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9743 Publications
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26709
@inbook{Löper_Hellmich_2017, place={Bad Heilbrunn}, title={Soziale Selbstkonzepte von Kindern im Grundschulalter und ihre Einstellungen gegenüber Peers mit Förderbedarf in der sozial-emotionalen Entwicklung}, booktitle={Sonderpädagogik zwischen Wirksamkeitsforschung und Gesellschaftskritik}, publisher={Klinkhardt}, author={Löper, Marwin Felix and Hellmich, Frank}, editor={ Laubenstein, Désirée and Scheer , David}, year={2017}, pages={135–142} }
2017 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 26724
@book{Hellmich_Blumberg_2017, place={Stuttgart}, title={ Inklusiver Unterricht in der Grundschule}, publisher={Kohlhammer}, year={2017} }
2017 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 26862
@book{Schönhärl_2017, place={Cham}, title={Decision Taking, Confidence and Risk Management in Banks from Early Modernity to the 20th Century}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-42076-9}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 3600
@book{Goller_2017, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Human agency at work: An active approach towards expertise development}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-658-18286-1}, publisher={Springer}, author={Goller, Michael}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 3676
@inbook{Harteis_2017, place={Dordrecht}, title={Intuition as Crucial Component of Professional Competence: Its Relevance for Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education and Training}, booktitle={Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education}, publisher={Springer}, author={Harteis, Christian}, editor={Mulder, MartinEditor}, year={2017}, pages={971--984} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 3679
@article{Rausch_Seifried_Harteis_2017, title={Emotions, coping and learning in error situations in the workplace}, volume={29}, number={5}, journal={Journal of Workplace Learning}, author={Rausch, Andreas and Seifried, Jürgen and Harteis, Christian}, year={2017}, pages={374--393} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 3680
@inbook{Goller_Harteis_2017, place={Cham}, title={Human agency at work: Towards a clarification and operationalisation of the concept}, booktitle={Agency at Work}, publisher={Springer}, author={Goller, Michael and Harteis, Christian}, editor={Goller, Michael and Paloniemi, SusannaEditors}, year={2017}, pages={85--103} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 3690
@article{Harteis_Gartmeier_2017, title={Learning from errors in workplace settings}, volume={29}, number={5}, journal={Journal of Workplace Learning}, author={Harteis, Christian and Gartmeier, Martin}, year={2017}, pages={322–325} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 3691
@inbook{Harteis_Festner_Bauer_2017, place={Münster}, title={Epistemische Überzeugungen Beschäftigter und ihre Bedeutung für berufliches Lernen}, booktitle={Wissen und Lernen. Wie epistemische Überzeugungen Schule, Universität und Arbeitswelt beeinflussen}, publisher={Waxmann}, author={Harteis, Christian and Festner, Dagmar and Bauer, Johannes}, editor={Bernholt, Andrea and Gruber, Hans and Moschner, BarbaraEditors}, year={2017}, pages={195–212} }
2017 | Special Issue | LibreCat-ID: 28912
@book{Eickelmann_Klinger_2017, title={Digitalisierung in der Schule}, volume={20}, number={79}, journal={Lernende Schule}, year={2017} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27605
@article{Drossel_Gröhlich_2017, title={Multiprofessionelle Kooperation in der Schule: Forschungsbefunde und Handlungsperspektiven für Schulleitungen }, volume={1}, journal={Schulmanagement}, author={Drossel, Kerstin and Gröhlich, Carola}, year={2017}, pages={18–21} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27606
@article{Drossel_Eickelmann_Gerick_2017, title={Predictors of Teachers’ Use of ICT in School – the Relevance of School Characteristics, Teachers’ Attitudes and Teacher Collaboration}, volume={22}, DOI={10.1007/s10639-016-9476-y}, number={2}, journal={Education and Information Technologies}, author={Drossel, Kerstin and Eickelmann, Birgit and Gerick, Julia}, year={2017}, pages={551–573} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27607
@article{Drossel_Eickelmann_Schulz-Zander_2017, title={Determinants of teachers’ collaborative use of information and communications technology for teaching and learning: A European perspective}, volume={16}, DOI={10.1177%2F1474904116655811}, number={6}, journal={European Educational Research Journal}, author={Drossel, Kerstin and Eickelmann, Birgit and Schulz-Zander, Renate}, year={2017}, pages={781–799} }
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27610
@article{Drossel_2017, title={Rezension des Buches von Jasmin Bastian und Stefan Aufenanger: Tablets in Schule und Unterricht. Forschungsergebnisse zum Einsatz digitaler Medien}, volume={21}, number={3}, journal={Journal für Schulentwicklung}, publisher={Klinkhardt}, author={Drossel, Kerstin}, year={2017}, pages={54–55} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27611
@article{Drossel_Eickelmann_2017, title={Teachers’ participation in professional development concerning the implementation of new technologies in class: a latent class analysis of teachers and the relationship with the use of computers, ICT self-efficacy and emphasis on teaching ICT skills}, volume={19}, DOI={10.1186/s40536-017-0053-7}, number={5}, journal={Large-scale Assessments in Education}, author={Drossel, Kerstin and Eickelmann, Birgit}, year={2017}, pages={1–13} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27612
@article{Eickelmann_Drossel_2017, title={Digitale Bildung – ein neue Perspektive auf Bildungsgerechtigkeit?}, volume={18}, journal={Dreizehn - Zeitschrift für Jugendsozialarbeit}, author={Eickelmann, Birgit and Drossel, Kerstin}, year={2017}, pages={24–29} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27613
@article{Eickelmann_Drossel_2017, title={Computer- und informationsbezogene Kompetenzen in der IEA Studie ICILS 2013 und der Zusammenhang mit der Lesekompetenz}, volume={4}, DOI={10.21243/MI-04-17-08}, journal={Medienimpulse}, author={Eickelmann, Birgit and Drossel, Kerstin}, year={2017} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 27796
@inbook{Drossel_Eickelmann_2017, place={Cham}, title={The Use of Tablets in Secondary Schools and Its Relationship with Computer Literacy}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-74310-3_14}, booktitle={Tomorrow’s Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Drossel, Kerstin and Eickelmann, Birgit}, editor={Tatnall, Arthur and Webb, Mary}, year={2017}, pages={114–124} }
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1156
@inproceedings{Kersting_Geierhos_Jung_Kim_2017, place={Setúbal, Portugal}, title={Internet of Things Architecture for Handling Stream Air Pollution Data}, DOI={10.5220/0006354801170124}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security}, publisher={SCITEPRESS}, author={Kersting, Joschka and Geierhos, Michaela and Jung, Hanmin and Kim, Taehong}, editor={Ramachandran, Muthu and Méndez Muñoz, Víctor and Kantere, Verena and Wills, Gary and Walters, Robert and Chang, VictorEditors}, year={2017}, pages={117–124} }
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1158
@inproceedings{Seemann_Merten_Geierhos_Tophinke_Hüllermeier_2017, place={Stroudsburg, PA, USA}, title={Annotation Challenges for Reconstructing the Structural Elaboration of Middle Low German}, DOI={10.18653/v1/W17-2206}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature}, publisher={Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)}, author={Seemann, Nina and Merten, Marie-Luis and Geierhos, Michaela and Tophinke, Doris and Hüllermeier, Eyke}, year={2017}, pages={40–45} }