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1400 Publications

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 42607 | OA
@article{Fuchs_Winseck_2011, title={Critical Media and Communication Studies Today. A Conversation}, volume={9}, DOI={}, number={2}, journal={tripleC}, author={Fuchs, Christian and Winseck, Dwayne}, year={2011}, pages={247–271} }
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2011 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42610 | OA
@article{Fuchs_2011, title={“BlackBerry-Riots”: Gewalt hat andere Gründe [“BlackBerry-Tiots“: Violence has Other Causes“]}, journal={Futurezone}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2011} }
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2011 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 42609 | OA
@article{Fuchs_2011, title={“Twitter Mobs“ and the Structural Violence of Neoliberalism}, journal={Counterfire}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2011} }
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2011 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 42611
@article{Fuchs_2011, title={Review of “The problem of order in the global age. Systems and mechanisms“ (Andreas Pickel)}, volume={41}, number={1}, journal={Philosophy of the Social Sciences}, author={Fuchs, Christian}, year={2011}, pages={139–142} }

2011 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 42855
@book{Kraft_2011, title={‚Grundlegende Betrachtungen zur Technik – Technomorphologische Analysen des Textilen’}, publisher={, in: Intelligente Verbindungen Bd. 1: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Technik, Textildesign und Mode, hrsg. von E. Hackspiel-Mikosch, B. Borkopp-Restle ( , o.O. 2011, S. B1-26}, author={Kraft, Kerstin}, year={2011} }

2011 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 42854
@book{Kraft_2011, title={‚Glamour und Grauen. Das Erforschen und Ausstellen von Bekleidung aus den 1930er und 1940er Jahren’}, publisher={in: …textil… 1/2011, S. 1-9}, author={Kraft, Kerstin}, year={2011} }

2011 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 42856
@book{Kraft_2011, title={Cutting Patterns}, publisher={in: Lois Weinthal (ed.): Toward a New Interior. An Anthology of Interior Design Theory, New York 2011}, author={Kraft, Kerstin}, year={2011} }

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 25965
@article{Chernikov_Horst_Waitz_Tiemann_Chatterjee_2011, title={Photoluminescence Properties of Ordered Mesoporous ZnO}, DOI={10.1021/jp104293e}, journal={The Journal of Physical Chemistry C}, author={Chernikov, Alexej and Horst, Swantje and Waitz, Thomas and Tiemann, Michael and Chatterjee, Sangam}, year={2011}, pages={1375–1379} }
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2011 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 42970
@book{Sevignani_Kreilinger_Allmer_Fuchs_2011, title={Analysis of Existing Empirical Research Methods for Studying (Online) Privacy and Surveillance}, author={Sevignani, Sebastian and Kreilinger, Verena and Allmer, Thomas and Fuchs, Christian}, year={2011} }

2011 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 42969
@book{Allmer_2011, place={Vienna}, title={Towards a Critical Theory of Surveillance Studies}, author={Allmer, Thomas}, year={2011} }

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43008
@article{Allmer_2011, title={Critical Surveillance Studies in the Information Society}, volume={9}, DOI={}, number={2}, journal={tripleC }, author={Allmer, Thomas}, year={2011}, pages={566–592} }
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2011 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 42946
@book{Sandoval _Sevignani_Rehbogen_Allmer_Hager_Kreilinger_2011, place={Münster}, title={Bildung MACHT Gesellschaft}, publisher={Westfälisches Dampfboot.}, year={2011} }

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 39533
@article{Vidor_Wirth_Wolff_Hilleringmann_2011, title={Study on the Performance Enhancement of ZnO Nanoparticles Thin-Film Transistors}, volume={39}, DOI={10.1149/1.3615183}, number={1}, journal={ECS Transactions}, publisher={The Electrochemical Society}, author={Vidor, Fábio Fedrizzi and Wirth, Gilson Inácio and Wolff, Karsten and Hilleringmann, Ulrich}, year={2011}, pages={109–115} }
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2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 39527
@article{Wolff_Hilleringmann_2011, title={Solution processed inverter based on zinc oxide nanoparticle thin-film transistors with poly(4-vinylphenol) gate dielectric}, volume={62}, DOI={10.1016/j.sse.2011.01.046}, number={1}, journal={Solid-State Electronics}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Wolff, K. and Hilleringmann, Ulrich}, year={2011}, pages={110–114} }
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39536
@inproceedings{Frers_Hett_Hilleringmann_Berth_Widhalm_Zrenner_2011, title={Characterization of SiON integrated waveguides via FTIR and AFM measurements}, DOI={10.1109/scd.2011.6068744}, booktitle={2011 Semiconductor Conference Dresden}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Frers, Torsten and Hett, Thomas and Hilleringmann, Ulrich and Berth, Gerhard and Widhalm, Alex and Zrenner, Artur}, year={2011} }
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39528
@inproceedings{Wiegand_Hangmann_Hedayat_Hilleringmann_2011, title={Modeling and simulation of arbitrary ordered nonlinear charge-pump phase-locked loops}, DOI={10.1109/scd.2011.6068711}, booktitle={2011 Semiconductor Conference Dresden}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Wiegand, C. and Hangmann, C. and Hedayat, C. and Hilleringmann, Ulrich}, year={2011} }
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39530
@inproceedings{Hilleringmann_Wolff_Assion_Vidor_Wirth_2011, title={Semiconductor nanoparticles for electronic device integration on foils}, DOI={10.1109/afrcon.2011.6071983}, booktitle={IEEE Africon ’11}, publisher={IEEE}, author={Hilleringmann, Ulrich and Wolff, K. and Assion, F. and Vidor, F. F. and Wirth, G. I.}, year={2011} }
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 39537
@inproceedings{Reinhold_Hangmann_Mager_Hedayat_Hilleringmann_2011, title={Plane wave spectrum expansion from near-field measurements on no-planar lattices}, booktitle={Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on electromagnetic Near-field Characterization and Imaging (ICONIC) 2011}, author={Reinhold, C and Hangmann, C and Mager, T and Hedayat, C and Hilleringmann, Ulrich}, year={2011}, pages={1–4} }

2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 43117
@inbook{Höink_Jacob_2011, place={Berlin}, edition={1}, title={Krisen der Autorschaft bei Bruckner und Reger als Insignien der beginnenden musikalischen Moderne}, DOI={10.1524/9783050057132.299}, booktitle={Autorschaft. Ikonen – Stile – Institutionen}, publisher={Akademie Verlag}, author={Höink, Dominik and Jacob, Andreas}, editor={Meier, Christel and Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina}, year={2011}, pages={299–316} }
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2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43116
@article{Höink_2011, title={Anton Bruckner und Franz Liszt. Zur Konstruktion kirchenmusikalischer Idealbilder}, volume={95}, journal={Kirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch}, publisher={Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh GmbH}, author={Höink, Dominik}, year={2011}, pages={37–51} }

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