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2016 Publications

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40400
@article{Pérez_Iskhakov_Sharapova_Lemieux_Tikhonova_Chekhova_Leuchs_2014, title={Bright squeezed-vacuum source with 11 spatial mode}, volume={39}, DOI={10.1364/ol.39.002403}, number={82403}, journal={Optics Letters}, publisher={The Optical Society}, author={Pérez, A. M. and Iskhakov, T. Sh. and Sharapova, Polina and Lemieux, S. and Tikhonova, O. V. and Chekhova, M. V. and Leuchs, G.}, year={2014} }
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40068
@article{Bogdan_Dyda_Luks_2014, title={On Hardy spaces of local and nonlocal operators}, volume={44}, DOI={10.32917/hmj/1408972907}, number={2}, journal={Hiroshima Mathematical Journal}, publisher={Hiroshima University - Department of Mathematics}, author={Bogdan, Krzysztof and Dyda, Bartłomiej and Luks, Tomasz}, year={2014}, pages={193–215} }
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 38182
@inproceedings{Blumberg_Hellmich_Fromme_2014, place={Leipzig}, title={Inklusion im naturwissenschaftlichen Sachunterricht: Entwicklung handlungsorientierter Lehr-Lernangebote zur Förderung naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Lernens in inklusiven Lernsettings im Sachunterricht der Grundschule. Posterpräsentation auf der 23. Jahrestagung der DGfE Kommission Grundschulforschung und Didaktik der Primarstufe „Lernprozessbegleitung und adaptive Lerngelegenheiten im Unterricht der Grundschule“}, publisher={Universität Leipzig}, author={Blumberg, Eva and Hellmich, Frank and Fromme, Theresa}, year={2014} }

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35906
@article{Landhäußer_Faas_Treptow_2014, title={Encouraging Family and Parent Education: Program Development and Evaluation in the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, Germany}, volume={Vol 4}, DOI={}, number={No 4}, journal={Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (CEPS)}, author={Landhäußer, Sandra and Faas, Stefan and Treptow, Rainer}, year={2014} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37922
@inbook{Grotjahn_2014, place={Köln}, title={Stimmbesitzer und Sängerdarsteller. Die Inszenierung des Singens auf der Musiktheater-Bühne in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts}, booktitle={Blickpunkt Bühne. Musiktheater in Deutschland von 1900 bis 1950}, publisher={Dohr}, author={Grotjahn, Rebecca}, editor={Steiert , Thomas and Coul, Paul Op de }, year={2014} }
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40757
@article{Ali_Ramírez_Jansson_Seco-Granados_López-Salcedo_2014, title={Multi-antenna spectrum sensing by exploiting spatio-temporal correlation}, volume={160}, DOI={10.1186/1687-6180-2014-160}, journal={Eurasip\ J.\ Applied Signal Process.}, author={Ali, S. and Ramírez, D. and Jansson, M. and Seco-Granados, G. and López-Salcedo, J. A.}, year={2014} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40754
@article{Draper_Kirby_Marks_Marrinan_Peterson_2014, title={A flag representation for finite collections of subspaces of mixed dimensions}, volume={451}, DOI={10.1016/j.laa.2014.03.022}, journal={Lin.\ Alg.\ Appl.}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Draper, Bruce and Kirby, Michael and Marks, Justin and Marrinan, Tim and Peterson, Chris}, year={2014}, pages={15–32} }
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40753
@inproceedings{Rüffer_Sailer_2014, title={Input-to-State Stability for Discrete-Time Monotone Systems}, booktitle={Proc. 21st Int. Symp. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS)}, author={Rüffer, Björn S. and Sailer, Rudolf}, year={2014} }

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40755
@article{Huang_Xiao_So_Fang_2014, title={Accurate Performance Analysis of Hadamard Ratio Test for Robust Spectrum Sensing}, volume={14}, number={2}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications}, author={Huang, L. and Xiao, Y-.H. and So, H. C. and Fang, J.}, year={2014}, pages={750–758} }

