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1674 Publications
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 53606
R. Janus, “1.-3. Johannesbrief,” in Religionspädagogischer Kommentar zur Bibel, B. Dressler and H. Schroeter-Wittke, Eds. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2012, pp. 605–613.
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54131
J. Meyer-Hamme, “Historische Identität in der multiethnischen Gesellschaft,” in Handbuch Praxis des Geschichtsunterrichts, vol. Band 1, M. Barricelli and M. Lücke, Eds. Schwalbach Ts., 2012, pp. 89–97.
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54134
J. Meyer-Hamme, “Subjektorientierte historische Bildung. Geschichtslernen in der Auseinandersetzung mit widersprüchlichen Deutungsangeboten zur DDR-Geschichte,” in Deutschland Archiv, (einsehbar unter:, 2012.
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 54133
J. Meyer-Hamme, H. Thünemann, and M. Zülsdorf-Kersting, “Einleitung,” in Was heißt guter Geschichtsunterricht? Perspektiven im Vergleich, J. Meyer-Hamme, H. Thünemann, and M. Zülsdorf-Kersting, Eds. Schwalbach Ts., 2012, pp. 5–6.
2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 54939
C. Keller, S. Kroening, J. Zuehlke, F. Kunath, B. Krueger, and M. Goppelt-Struebe, “Distinct Mesenchymal Alterations in N-Cadherin and E-Cadherin Positive Primary Renal Epithelial Cells,” PLOS ONE, vol. 7, no. 8, p. e43584, 2012, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043584.
2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 38331
S. Hussin, K. Puntsri, and R. Noé, “Performance Analysis of RF-Pilot Phase Noise Compensation Techniques in Coherent Optical OFDM Systems,” in 17TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NETWORK AND OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (NOC 2012) AND 7TH CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL CABLING AND INFRASTRUCTURE (OC&I 2012), 2012.
2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24713
R. Mahnken and A. Shaban, “Finite elasto-viscoplastic modeling of polymers including asymmetric effects,” Archive of Applied Mechanics, pp. 53–71, 2012, doi: 10.1007/s00419-012-0632-6.
2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 38381
S. Hussin, K. Puntsri, and R. Noé, “Performance Analysis of RF-Pilot Phase Noise Compensation Techniques in Coherent Optical OFDM Systems,” in 17TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NETWORK AND OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS (NOC 2012) AND 7TH CONFERENCE ON OPTICAL CABLING AND INFRASTRUCTURE (OC&I 2012), 2012.
2012 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 17226
J. Szufnarowska, I. Nomikou, and K. Rohlfing, “Educating each other’s attention: Mothers’ and infants’ eye-contact within natural interactions at 3 and 6 months of age.,” 2012.
2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40806
E. Carregal-Romero, C. Fernandez-Sanchez, A. Eguizabal, S. Demming, S. Büttgenbach, and A. Llobera, “Development and integration of xerogel polymeric absorbance micro-filters into lab-onchip systems,” Opt. Express, vol. 20, no. 21, pp. 23700–23719, 2012, doi: 10.1364/OE.20.023700.
2012 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42797
M. Kirschmer, “A normal form for definite quadratic forms over $\mathbb{F}_{q}[t]$,” Mathematics of Computation, vol. 81, no. 279, pp. 1619–1634, 2012, doi: 10.1090/s0025-5718-2011-02570-6.
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44076
E. Meydani, M. Bahonar, B. Gholami, I. Raeesi Vanani, and B. Sohrabi, “Data Mining and Decision Making,” in Advances in Business and Management. Volume 5, W. D. Nelson, Ed. 2012.
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56879
M. Prietzel, “Krieg als Standespflicht. Die militärische Erinnerungskultur spätmittelalterlicher Fürsten und Adliger,” in Militärische Erinnerungskulturen vom 14. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Träger – Medien – Deutungskonkurrenzen , vol. 15, H. Carl and U. Planert , Eds. Göttingen , 2012, pp. 29–46.
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56877
M. Prietzel, “Veränderungen in der spätmittelalterlichen Kriegführung,” in Žalgiris – Tannenberg – Grunwald 1410. Krieg und Frieden im späten Mittelalter, vol. 26, W. Werner , R. Petrauskas , and G. Vercamer, Eds. 2012, pp. 103–121.
2012 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 56878
M. Prietzel, “Schauspiele von Ehre und Tapferkeit. Zweikämpfe in Frankreich und Burgund im späten Mittelalter,” in Das Duell. Ehrenkämpfe vom Mittelalter bis zur Moderne, vol. 23, U. Ludwig, B. Krug-Richter, and G. Schwerhoff, Eds. Konstanz , 2012, pp. 105–123.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25424
M. Morsey, J. Lehmann, S. Auer, and A.-C. Ngonga Ngomo, “DBpedia SPARQL Benchmark - Performance Assessment with Real Queries on Real Data,” in The Semantic Web - {ISWC} 2011 - 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn, Germany, October 23-27, 2011, Proceedings, Part {I}, 2011, vol. 7031, pp. 454–469, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25073-6\_29.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26670
S. Henkler, S. Oberthür, H. Giese, and A. Seibel, “Model-driven runtime resource predictions for advanced mechatronic systems with dynamic data structures,” International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering 26 (6), 2011.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26906
B. Bokhof et al., “Validation of protein and potassium intakes assessed from 24 h recalls against levels estimated from 24 h urine samples in children and adolescents of Turkish descent living in Germany: results from the EVET! Study,” Public Health Nutrition, pp. 640–647, 2011, doi: 10.1017/s1368980011002734.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27744
A. L. B. Günther, L. J. Stahl, A. Buyken, and A. Kroke, “Association of dietary energy density in childhood with age and body fatness at the onset of the pubertal growth spurt,” British Journal of Nutrition, pp. 345–349, 2011, doi: 10.1017/s0007114511001772.