmann, P. E., & Molinari, E. (1995). Ultrafast carrier relaxation and vertical-transport phenomena in semiconductor superlattices: A Monte Carlo analysis. Physical Review B, 51(23), 16943–16953.
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1995 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43575
Meier, T., Schulze, A., Thomas, P., Vaupel, H., & Maschke, K. (1995). Signatures of Fano-resonances in four-wave mixing experiments. Physical Review B, 51(20), 13977–13986.
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1995 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43568
Meier, T., Rossi, F., Je, K.-C., Hader, J., Thomas, P., & Koch, S. W. (1995). Linear and Non-linear Optical Properties of Semiconductor Superlattices: Excitonic and Field-Induced Effects. Proceedings of IV International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, 17, 1693–1697.
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1995 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43571
Meier, T., von Plessen, G., Koch, M., Feldmann, J., Koch, S. W., Thomas, P., Göbel, E. O., Goosen, K. W., Kuo, J. M., & Kopf, R. F. (1995). Electric-Field-Induced Exciton Ionization in a GaAs/AlGaAs Superlattice. Proceedings of IV International Conference on Optics of Excitons in Confined Systems, 17, 1759–1762.
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1995 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44278
Meier, T., Albrecht, T. F., Schulze, A., Koch, M., Bott, K., Feldmann, J., Stolz, W., Kuhl, J., Mayer, E. J., Koch, S. W., Göbel, E. O., & Cundiff, S. T. (1995). Quantum beats from biexcitons in narrow quantum wells: polarization and density dependence. Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Article QFB2. Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 1995, Baltimore, Maryland United States.
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