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40162 Publications

2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46582
@inproceedings{Ried_Gubsch_2022, title={METAdata and metaDATA}, DOI={10.17613/50T9-Z881}, author={Ried, Dennis and Gubsch, Clemens}, editor={Münnich, Stefan and Rizo, David}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 48018 | OA
@book{Albers_Hoeft_Meusel_Heberle_2022, title={Ein Blick auf: Gestaltung des Übergangs in die Kindertageseinrichtung im Bundesprogramm „Kita-Einstieg: Brücken bauen in frühe Bildung“}, author={Albers, Timm and Hoeft, Maike and Meusel, Sarah and Heberle, Kathrin}, year={2022} }
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2022 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 52237
@book{Kunert_2022, place={Tübingen}, series={Stauffenburg Romanistik 4}, title={Argumentationsindikatoren im Deutschen und im Französischen}, publisher={Stauffenburg}, author={Kunert, Irene Dorothea}, year={2022}, collection={Stauffenburg Romanistik 4} }

2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 52242
@inbook{Kunert_2022, place={Berlin}, series={Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung 163}, title={Der Gebrauch deutscher und französischer metaargumentativer Verben in wissenschaftlichen Publikationen}, booktitle={Syntax in Fachkommunikation}, publisher={Frank & Timme}, author={Kunert, Irene Dorothea}, editor={Wienen, Ursula and Reichmann, Tinka and Sergo, Laura}, year={2022}, pages={367–394}, collection={Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung 163} }

2022 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 52326
@inproceedings{Adler_2022, place={Banja Luka}, title={Helmut Lachenmann and Karlheinz Stockhausen: String quartets between avant-garde and tradition}, booktitle={Vlado S. Milošević: Tradition as Inspiration. Thematic proceedings from the 2021 scientific conference}, author={Adler, Luise}, editor={Grujić, Gordana and Pavlović, Saša}, year={2022}, pages={317–329} }

