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1403 Publications
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3185
Ruhroth, Thomas, et al. “ReL: {A} Generic Refactoring Language for Specification and Execution.” 37th {EUROMICRO} Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, {SEAA} 2011, Oulu, Finland, August 30 - September 2, 2011, 2011, pp. 83--90, doi:10.1109/SEAA.2011.22.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3186
Derrick, John, et al. “Verifying Linearisability with Potential Linearisation Points.” {FM} 2011: Formal Methods - 17th International Symposium on Formal Methods, Limerick, Ireland, June 20-24, 2011. Proceedings, edited by Michael J. Butler and Wolfram Schulte, 2011, pp. 323--337, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21437-0_25.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3187
Steenken, Dominik, et al. “Sound and Complete Abstract Graph Transformation.” Formal Methods, Foundations and Applications - 14th Brazilian Symposium, {SBMF} 2011, S{\~{a}}o Paulo, Brazil, September 26-30, 2011, Revised Selected Papers, edited by Adenilso da Silva Sim{\~{a}}o and Carroll Morgan, 2011, pp. 92--107, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25032-3_7.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3188
Schneider, Steve, et al. “A {CSP} Account of Event-B Refinement.” Proceedings 15th International Refinement Workshop, Refine@FM 2011, Limerick, Ireland, 20th June 2011., edited by John Derrick et al., 2011, pp. 139--154, doi:10.4204/EPTCS.55.9.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 26981
Sondermann-Wölke, Christoph, et al. “Zuverlässigkeitsorientierte Mehrzieloptimierung Zur Aktorrekonfiguration Eines X-by-Wire-Fahrzeugs.” Technische Zuverlässigkeit TTZ, 2011.
2011 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 26982
Krol, Rafal. Eine Reduktionsmethode Zur Ableitung Elektromechanischer Ersatzmodelle Für Piezoelektrische Wandler Unter Verwendung Der Finite-Elemente- Methode (FEM). Verlagsschriftenreihe des Heinz Nixdorf Instituts, Paderborn, Band 293, 2011.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27010
Diethelm, Katharina, et al. “Associations between the Macronutrient Composition of the Evening Meal and Average Daily Sleep Duration in Early Childhood.” Clinical Nutrition, 2011, pp. 640–46, doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2011.05.004.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27011
Chun Yu Louie, Jimmy, et al. “Dietary Glycaemic Index and Glycaemic Load among Australian Children and Adolescents.” British Journal of Nutrition, 2011, pp. 1273–82, doi:10.1017/s0007114511001577.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27068
Libuda, Lars, et al. “Consumption of Dietary Salt Measured by Urinary Sodium Excretion and Its Association with Body Weight Status in Healthy Children and Adolescents.” Public Health Nutrition, 2011, pp. 433–41, doi:10.1017/s1368980011002138.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27069
Alexy, Ute, et al. “24h-Sodium Excretion and Hydration Status in Children and Adolescents - Results of the DONALD Study.” Clinical Nutrition, 2011, pp. 78–84, doi:10.1016/j.clnu.2011.08.014.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27076
Muckelbauer, R., et al. “Ansätze der Übergewichtsprävention durch verbessertes Trinkverhalten im Setting Grundschule.” Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz, 2011, pp. 339–48, doi:10.1007/s00103-010-1224-7.
2011 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 2734 |
Gries, Thomas, and Margarete Redlin. Trade Openness and Economic Growth: A Panel Causality Analysis. Vol. 2011–06, Paderborn University, CIE Center for International Economics, 2011.
| Download (ext.)
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27466
Bohl, Benjamin, et al. “Perspektiven Digitaler Musikeditionen Aus Der Sicht Des Edirom-Projekts.” DIE TONKUNST, vol. 5, no. 3, 2011, pp. 270–76.
2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 27589
Muckelbauer, R., et al. “Fluids and Children’s Health. .” Developing Children´s Food Products., Woodhead Publishing Limited , 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 27622
Nebe, Karsten, et al. Multi-Touch, Tangible and Pen-Based Interaction in Incident Planning. Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, M {\ "u} nchen, 2011, pp. 263–73.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 27623
Keil, Reinhard, and Harald Selke. “Virtual Learning Spaces for Co-Active Learning.” Proc. of Int. Conf. on Improving University Teaching, 2011, pp. 191–202.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 27624
Paelke, Volker, et al. Multi-Touch Interaction for Disaster Management.}. 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 27625
Keil, Reinhard. Hypothesis- Guided Technology Design as the Basis of Contextual Computer Science. Edited by A Breiter and M Wind, Lit Verlag, M {\" u} nster, 2011, pp. 165–84.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 27626
Klompmaker, Florian, et al. Smart Fiducials: Advanced Tangible Interaction Techniques through Dynamic Visual Paterns. 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 27627
Klompmaker, Florian, et al. “User Centered Design Process of OSAMI-D: Developing User Interfaces for a Remote Ergometer Training Application.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics, 2011.