Evaluating bilingual education in Germany: CLIL students’ general English proficiency, EFL self-concept and interest

D. Rumlich, Evaluating Bilingual Education in Germany: CLIL Students’ General English Proficiency, EFL Self-Concept and Interest, Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2016.

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Book | English
Reviews/Rezensionen: Lasagabaster (2017) in der Zeitschrift Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 5(1) :https://www.jbe-platform.com/content/journals/10.1075/jicb.5.1.06las] Burmeister (2019) in der Zeitschrift Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 48(1): http://www.periodicals.narr.de/index.php/flul/article/view/4836 Breeze (2018) in der Zeitschrift Estudios sobre Educación, 34(1): https://www.unav.edu/publicaciones/revistas/index.php/estudios-sobre-educacion/article/download/21762/17478
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Rumlich D. Evaluating Bilingual Education in Germany: CLIL Students’ General English Proficiency, EFL Self-Concept and Interest. Lang; 2016.
Rumlich, D. (2016). Evaluating bilingual education in Germany: CLIL students’ general English proficiency, EFL self-concept and interest. Lang.
@book{Rumlich_2016, place={Frankfurt am Main, Germany}, title={Evaluating bilingual education in Germany: CLIL students’ general English proficiency, EFL self-concept and interest}, publisher={Lang}, author={Rumlich, Dominik}, year={2016} }
Rumlich, Dominik. Evaluating Bilingual Education in Germany: CLIL Students’ General English Proficiency, EFL Self-Concept and Interest. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Lang, 2016.
D. Rumlich, Evaluating bilingual education in Germany: CLIL students’ general English proficiency, EFL self-concept and interest. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Lang, 2016.
Rumlich, Dominik. Evaluating Bilingual Education in Germany: CLIL Students’ General English Proficiency, EFL Self-Concept and Interest. Lang, 2016.


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