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9617 Publications

2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41782
Fortschritt und Utopie (Progress and utopia)
C. Fuchs, Vorschein 24 (2003) 41–63.

2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42445
Dialectical Materialism and the Self-Organization of Matter
C. Fuchs, Seeking Wisdom 1 (2003) 25–55.

2003 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 42739
The Self-Organisation of Politics, Power and the Nation State. INTAS-Project “Human Strategies in Complexity“-Research Paper
C. Fuchs, The Self-Organisation of Politics, Power and the Nation State. INTAS-Project “Human Strategies in Complexity“-Research Paper, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 2003.

2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 42449
The Architecture of the Information Society
W. Hofkirchner, C. Fuchs, in: J. Wilby, J.K. Allen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS): Agoras of the Global Village, 2003.

2003 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 40151
Studienbuch Informatik und Gesellschaft (Informatics and Society)
C. Fuchs, W. Hofkirchner, Studienbuch Informatik und Gesellschaft (Informatics and Society), Libri BOD, Norderstedt, 2003.

2003 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42452
The Autocreativity of Communication and the Re-Creativity of Actions in Social Systems
C. Fuchs, G. Stockinger, in: V. Arshinov, C. Fuchs (Eds.), In Causality, Emergence, Self-Organisation, NIA-Priroda, Moscow, 2003, pp. 303–321.

2003 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 42451
Dialectical Philosophy and Self-Organisation
C. Fuchs, in: V. Arshinov, C. Fuchs (Eds.), Causality, Emergence, Self-Organisation, NIA-Priroda, Moscow, 2003, pp. 195–244.

2003 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 42737
The Internet as a Self-Organizing Socio-Technological System. INTAS Project “Human Strategies in Complexity“-Research Paper
C. Fuchs, The Internet as a Self-Organizing Socio-Technological System. INTAS Project “Human Strategies in Complexity“-Research Paper, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 2003.

2003 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 42738
Globalization and Self-Organization. INTAS-Project “Human Strategies in Complexity”-Research Paper
C. Fuchs, Globalization and Self-Organization. INTAS-Project “Human Strategies in Complexity”-Research Paper, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 2003.

2003 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 42740
Co-Operation in Complex, Self-organising Systems. INTAS-Project “Human Strategies in Complexity“-Research Paper
C. Fuchs, Co-Operation in Complex, Self-Organising Systems. INTAS-Project “Human Strategies in Complexity“-Research Paper, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, 2003.

2003 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 42450
Co-operation in Complex, Self-organising, Information-Generating Systems
C. Fuchs, in: J. Wilby, J.K. Allen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS): Agoras of the Global Village, 2003.

2003 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 44553
Querpässe. Beiträge zur Kultur-, Literatur- und Mediengeschichte des Fußballs
R. Adelmann, R. Parr, T. Schwarz, eds., Querpässe. Beiträge zur Kultur-, Literatur- und Mediengeschichte des Fußballs, Synchron, Heidelberg, 2003.

2003 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44613
Die Wirklichkeit in der Wirklichkeit. Fernsehfußball und mediale Wissenskultur
R. Adelmann, M. Stauff, in: R. Adelmann, R. Parr, T. Schwarz (Eds.), Querpässe. Beiträge zur Kultur-, Literatur- und Mediengeschichte des Fußballs, Synchron, Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 103–121.

2003 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44612
Fußball, kulturwissenschaftlich!
R. Adelmann, R. Parr, T. Schwarz, in: Dies. (Ed.), Querpässe. Beiträge zur Kultur-, Literatur- und Mediengeschichte des Fußballs, Synchron, Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 7–10.

2003 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 44611 LibreCat

2003 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 44554
Visuelle Kulturen der Kontrollgesellschaft. Zur Popularisierung digitaler und videografischer Visualisierungen im Fernsehen
R. Adelmann, Visuelle Kulturen der Kontrollgesellschaft. Zur Popularisierung digitaler und videografischer Visualisierungen im Fernsehen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2003.

2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44820 LibreCat

2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44821
Wie wird man Friedensfachkraft? Personalauswahl, Vorbereitung und Qualifizierung für den Zivilen Friedensdienst
C. Freitag, E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit, Heft 1/ 2003 (2003) 12–15.

2003 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 45084
Allgemeine Didaktik und computerbasierte Medien.
G. Tulodziecki, B. Herzig, in: D. Meister, U. Rinn (Eds.), Didaktik und neue Medien. Konzepte und Anwendungen in der Hochschule. , Waxmann , Münster, 2003, pp. 50–71.

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