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1843 Publications
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 46946
Klingsieck, Katrin B. “Prokrastination: Problem Oder Strategie? .” Eile Mit Weile. Aspekte Der Be- Und Entschleunigung in Wissenschaft Und Kunst , edited by B Braun and O Neumeier, Lit-Verlag, 2015, pp. 155–71.
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 46947
Klingsieck, Katrin B., and Piers Steel. “Procrastination.” International Encyclopedia of Social & Behavioral Science, edited by J. D. Wright, 2nd ed., Elsevier, 2015, pp. 73–78.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46969
Piper, Mark, et al. “CFD-Untersuchung Der Fluiddynamik Und Des Wärmeübergangs Bei Einphasiger Strömung Im Welligen Spalt Zwischen Thermoblechen.” Chemie Ingenieur Technik, vol. 87, no. 3, Wiley, 2015, pp. 216–25, doi:10.1002/cite.201400091.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46731
Güldenpenning, Iris, et al. “Masked Priming of Complex Movements: Perceptual and Motor Processes in Unconscious Action Perception.” Psychological Research, vol. 79, Springer, 2015, pp. 801–812, doi:
2015 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 46883
Koester, Dirk, et al. “Neurophysiologische Korrelate der Verarbeitung der Blickrichtung im Basketball bei der Passbeurteilung.” The Athlete’s Brain: Neuronale Aspekte motorischer Kontrolle im Sport. 14. Jahrestagung der dvs-Sektion Sportmotorik, pp. 173–74.
| Files available
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45593
Kesternich, Martin. “Minimum Participation Rules in International Environmental Agreements: Empirical Evidence from a Survey among Delegates in International Climate Negotiations.” Applied Economics, vol. 48, no. 12, Informa UK Limited, 2015, pp. 1047–65, doi:10.1080/00036846.2015.1093082.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45594
Dai, Jing, et al. “Extreme Weather Experiences and Climate Change Beliefs in China: An Econometric Analysis.” Ecological Economics, vol. 116, Elsevier BV, 2015, pp. 310–21, doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.05.001.
2015 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 9953
Sondermann-Woelke, Christoph. Entwurf Und Anwendung Einer Erweiterten Zustandsüberwachung Zur Verlässlichkeitssteigerung Selbstoptimierender Systeme. Shaker, 2015.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 41710
Eickmeyer, Jost, and Antje Tumat. “,,…, als habe dort niemals eine Insel gestanden.“ Wolfgang Hildesheimers und Hans Werner Henzes Das Ende einer Welt als Erzählung und Rundfunkoper.” Literatur für Leser, vol. 38, no. 3, Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers, 2015, pp. 169–86, doi:10.3726/90073_169.
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2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44649
Köster, Carolin, et al. “‘Hol dir deinen beneFIT’ : Einführung eines Gesundheitspasses zur Förderung der Studierendengesundheit an der Universität Paderborn.” Bewegungsorientierte Gesundheitsförderung an Hochschulen, edited by A. Göring and D. Möllenbeck, Univ.-Verl. Göttingen, 2015, pp. 427–36.
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44648
Kämpfe, Astrid, et al. “Körperlich-sportliche Aktivität und subjektiver Gesundheitszustand sowie studiumsspezifisches Stressempfinden bei Studierenden.” Bewegungsorientierte Gesundheitsförderung an Hochschulen, edited by A. Göring and D. Möllenbeck, 2015, pp. 257–72.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 296
Kenter, Tobias, et al. “Exploring Tradeoffs between Specialized Kernels and a Reusable Overlay in a Stereo-Matching Case Study.” International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing (IJRC), vol. 2015, 859425, Hindawi, 2015, doi:10.1155/2015/859425.
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2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 303 |
Damschen, Marvin, and Christian Plessl. “Easy-to-Use On-The-Fly Binary Program Acceleration on Many-Cores.” Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Self-Tuning Computing Systems (ADAPT), 2015.
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| arXiv
2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 1773
Schumacher, Jörn, et al. “Improving Packet Processing Performance in the ATLAS FELIX Project – Analysis and Optimization of a Memory-Bounded Algorithm.” Proc. Int. Conf. on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), ACM, 2015, doi:10.1145/2675743.2771824.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1768
Plessl, Christian, et al. “Aktuelles Schlagwort: Approximate Computing.” Informatik Spektrum, no. 5, Springer, 2015, pp. 396–99, doi:10.1007/s00287-015-0911-z.
2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 238
Damschen, Marvin, et al. “Transparent Offloading of Computational Hotspots from Binary Code to Xeon Phi.” Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), EDA Consortium / IEEE, 2015, pp. 1078–83, doi:10.7873/DATE.2015.1124.
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2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1775
Anderson, J., et al. “FELIX: A High-Throughput Network Approach for Interfacing to Front End Electronics for ATLAS Upgrades.” Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 664, 082050, IOP Publishing, 2015, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/664/8/082050.
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 32915
Öhlschläger, Claudia, and Sabiene Autsch. “Schauanordnungen des Kleinen in Kunst und Literatur. .” kritische berichte : En Detail. Zur Epistemologie kleiner Formen. (Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften, Jg.43), 2015, pp. 92–109.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 50018
Chan, Sheng-Ju, and Liang-Wen Lin(-Januszewski). “Massification of Higher Education in Taiwan: Shifting Pressure from Admission to Employment.” Higher Education Policy, vol. 28, no. 1, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2015, pp. 17–33, doi:10.1057/hep.2014.33.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56302
Baumgarten, Daniel. “Offshoring, the Nature of Tasks, and Occupational Stability: Empirical Evidence for Germany.” The World Economy, vol. 38, no. 3, Wiley, 2015, pp. 479–508, doi:10.1111/twec.12155.