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450 Publications

2013 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 10681
Kaufmann, P. (2013). Adapting Hardware Systems by Means of Multi-Objective Evolution. Berlin: Logos Verlag.

2013 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 10684
Kaufmann, P., Glette, K., Gruber, T., Platzner, M., Torresen, J., & Sick, B. (2013). Classification of Electromyographic Signals: Comparing Evolvable Hardware to Conventional Classifiers. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 17(1), 46–63.
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2013 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 10700
Knoop, M. (2013). Behavior Models for Electric Vehicles. IWES Kassel.

2013 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 10720
Nofen, B. (2013). Verbesserung der Erkennungsrate eines Systems zur Klassifikation von EMG-Signalen durch den Einsatz eines hybriden Lagesensors. Paderborn University.

2013 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 10727
Pudelko, D. (2013). Überquerung der Styx - Betriebsparametervariation und Fehlerverhalten eines Platform FPGAs. Paderborn University.

2013 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 10730
Riebler, H. (2013). Identifikation und Wiederherstellung von kryptographischen Schlüsseln mit FPGAs. Paderborn University.

2013 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 10741
Sprenger, A. (2013). MiBenchHybrid : Erweiterung eines Benchmarks um Hardwarebeschleunigung. Paderborn University.

2013 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 10743
Steppeler, P. (2013). Beschleunigung von Einzelbild-Erkennungsverfahren auf Datenfluss basierenden HPC Systemen. Paderborn University.

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 10745
Toebermann, C., Geibel, D., Hau, M., Brandl, R., Kaufmann, P., Ma, C., … Degner, T. (2013). Real-Time Simulation of Distribution Grids with high Penetration of Regenerative and Distributed Generation. In Real-Time Conference. OPAL RT Paris.

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 10774
Ghasemzadeh Mohammadi, H., Gaillardon, P.-E., Yazdani, M., & De Micheli, G. (2013). A fast TCAD-based methodology for Variation analysis of emerging nano-devices. In 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems (DFTS) (pp. 83–88). IEEE.
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2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 10775
Gaillardon, P.-E., Ghasemzadeh Mohammadi, H., & De Micheli, G. (2013). Vertically-stacked silicon nanowire transistors with controllable polarity: A robustness study. In 2013 14th Latin American Test Workshop-LATW (pp. 1–6). IEEE.
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2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 13645
Graf, T., Schäfers, L., & Platzner, M. (2013). On Semeai Detection in Monte-Carlo Go. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers and Games (CG). Springer.

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 528
Riebler, H., Kenter, T., Sorge, C., & Plessl, C. (2013). FPGA-accelerated Key Search for Cold-Boot Attacks against AES. Proceedings of the International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), 386–389.
LibreCat | Files available | DOI

2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 505
Happe, M., Kling, P., Plessl, C., Platzner, M., & Meyer auf der Heide, F. (2013). On-The-Fly Computing: A Novel Paradigm for Individualized IT Services. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE Workshop on Software Technology for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS).
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2013 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1787
Suess, T., Schoenrock, A., Meisner, S., & Plessl, C. (2013). Parallel Macro Pipelining on the Intel SCC Many-Core Computer. Proc. Int. Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing Workshops (IPDPSW), 64–73.
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2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2097
Kasap, S., & Redif, S. (2012). FPGA-based design and implementation of an approximate polynomial matrix EVD algorithm. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Field Programmable Technology (ICFPT) (pp. 135–140). IEEE Computer Society.
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2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2100
Kasap, S., & Redif, S. (2012). FPGA implementation of a second-order convolutive blind signal separation algorithm. In Int. Architecture and Engineering Symp. (ARCHENG).

2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2103
Wistuba, M., Schaefers, L., & Platzner, M. (2012). Comparison of Bayesian Move Prediction Systems for Computer Go. In Proc. IEEE Conf. on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG) (pp. 91–99). IEEE.
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2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2172
Thielemans, K., Tsoumpas, C., Mustafovic, S., Beisel, T., Aguiar, P., Dikaios, N., & W Jacobson, M. (2012). STIR: Software for Tomographic Image Reconstruction Release 2. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 57(4), 867–883.
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2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2173
Redif, S., & Kasap, S. (2012). Parallel algorithm for computation of second-order sequential best rotations. Int. Journal of Electronics, 100(12), 1646–1651.
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