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2272 Publications

2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 45699
Aghaei Abrandabadi, S. A. (2019). Abraham soll seinen Sohn opfern. In A.-P. Weber (Ed.), Koran erklärt. Wichtige Verse kurz und verständlich erläutert (pp. 75–77). Suhrkamp.

2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 30377
Zahera, H. M. A., Sherif, M. A., & Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. (2019). Jointly Learning from Social Media and Environmental Data for Typhoon Intensity Prediction. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture.
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2019 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 45798
Mahs, C., & Riegraf, Birgit; Rendtorff, Barbara (Eds.). (2019). Struktur und Dynamik – Un/Gleichzeitigkeiten im Geschlechterverhältnis. Springer.

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 22541
Giner, I., Torun, B., Han, Y., Duderija, B., Meinderink, D., Orive, A. G., de los Arcos de Pedro, M. T., Weinberger, C., Tiemann, M., Schmid, H.-J., & Grundmeier, G. (2019). Water adsorption and capillary bridge formation on silica micro-particle layers modified with perfluorinated organosilane monolayers. Applied Surface Science, 873–879.
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43019
Schmidt, H. C., Homberg, W., Orive, A. G., Grundmeier, G., Duderija, B., Hordych, I., Herbst, S., Nürnberger, F., & Maier, H. J. (2019). Joining of blanks by cold pressure welding: Incremental rolling and strategies for surface activation and heat treatment. Materialwissenschaft Und Werkstofftechnik, 50(8), 924–939.
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2019 | Newspaper Article | LibreCat-ID: 14903
Asenkerschbaumer, S., & Sureth-Sloane, C. (2019). Aus Daten müssen Informationen werden. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 209.

2019 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 46153
Weber, T. (2019). A corpus-based approach to the usage and acquisition of prepositions by learners of German as a foreign language: form vs. function. In Andrea Abel, A. Glaznieks, V. Lyding, & L. Nicolas (Eds.), Widening the Scope of Learner Corpus Research. Selected papers from the fourth Learner Corpus Research Conference. (pp. 121–136). Presses universitaires de Louvain.
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2019 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 45836
Kostan, A. (2019). Imke Leicht/Christine Löw/Nadja Meisterhans/Katharina Volk (Hrsg.), 2017: Material turn: Feministische Perspektiven auf Materialität und Materialismus. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. 205 Seiten. 29,90 Euro. In Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse – Geschlechterverhältnisse im 21. Jahrhundert (Vol. 11, Issues 2–2019, pp. 163–165). Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH.
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2019 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 15874 | OA
Lienen, C. (n.d.). Implementing a Real-time System on a Platform FPGA operated with ReconOS. Universität Paderborn.
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16312
Steube, J., Burkhardt, L., Päpcke, A., Moll, J., Zimmer, P., Schoch, R., Wölper, C., Heinze, K., Lochbrunner, S., & Bauer, M. (2019). Excited‐State Kinetics of an Air‐Stable Cyclometalated Iron(II) Complex. Chemistry – A European Journal, 11826–11830.
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2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 23756
Pollmeier, P., & Fechner, S. (2019). Creativity in data analysis through confrontation with anomalous data. In O. Levrini, G. Tasquir, E. Kaya, & V.-M. Vesterinen (Eds.), The beauty and pleasure of understanding: engaging with contemporary challenges through science education. Electronic Proceedings of the ESERA 2019 Conference. (pp. 751–759). ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - University of Bologna.

2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29037
Zahera, H. M. A., Sherif, M., & Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. (2019). Jointly Learning from Social Media and Environmental Data for Typhoon Intensity Prediction. K-CAP 2019: Knowledge Capture Conference, 4.

2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29011
Sherif, M., Pestryakova, S., Dreßler, K., & Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. (2019). LimesWebUI – Link Discovery Made Simple. 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019).

2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29003
Zahera, H. M. A., A. Elgendy, I., Jalota, R., & Sherif, M. (2019). Fine-tuned BERT Model for Multi-Label Tweets Classification. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Text REtrieval Conference, {TREC} 2019, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, November 13-15, 2019.

2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29038
Ahmed, A. F. A., Sherif, M., & Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. (2019). Do your Resources Sound Similar? On the Impact of Using Phonetic Similarity in Link Discovery. K-CAP 2019: Knowledge Capture Conference.

2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29012
Fathi Ahmed, A., Sherif, M., & Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C. (2019). LSVS: Link Specification Verbalization and Summarization. 24th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2019).

2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29013
Athanasiou, S., Giorgos, G., Damien, G., Nikos, K., Jens, L., Ngonga Ngomo, A.-C., Kostas, P., Sherif, M., & Skoutas, D. (2019). Big POI data integration with Linked Data technologies. International Conference on Extending Database Technology 2019, EDBT19.

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 37525
Vochatzer, S., & Engelmann, S. (2019). Das Ich im Schatten der Methode. Eine Hinführung zum Potenzial autoethnografischen Schreibens für die wissenschaftliche Praxis. Journal der Schreibberatung (18) 2, S. 86–99.

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15074
Kamhöfer, D. A., Schmitz, H., & Westphal, M. (2019). Heterogeneity in Marginal Non-Monetary Returns to Higher Education. Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(1), 205–244.
LibreCat | DOI

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46607
Schubert, M. (2019). The Creation of Illegal Migration in the German Confederation, 1815–1866. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 34, 527–545.

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