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1399 Publications
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 26787
L. Khaluf, C. Gerth, and G. Engels, “Pattern-Based Modeling and Formalizing of Business Process Quality Constraints,” in Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on Advanced information systems engineering (CAiSE’11), 2011, pp. 521–535.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 26789
C. Kuznik and W. Müller, “Native binary mutation analysis for embedded software and virtual prototypes in SystemC,” 2011.
2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 26792
N. Esau and L. Kleinjohann, “Emotional Robot Competence and Its Use in Robot Behavior Control,” in Emotional Engineering, Springer-Verlag London, 2011, pp. 119–142.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 26794
A. Jungmann, J. Lutterbeck, B. Werdehausen, B. Kleinjohann, and L. Kleinjohann, “Towards a Real-World Scenario for Investigating Organic Computing Principles in Heterogeneous Societies of Robots,” in Proceedings of the 2011 workshop on Organic computing, 2011, pp. 41–50.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26904
A. Herbst, K. Diethelm, G. Cheng, U. Alexy, A. Icks, and A. Buyken, “Direction of Associations between Added Sugar Intake in Early Childhood and Body Mass Index at Age 7 Years May Depend on Intake Levels,” The Journal of Nutrition, pp. 1348–1354, 2011, doi: 10.3945/jn.110.137000.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26906
B. Bokhof et al., “Validation of protein and potassium intakes assessed from 24 h recalls against levels estimated from 24 h urine samples in children and adolescents of Turkish descent living in Germany: results from the EVET! Study,” Public Health Nutrition, pp. 640–647, 2011, doi: 10.1017/s1368980011002734.
2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 3290
T. Gries, “Internationale Umweltpolitik bei akkumulierender und asymmetrischer Verschmutzungsdynamik,” in Zukunftsfähige Wirtschaftspolitik für Deutschland und Europa, P. J. J. Welfens, Ed. Springer, 2011, pp. 215–246.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3454
J. Becker, D. Beverungen, and D. Breuker, “Conceptualizing Service Network Productivity --- A Looped DEA Approach,” in XII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (Abstract), Verona, Italy, 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3455
J. Becker, D. Beverungen, D. Breuker, H.-A. Dietrich, R. Knackstedt, and H. Peter Rauer, “How to Model Service Productivity for Data Envelopment Analysis? A Meta-Design Approach,” in ECIS 2011 Proceedings, Helsinki, Finland, 2011, p. Paper 111.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3456
J. Becker et al., “Do we need new theories on service productivity? --- Status Quo and implications from contemporary research,” in XXI. International RESER Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 2011, pp. 146--147.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3457
J. Becker, D. Beverungen, R. Knackstedt, M. Matzner, and O. Müller, “Information Needs in Service Systems --- A Framework for Integrating Service and Manufacturing Business Processes,” in Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Koloa, HI, USA, 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3458
J. Becker, D. Beverungen, M. Matzner, O. Müller, and J. Pöppelbuß, “Design Science in Service Research: A Framework-Based Review of IT Artifacts in Germany,” in International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology, 2011, pp. 366--375.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3459
D. Beverungen, “Mapping the Emerging Field of Service Science: Insights from a Citation Network and Cocitation Network Analysis,” in 32th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, China, 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3460
D. Beverungen, T. Kohlborn, and E. Fielt, “The Morphology of Service Bundling Settings,” in 22nd Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), Sydney, Australia, 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3461
D. Beverungen, M. Wittchen, and J. Becker, “Where are the participants? Including motivational aspects into theorizing and design in IS Research,” in Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Information Systems, Helsinki, Finland, 2011.
2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3462
B. Hellingrath, J. Becker, D. Beverungen, C. Böhle, and M. Räckers, “On the Coalescence of Supply Networks and Information Systems,” in EMNet, Limassol, Zypern, 2011.
2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 3502
J. Becker, D. Beverungen, R. Knackstedt, and O. Müller, “Pricing of Value Bundles: A Multi-Perspective Decision Support Approach,” Enterprise Modelling and Information Systems Architectures, no. 2, pp. 54--69, 2011.
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