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40756
@inproceedings{Marrinan_Draper_Beveridge_Kirby_Peterson_2014, title={Finding the Subspace Mean or Median to Fit Your Need}, DOI={10.1109/CVPR.2014.142}, booktitle={CVPR}, author={Marrinan, Tim and Draper, Bruce and Beveridge, J. Ross and Kirby, Michael and Peterson, Chris}, year={2014}, pages={1082–1089} }
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2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40758
@article{Dähne_Nikulin_Ramírez_Schreier_Müller_Haufe_2014, title={Finding brain oscillations with power dependencies in neuroimaging data}, volume={96}, DOI={10.1016/j.neuroimage.2014.03.075}, journal={NeuroImage}, author={Dähne, S. and Nikulin, V. V. and Ramírez, D. and Schreier, P. J. and Müller, K.-R. and Haufe, S.}, year={2014}, pages={334–348} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40762
@article{Olhede_Ramírez_Schreier_2014, title={Detecting Directionality in Random Fields Using the Monogenic Signal}, volume={60}, DOI={10.1109/TIT.2014.2342734}, number={10}, journal={IEEE Trans.\ Inform.\ Theory}, author={Olhede, S. C. and Ramírez, D. and Schreier, P. J.}, year={2014}, pages={6491–6510} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40760
@article{Lameiro_Santamaría_2014, title={A Quadratically Convergent Method for Interference Alignment in MIMO Interference Channels}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1109/LSP.2014.2338132}, journal={IEEE Signal Process. Lett.}, author={Lameiro, Christian and Santamaría, Ignacio}, year={2014}, pages={1423–1427} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40761
@inproceedings{Lameiro_Utschick_Santamaría_2014, place={Pacific Grove, CA, USA}, title={Interference-Temperature Limit for Cognitive Radio Networks with MIMO Primary Users}, DOI={10.1109/ACSSC.2014.7094625}, booktitle={Proc.\ Asilomar Conf.\ Signals Syst.\ Computers}, author={Lameiro, Christian and Utschick, Wolfgang and Santamaría, Ignacio}, year={2014} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40759
@inproceedings{Ramírez_Schreier_Vía_Santamaría_Scharf_2014, place={Pacific Grove, USA}, title={A Regularized Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Period of a Cyclostationary Process}, booktitle={Proc.\ Asilomar Conf.\ Signals Syst.\ Computers}, author={Ramírez, D. and Schreier, P. J. and Vía, J. and Santamaría, I. and Scharf, L. L.}, year={2014} }

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40763
@article{Adali_Schreier_2014, title={Optimization and estimation of complex-valued signals}, volume={31}, DOI={10.1109/MSP.2013.2287951}, number={5}, journal={IEEE Signal Processing Magazine}, author={Adali, Tulay and Schreier, Peter J.}, year={2014}, pages={112–128} }
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2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 40769
@inproceedings{Lameiro_Santamaría_Utschick_2014, place={Florence, Italy}, title={Interference Shaping Constraints for Underlay MIMO Interference Channels}, DOI={10.1109/ICASSP.2014.6855020}, booktitle={Proc.\ IEEE Int.\ Conf.\ Acoustics, Speech and Signal Process.}, author={Lameiro, Christian and Santamaría, Ignacio and Utschick, Wolfgang}, year={2014} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40765
@article{Stein_Mezghani_Nossek_2014, title={A lower bound for the Fisher information measure}, volume={21}, DOI={10.1109/LSP.2014.2316008}, number={7}, journal={IEEE Signal Process.\ Lett.}, author={Stein, Manuel and Mezghani, Amine and Nossek, Josef A.}, year={2014}, pages={796–799} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 38105
@article{Motka_Stoklasa_Rehacek_Hradil_Karasek_Mogilevtsev_Harder_Silberhorn_Sánchez-Soto_2014, title={Efficient algorithm for optimizing data-pattern tomography}, volume={89}, DOI={10.1103/physreva.89.054102}, number={5054102}, journal={Physical Review A}, publisher={American Physical Society (APS)}, author={Motka, L. and Stoklasa, B. and Rehacek, J. and Hradil, Z. and Karasek, V. and Mogilevtsev, D. and Harder, G. and Silberhorn, Christine and Sánchez-Soto, L. L.}, year={2014} }
LibreCat | DOI

2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 35455
@inbook{Alpsancar_2014, place={Bielefeld}, title={Cloud}, DOI={10.14361/transcript.9783839419687.64}, booktitle={Ortsregister}, publisher={transcript Verlag}, author={Alpsancar, Suzana}, editor={Marquardt, Nadine and Schreiber, Verena }, year={2014}, pages={64–69} }
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