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2016 Publications
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 57774
Macgilchrist, F., Ott, M., & Langer, A. (2014). Der praktische Vollzug von „Bologna”. Eine ethnographische Diskursanalyse. . In M. Nonhoff, E. Herschinger, J. Angermuller, F. Macgilchrist, M. Reisigl, J. Wedl, D. Wrana, & A. Ziem (Eds.), Diskursforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (Vol. 2, pp. 37–57). transcript Verlag.
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2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 57775
Ott, M., Langer, A., & Macgilchrist, F. (2014). Ethnographische Diskursanalyse. In D. Wrana, A. Ziem, M. Reisigl, M. Nonhoff, & J. Angermuller (Eds.), DiskursNetz. Wörterbuch der interdisziplinären Diskursforschung (pp. 89–90). Suhrkamp.
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 57773
Langer, A. (2014). Ethnographie. In D. Wrana , A. Ziem, M. Reisigl, M. Nonhoff, & J. Angermuller (Eds.), DiskursNetz. Wörterbuch der interdisziplinären Diskursforschung. (pp. 137–138). Suhrkamp.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45150
Denkinger, M., Lukas, A., Nikolaus, Th., Peter, R., & Franke, S. (2014). (for the ActiFE study group) Multisite pain, pain frequency and pain severity are associated with depression in older adults: results from the ActiFE Ulm study. Age and Ageing, 0, 1–5.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45155
Mays, D., Franke, S., Ladinig, B., & Kißgen, R. (2014). Berufsfeld Schulbegleitung. Eine Studie zum Einsatz von Schulbegleiter/innen an Förderschulen in NRW. Schulverwaltung NRW, 25(3), 75–77.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45152
Kißgen, R., Franke, S., Ladinig, B., Mays, D., & Carlitscheck, J. (2014). Schulbegleitung an Förderschulen in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Ausgangslage, Studienkonzeption und erste Ergebnisse. autismus, 77, 23–33.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 57944
Glaser, M., & Riepe, J. (2014). Internal capital market studies in empirical banking: Biases due to usage of assets instead of risk capital? Finance Research Letters, 11(1), 47–53.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47373
Schönfeld, F., Berndt, A., Hähnel, T., Pfleiderer, M., & Groh, R. (2014). Vocalmetrics: An interactive software for visualization and classification of music. {Audio Mostly 2014: 9th Conf. on Interaction with Sound—Imagining Sound and Music}.
2014 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 47375
Berndt, A. (2014). Ambiente Musik zur Vertonung immersiver interaktiver Medien. In I. für immersive Medien (Ed.), {Jahrbuch immersiver Medien 2014: Klänge, Musik und Soundscapes} (pp. 95–105). Schüren Verlag.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 47374
Berndt, A., Al-Kassab, N., & Dachselt, R. (2014). TouchNoise: A Particle-based Multitouch Noise Modulation Interface. {Proc. of New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2014}, 323–326.
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34583
Koppelmann, B., Messidat, B., Kuznik, C., Müller, W., Becker, M., & Scheytt, J. C. (2014). Fast and Open Virtual Platforms for TriCore-based SoCs Using QEMU. Proceedings of the Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCON Europe).
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34580
Becker, M., Kuznik, C., Müller, W., Koppelmann, B., & Messidat, B. (2014). Fast and Open Virtual Platforms for TriCore-based SoCs Using QEMU. Proceedings of the Design and Verification Conference Europe . DVCON Europe.
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 25117
Koppelmann, B., Messidat, B., Becker, M., Kuznik, C., Müller, W., & Scheytt, J. C. (2014). Fast and Open Virtual Platforms for TriCore-based SoCs Using QEMU. Design and Verification Conference (DVCON EUROPE).
2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 25162
Kuznik, C., & Müller, W. (2014). Verific-MM: Systematized Verification Metrics Generation with UCIS for Improved Automation on Verification Closure. Design, Automation and Test in Europe DATE, University Booth, Dresden .
2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 25169
Oetjens, J.-H., Becker, M., Kuznik, C., & Müller, W. (2014). Safety Evaluation of Automotive Electronics Using Virtual Prototypes: State of the Art and Research Challenges. Design Automation Conference (DAC).
2014 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 59024
Garske, V. (Ed.). (2014). Trost und Schöpfung (Gen 1,1-2,4a). Interpretationen - Unterrichtsmodell. Schöningh.