2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 52322 | OA
@inbook{Abdelrahem_2022, place={Dschidda/ Saudi-Arabien}, title={wiḥdat ad-Dīn (Einheit der Religionen)}, booktitle={At-Taʿāyuš wa-t-taʿāruf fī l-islām – mafāhīm muyassara (Zusammenleben und Kennenlernen im Islam - Einführungsbegriffe)}, publisher={Maktabat al-malik fahd al-waṭaniyya}, author={Abdelrahem, Mohammed}, editor={ Islamic Cooperation „OIC“, Organisation of}, year={2022}, pages={335–350} }
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2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 52351 | OA
@inbook{Karsten_Schwede_Körber_Scharlau_2022, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Transitivitätscharakteristika als Werkzeug in der systematischen qualitativen Metaphernanalyse}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-658-36121-1}, booktitle={Die Praxis der systematischen Metaphernanalyse: Anwendungen und Anschlüsse}, publisher={Springer}, author={Karsten, Andrea and Schwede, Jana and Körber, Miriam and Scharlau, Ingrid}, editor={Schmitt, Rudolf and Schröder, Julia and Pfaller, Larissa and Hoklas, Anne-Kathrin}, year={2022}, pages={201–216} }
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2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47558
@article{Röder_Gröngröft_Grünewald_Riese_2022, title={Options for demand side management in biofuel production: A systematic review}, volume={46}, DOI={10.1002/er.8353}, number={13}, journal={International Journal of Energy Research}, publisher={Hindawi Limited}, author={Röder, Lilli Sophia and Gröngröft, Arne and Grünewald, Marcus and Riese, Julia}, year={2022}, pages={17733–17754} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47562
@article{Herrmann_Grünewald_Meijer_Gardemann_Feierabend_Riese_2022, title={Operating window and flexibility of a lab-scale methanation plant}, volume={254}, DOI={10.1016/j.ces.2022.117632}, number={117632}, journal={Chemical Engineering Science}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Herrmann, Felix and Grünewald, Marcus and Meijer, Tobias and Gardemann, Ulrich and Feierabend, Lukas and Riese, Julia}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47563
@article{Di Pretoro_Bruns_Negny_Grünewald_Riese_2022, title={Demand response scheduling using derivative-based dynamic surrogate models}, volume={160}, DOI={10.1016/j.compchemeng.2022.107711}, number={107711}, journal={Computers & Chemical Engineering}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Di Pretoro, Alessandro and Bruns, Bastian and Negny, Stéphane and Grünewald, Marcus and Riese, Julia}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47560
@article{Peters_Wegener_Samsun_Schorn_Riese_Grünewald_Stolten_2022, title={A Techno-Economic Assessment of Fischer–Tropsch Fuels Based on Syngas from Co-Electrolysis}, volume={10}, DOI={10.3390/pr10040699}, number={4699}, journal={Processes}, publisher={MDPI AG}, author={Peters, Ralf and Wegener, Nils and Samsun, Remzi Can and Schorn, Felix and Riese, Julia and Grünewald, Marcus and Stolten, Detlef}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47561
@article{Riese_Reitze_Grünewald_2022, title={Experimental Characterization of 3D Printed Structured Metal Packing with an Enclosed Column Wall}, volume={94}, DOI={10.1002/cite.202200002}, number={7}, journal={Chemie Ingenieur Technik}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Riese, Julia and Reitze, Arnulf and Grünewald, Marcus}, year={2022}, pages={993–1001} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47556
@article{Herrmann_Grünewald_Meijer_Gardemann_Riese_2022, title={Performance of a Laboratory-Scale Methanation Plant with Catalyst Dilution under Dynamic Operating Conditions}, volume={61}, DOI={10.1021/acs.iecr.2c00871}, number={27}, journal={Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research}, publisher={American Chemical Society (ACS)}, author={Herrmann, Felix and Grünewald, Marcus and Meijer, Tobias and Gardemann, Ulrich and Riese, Julia}, year={2022}, pages={9644–9657} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47553
@article{Röder_Gröngröft_Grünewald_Riese_2022, title={Assessing the demand side management potential in biofuel production; A theoretical study for biodiesel, bioethanol, and biomethane in Germany}, volume={17}, DOI={10.1002/bbb.2452}, number={1}, journal={Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Röder, Lilli Sophia and Gröngröft, Arne and Grünewald, Marcus and Riese, Julia}, year={2022}, pages={56–70} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47555
@article{Fasel_Grünewald_Riese_2022, title={On the lower operation limit and the gain of flexibility of an innovative segmented tray column}, volume={5}, DOI={10.1002/amp2.10144}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Fasel, Henrik and Grünewald, Marcus and Riese, Julia}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 47559
@article{Röder_Gröngröft_Grünewald_Riese_2022, title={Options for demand side management in biofuel production: A systematic review}, volume={46}, DOI={10.1002/er.8353}, number={13}, journal={International Journal of Energy Research}, publisher={Hindawi Limited}, author={Röder, Lilli Sophia and Gröngröft, Arne and Grünewald, Marcus and Riese, Julia}, year={2022}, pages={17733–17754} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 47557
@inbook{Bruns_Grünewald_Riese_2022, title={Optimal design for flexible operation with multiple fluctuating input parameters}, DOI={10.1016/b978-0-323-95879-0.50144-2}, booktitle={Computer Aided Chemical Engineering}, publisher={Elsevier}, author={Bruns, Bastian and Grünewald, Marcus and Riese, Julia}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40644
@article{Al-Lami_Kenig_Inguva_2022, title={Numerical analysis of conjugate heat transfer within internally channeled tubes}, volume={223}, DOI={10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2022.119596}, number={119596}, journal={Applied Thermal Engineering}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Al-Lami, Abbas Jarullah Sangoor and Kenig, Eugeny Y. and Inguva, Venkatesh}, year={2022} }
LibreCat | DOI

2022 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 33204
@inproceedings{Al-Lami_Kenig_2022, title={Heat transfer enhancement with internally channeled tubes}, author={Al-Lami, Abbas Jarullah Sangoor and Kenig, Eugeny Y.}, year={2022} }

2022 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 52461
@article{Breckner_2022, title={Rezension zu “Helmut Simon. Leben zwischen den Zeiten. Von der Weimarer Republik bis zur Europäischen Union - Vom Bauernbub zum Verfassungsrichter und Kirchentagspräsidenten” hg. von Becker, Peter; Simon, Heide}, volume={71}, journal={Jahrbuch für Evangelischen Kirchengeschichte des Rheinlandes (JEKGR)}, author={Breckner, Anne}, year={2022}, pages={277–282} }


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