Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender
A.B. Bauer, Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender, LibreCat University, 2023.
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Reinhold, Peter;
Riese, Josef
Für den Erwerb fachmethodischer Fähigkeiten stellen Laborpraktika eine zentrale Lerngelegenheiten des Physikstudiums dar. Trotz ihrer hohen Bedeutung fehlt ein hochschulfachdidaktischer Diskurs zu einer lehr-lerntheoretischen Fundierung. Zudem wird ihre Lernwirksamkeit aufgrund der bestehenden didaktischen Gestaltung kritisiert. Die weit verbreiteten engmaschigen Aufgabenstellungen enthalten keine Anreize zur tiefergehenden Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten. Um der Diskrepanz zwischen den Zielsetzungen und den von den Lernenden erworbenen Fähigkeiten entgegenzuwirken, liegen aktuell nur wenige und zudem nur punktuelle Grundlagen für eine evidenzbasierte Überarbeitung dieses Veranstaltungsformates vor. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist daher, einen Vorschlag für ein performanzorientiertes Kompetenzstrukturmodell auf universitärem Niveau zu entwickeln, das die Inhaltsbereiche, die experimentellen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten sowie die Qualitätsausprägungen experimenteller Handlungen systematisiert.Die Modellierung ist auf Basis der Analyse videografierter experimenteller Performanz von 16 unterschiedlich fähigen Proband:innen realisiert worden. Für die Entwicklung der Dimensionen Fachmethodik und Qualitätsausprägung werden unter Nutzung der qualitativen Forschungsansätze Dokumentarische Methode und Typenbildung die charakteristischen Merkmale universitären Experimentierens identifiziert und anschließend systematisiert. Zur Prüfung der Passung des Modells zur Perspektive der Wissenschaft Physik ist ein Interrating mit einem Fachwissenschaftler durchgeführt worden, das sehr gute Übereinstimmungswerte liefert. Die Passung des Modells zur Perspektive der Praktikumsleiter:innen ist durch ein Expertenrating erfolgt. Ein Rangfolgen-Vergleich zeigt hohe Übereinstimmungswerte.
Within university physics programs, laboratory courses are the central learning opportunities for students to acquire and develop experimental skills. Despite their central role within physics programs, there has been only limited discourse and research on the methodical and educational foundations of laboratory courses within higher education. Furthermore, the teaching and learning structure of laboratory courses at university level has been continuously criticized, because their typical layout is based upon detailed and stepwise experimental instructions, which offer only limited possibilities for students to develop an independent and in-depth understanding of the experimental process at university level. So far, there only exists very limited and selective research to found an evidence-based development of laboratory courses. Therefore, the goal of this study is to propose a performance-based competence structure model of experimental skills at university level, which systemizes the physics content areas, the experimental skills and abilities, as well as their quality within a unified framework.The modeling in this study is based on the filmed experimental performance of 16 test subjects, which have been selected to cover a broad range of experimental skills and abilities. To structure the quality dimension of experimental skills and abilities the analysis followed the documentary method and the method of generating types, which allowed identifying and qualifying the typical characteristics of experimenting at university level. The validity with respect to the field of physics was tested via an interrating with an experimental physicist working in science, which yielded a good agreement of the rating results. Next, an expert rating assessed the fitting of the model regarding the perspective of lab course lectures.
Within university physics programs, laboratory courses are the central learning opportunities for students to acquire and develop experimental skills. Despite their central role within physics programs, there has been only limited discourse and research on the methodical and educational foundations of laboratory courses within higher education. Furthermore, the teaching and learning structure of laboratory courses at university level has been continuously criticized, because their typical layout is based upon detailed and stepwise experimental instructions, which offer only limited possibilities for students to develop an independent and in-depth understanding of the experimental process at university level. So far, there only exists very limited and selective research to found an evidence-based development of laboratory courses. Therefore, the goal of this study is to propose a performance-based competence structure model of experimental skills at university level, which systemizes the physics content areas, the experimental skills and abilities, as well as their quality within a unified framework.The modeling in this study is based on the filmed experimental performance of 16 test subjects, which have been selected to cover a broad range of experimental skills and abilities. To structure the quality dimension of experimental skills and abilities the analysis followed the documentary method and the method of generating types, which allowed identifying and qualifying the typical characteristics of experimenting at university level. The validity with respect to the field of physics was tested via an interrating with an experimental physicist working in science, which yielded a good agreement of the rating results. Next, an expert rating assessed the fitting of the model regarding the perspective of lab course lectures.
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Cite this
Bauer AB. Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender. LibreCat University; 2023. doi:10.17619/UNIPB/1-1652
Bauer, A. B. (2023). Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender. LibreCat University. https://doi.org/10.17619/UNIPB/1-1652
@book{Bauer_2023, title={Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender}, DOI={10.17619/UNIPB/1-1652}, publisher={LibreCat University}, author={Bauer, Anna Brigitte}, year={2023} }
Bauer, Anna Brigitte. Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender. LibreCat University, 2023. https://doi.org/10.17619/UNIPB/1-1652.
A. B. Bauer, Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender. LibreCat University, 2023.
Bauer, Anna Brigitte. Experimentelle Kompetenz Physikstudierender. LibreCat University, 2023, doi:10.17619/UNIPB/1-1652.
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