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894 Publications
2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1970
Gesetzgebung im europäischen Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht – eine ökonomisch-historische Betrachtung
D. Krimphove, EuR Europarecht (2007) 597 – 621.
D. Krimphove, EuR Europarecht (2007) 597 – 621.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 19725
Load Balancing in the Bulk-Synchronous-Parallel Setting using Process Migrations
O. Bonorden, in: 2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007.
O. Bonorden, in: 2007 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2007.
2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1973
Europäisierung des Bank- und Wertpapierstrafrechts
D. Krimphove, KritV – Kritische Vierteljahreszeitschrift Für Gesetzgebung Und Rechtswissenschaft (2007) 425 – 442.
D. Krimphove, KritV – Kritische Vierteljahreszeitschrift Für Gesetzgebung Und Rechtswissenschaft (2007) 425 – 442.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 19809
Minimal Energy Path Planning for Wireless Robots
C.C. Ooi, C. Schindelhauer, in: ROBOCOMM’07: Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination, 2007, pp. 309–321.
C.C. Ooi, C. Schindelhauer, in: ROBOCOMM’07: Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Robot Communication and Coordination, 2007, pp. 309–321.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 19853
DHHT-RAID: A Distributed Heterogeneous Scalable Architecture for Dynamic Storage Environments
G. Schomaker, in: Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-07), 2007, pp. 331–339.
G. Schomaker, in: Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-07), 2007, pp. 331–339.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1986
Planning-based Scheduling for SLA-awareness and Grid Integration
D. Battré, M. Hovestadt, O. Kao, A. Keller, K. Voss, in: Proc. Workshop of the UK PLANNING AND SCHEDULING Special Interest Group (PlanSIG), 2007.
D. Battré, M. Hovestadt, O. Kao, A. Keller, K. Voss, in: Proc. Workshop of the UK PLANNING AND SCHEDULING Special Interest Group (PlanSIG), 2007.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1988
Transparent Cross Border Migration of Parallel Multi Node Applications
D. Battré, M. Hovestadt, O. Kao, A. Keller, K. Voss, in: Proc. Cracow Grid Workshop, Academic Computer Center CYFRNET, 2007, pp. 334–341.
D. Battré, M. Hovestadt, O. Kao, A. Keller, K. Voss, in: Proc. Cracow Grid Workshop, Academic Computer Center CYFRNET, 2007, pp. 334–341.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 19922
2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2017
Algorithms for Fault-Tolerant Routing in Circuit-Switched Networks
A. Bagchi, A. Chaudhary, C. Scheideler, P. Kolman, SIAM J. Discrete Math. (2007) 141--157.
A. Bagchi, A. Chaudhary, C. Scheideler, P. Kolman, SIAM J. Discrete Math. (2007) 141--157.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2020
Linearization: Locally Self-Stabilizing Sorting in Graphs
M. Onus, A. W. Richa, C. Scheideler, in: Proceedings of the Nine Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 6, 2007, 2007.
M. Onus, A. W. Richa, C. Scheideler, in: Proceedings of the Nine Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments, ALENEX 2007, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 6, 2007, 2007.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2022 |

Towards Scalable and Robust Overlay Networks
B. Awerbuch, C. Scheideler, in: 6th International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Systems, IPTPS 2007, Bellevue, WA, USA, February 26-27, 2007, 2007.
| Files available
B. Awerbuch, C. Scheideler, in: 6th International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Systems, IPTPS 2007, Bellevue, WA, USA, February 26-27, 2007, 2007.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2023 |

A denial-of-service resistant DHT
B. Awerbuch, C. Scheideler, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2007, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 12-15, 2007, ACM, 2007, pp. 370--371.
| Files available
B. Awerbuch, C. Scheideler, in: Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, PODC 2007, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 12-15, 2007, ACM, 2007, pp. 370--371.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2024
A Denial-of-Service Resistant DHT
B. Awerbuch, C. Scheideler, in: Distributed Computing, 21st International Symposium, DISC 2007, Lemesos, Cyprus, September 24-26, 2007, Proceedings, Springer, 2007, pp. 33--47.
B. Awerbuch, C. Scheideler, in: Distributed Computing, 21st International Symposium, DISC 2007, Lemesos, Cyprus, September 24-26, 2007, Proceedings, Springer, 2007, pp. 33--47.
2007 | Conference (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 2025
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, Third IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 18-20, 2007, Proceedings
J. Aspnes, C. Scheideler, A. Arora, S. Madden, eds., Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, Third IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 18-20, 2007, Proceedings, 2007.
J. Aspnes, C. Scheideler, A. Arora, S. Madden, eds., Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, Third IEEE International Conference, DCOSS 2007, Santa Fe, NM, USA, June 18-20, 2007, Proceedings, 2007.
2007 | Conference (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 2027
SPAA 2007: Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, San Diego, California, USA, June 9-11, 2007
P. B. Gibbons, C. Scheideler, eds., SPAA 2007: Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, San Diego, California, USA, June 9-11, 2007, ACM, 2007.
P. B. Gibbons, C. Scheideler, eds., SPAA 2007: Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, San Diego, California, USA, June 9-11, 2007, ACM, 2007.
2007 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 2028
Overlay Networks for Peer-to-Peer Networks
A. W. Richa, C. Scheideler, in: Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics., 2007.
A. W. Richa, C. Scheideler, in: Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics., 2007.
2007 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 28782
Review of “studio d A1” and “Lagune 1” from a pronunciation perspective
M. Müller, Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 4 (2007) 267–273.
M. Müller, Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching 4 (2007) 267–273.
2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24276
The k-Resource Problem on Uniform and on Uniformly Decomposable Metric Spaces
M. Bienkowski, J. Kutyłowski, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.
M. Bienkowski, J. Kutyłowski, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007.
2007 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 24366
P. Mahlmann, C. Schindelhauer, Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerke, Springer, Berlin, 2007.
P. Mahlmann, C. Schindelhauer, Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerke, Springer, Berlin, 2007.
2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 25934
Protein intake during the period of complementary feeding and early childhood and the association with body mass index and percentage body fat at 7 y of age.
A. Günther, A. Buyken, A. Kroke, Am J Clin Nutr 85 (2007) 1626–1633.
| PubMed | Europe PMC
A. Günther, A. Buyken, A. Kroke, Am J Clin Nutr 85 (2007) 1626–1633.