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40122 Publications
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34220
@article{Busch_Butzhammer_Hausotte_2022, title={Herausforderungen bei computertomografischen Untersuchungen von Fügeverbindungen}, volume={89}, DOI={10.1515/teme-2022-0061}, number={s1}, journal={tm - Technisches Messen}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Busch, Matthias and Butzhammer, Lorenz and Hausotte, Tino}, year={2022}, pages={83–88} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 33519
@inproceedings{Marx_Rieskamp_Mirbabaie_2022, title={‘Just a Normal Day in the Metaverse’ – Distraction Conflicts of Knowledge Work in Virtual Environments}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 33rd Australasian Conference on Information Systems}, author={Marx, Julian and Rieskamp, Jonas and Mirbabaie, Milad}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 32247
@inproceedings{Alshomary_Rieskamp_Wachsmuth_2022, title={Generating Contrastive Snippets for Argument Search}, DOI={}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument}, author={Alshomary, Milad and Rieskamp, Jonas and Wachsmuth, Henning}, year={2022}, pages={21–31} }
2022 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 34272 |
@book{Schemmel_2022, series={Schriften des Lehrstuhls für Dynamik und Mechatronik}, title={Enhanced process development by simulation of ultrasonic heavy wire bonding}, volume={13}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-1280}, publisher={Shaker}, author={Schemmel, Reinhard}, year={2022}, collection={Schriften des Lehrstuhls für Dynamik und Mechatronik} }
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2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34283
@article{Gutt_Thommes_2022, title={Speaking of Performance: Evaluating Team Members’ Performance with Open-Ended Audio Comments}, volume={2022}, DOI={10.5465/ambpp.2022.16394abstract}, number={1}, journal={Academy of Management Proceedings}, publisher={Academy of Management}, author={Gutt, Jana Kim and Thommes, Kirsten}, year={2022} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34298
@inproceedings{Trentinaglia_2022, title={Deriving model-based safety and security assurance cases from design rationale of countermeasure patterns}, DOI={10.1145/3550356.3558508}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: Companion Proceedings}, publisher={ACM}, author={Trentinaglia, Roman}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34316 |
@article{Bauer_Lahme_Sacher_2022, title={Potenziale und Grenzen von Unterstützungsmaßnahmen zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben im Paderborner Physik Praktikum 3P}, volume={21}, number={1}, journal={PhyDid A - Physik und Didaktik in Schule und Hochschule }, author={Bauer, Anna Brigitte and Lahme, Simon Zacharias and Sacher, Marc}, year={2022}, pages={23–34} }
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2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34300
@article{Balos_Kaliannan_Elgabarty_Wolf_Kühne_Sajadi_2022, title={Time-resolved terahertz–Raman spectroscopy reveals that cations and anions distinctly modify intermolecular interactions of water}, volume={14}, DOI={10.1038/s41557-022-00977-2}, number={9}, journal={Nature Chemistry}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Balos, Vasileios and Kaliannan, Naveen Kumar and Elgabarty, Hossam and Wolf, Martin and Kühne, Thomas and Sajadi, Mohsen}, year={2022}, pages={1031–1037} }
2022 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 34397
@book{Gräßler_Oleff_2022, place={Berlin}, title={Systems Engineering - verstehen und industriell umsetzen}, publisher={Springer Verlag}, author={Gräßler, Iris and Oleff, Christian}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34415
@inproceedings{Zirngibl_Sauer_Schleich_Wartzack_2022, title={Knowledge and Data-Based Design and Dimensioning of Mechanical Joining Connections}, DOI={10.1115/detc2022-89172}, booktitle={Volume 2: 42nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE)}, publisher={American Society of Mechanical Engineers}, author={Zirngibl, Christoph and Sauer, Christopher and Schleich, Benjamin and Wartzack, Sandro}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34417 |
@article{Zirngibl_Schleich_Wartzack_2022, title={Estimation of Clinch Joint Characteristics Based on Limited Input Data Using Pre-Trained Metamodels}, volume={3}, DOI={10.3390/ai3040059}, number={4}, journal={AI}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Zirngibl, Christoph and Schleich, Benjamin and Wartzack, Sandro}, year={2022}, pages={990–1006} }
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 33186
@inbook{Harmening_2022, title={Das Leben nehmen oder den Tod geben – Selbstbestimmtes Sterben auf der Schwelle von Utopie zur Realität?}, booktitle={Sonderausgabe des Jahrbuchs für internationale Germanistik 2022}, author={Harmening, Anda-Lisa Martha Josephine Anna}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 34450
@book{Harmening_Leinfellner_Meier_2022, place={Darmstadt}, series={Interdisziplinäre Studien des Paderborner Graduiertenzentrums für Kulturwissenschaften}, title={Wissenstransfer als Aufgabe, Herausforderung und Chance kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung}, volume={1}, publisher={wbg Academic}, year={2022}, collection={Interdisziplinäre Studien des Paderborner Graduiertenzentrums für Kulturwissenschaften} }
2022 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 34453
@book{Tönnies_Voigts_The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English_2022, place={Berlin}, series={CDE Studies}, title={Twenty-First Century Anxieties: Dys/Utopian Spaces and Contexts in Contemporary British Theatre}, volume={32}, publisher={Walter deGruyter}, year={2022}, collection={CDE Studies} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34452
@article{Tönnies_Flotmann-Scholz_2022, title={Directing Pandemic Attention: Dystopian Corona Narratives and the Nation in British Media and Politics}, volume={33}, number={2}, journal={Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies}, author={Tönnies, Merle and Flotmann-Scholz, Christina}, year={2022}, pages={257–272} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34454
@article{Tönnies_Voigts_2022, title={Anger, Anxiety and Hope: The Complicit Realities and Engaged/ing Communities of Contemporary Briitsh Dys/Utopian Theatre}, volume={32}, journal={Twenty-First Century Anxieties: Dys/Utopian Spaces and Contexts in Contemporary British Theatre (CDE Studies)}, publisher={Walter deGruyter}, author={Tönnies, Merle and Voigts, Eckart}, year={2022} }
2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 34467
@inbook{Lütje-Klose _Grüter_Neumann_Weber_Goldan_Gorges_Wild_2022, place={Münster}, series={Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte für inklusive Bildung}, title={Weil wir tatsächlich nicht voneinander wussten, was jeder Einzelne so an verborgenen Schätzen bringt}, volume={3}, DOI={10.31244/9783830995142}, booktitle={Qualifizierung für Inklusion. Sekundarstufe }, publisher={Waxmann}, author={Lütje-Klose , Birgit and Grüter, Sandra and Neumann, Phillip and Weber, Antonia and Goldan, Janka and Gorges, Julia and Wild, Elke}, editor={Lutz, Deborah and Becker, Jonas and Buchhaupt, Felix and Katzenbach, Dieter and Strecker, Alicia and Urban, Michael}, year={2022}, pages={163–178}, collection={Qualifizierung der pädagogischen Fachkräfte für inklusive Bildung} }
2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 34465
@inproceedings{laeim_Schlickriede_Chaisakul_Chattham_Panitchakan_Siangchaew_Zentgraf_Pattanaporhratana_2022, title={Design and investigation of a metalens for efficiency enhancement of laser-waveguide coupling in a limited space system}, DOI={10.1117/12.2629789}, booktitle={Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2022}, publisher={SPIE}, author={laeim, Huddad and Schlickriede, Christian and Chaisakul, Papichaya and Chattham, Nattaporn and Panitchakan, Hathai and Siangchaew, Krisda and Zentgraf, Thomas and Pattanaporhratana, Apichart}, editor={Engheta, Nader and Noginov, Mikhail A. and Zheludev, Nikolay I.}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 32578
@article{Gokeler_Grassi_Hoogeslag_van Houten_Bolling_Buckthorpe_Norte_Benjaminse_Heuvelmans_Di Paolo_et al._2022, title={Return to sports after ACL injury 5 years from now: 10 things we must do}, volume={9}, DOI={10.1186/s40634-022-00514-7}, number={173}, journal={Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Gokeler, Alli and Grassi, Alberto and Hoogeslag, Roy and van Houten, Albert and Bolling, Caroline and Buckthorpe, Matthew and Norte, Grant and Benjaminse, Anne and Heuvelmans, Pieter and Di Paolo, Stefano and et al.}, year={2022} }
2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 32361
@article{Scharfen_Lehmann_Büchel_Baumeister_2022, title={Cortical responses to sport-specific stimuli in a standing stop signal task}, DOI={10.1016/j.psychsport.2022.102250}, number={102250}, journal={Psychology of Sport and Exercise}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Scharfen, Hans-Erik and Lehmann, Tim and Büchel, Daniel and Baumeister, Jochen}, year={2022} }