Modeling excitonic line shapes in weakly disordered semiconductor nanostructures
I. Kuznetsova, N. Gőgh, J. Förstner, T. Meier, S.T. Cundiff, I. Varga, P. Thomas, Physical Review B 81 (2010).

Journal Article
| Published
| English
Kuznetsova, I.;
Gőgh, N.;
Förstner, JensLibreCat
Meier, TorstenLibreCat
Cundiff, S. T.;
Varga, I.;
Thomas, P.

Excitonic spectra of weakly disordered semiconductor heterostructures are simulated on the basis of a
one-dimensional tight-binding model. The influence of the length scale of weak disorder in quantum wells on
the redshift of the excitonic peak and its linewidth is studied. By calculating two-dimensional Fouriertransform
spectra we are able to determine the contribution of disorder to inhomogeneous and also to homogeneous
broadenings separately. This disorder-induced dephasing is related to a Fano-type coupling and leads
to contributions to the homogeneous linewidth that depends on energy within the inhomogeneously broadened
line. The model includes heavy- and light-hole excitons and yields smaller inhomogeneous broadening for the
light-hole exciton if compared to the heavy-hole exciton, which agrees qualitatively with the experiment.
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Physical Review B
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Kuznetsova I, Gőgh N, Förstner J, et al. Modeling excitonic line shapes in weakly disordered semiconductor nanostructures. Physical Review B. 2010;81(7). doi:10.1103/physrevb.81.075307
Kuznetsova, I., Gőgh, N., Förstner, J., Meier, T., Cundiff, S. T., Varga, I., & Thomas, P. (2010). Modeling excitonic line shapes in weakly disordered semiconductor nanostructures. Physical Review B, 81(7), Article 075307.
@article{Kuznetsova_Gőgh_Förstner_Meier_Cundiff_Varga_Thomas_2010, title={Modeling excitonic line shapes in weakly disordered semiconductor nanostructures}, volume={81}, DOI={10.1103/physrevb.81.075307}, number={7075307}, journal={Physical Review B}, publisher={American Physical Society (APS)}, author={Kuznetsova, I. and Gőgh, N. and Förstner, Jens and Meier, Torsten and Cundiff, S. T. and Varga, I. and Thomas, P.}, year={2010} }
Kuznetsova, I., N. Gőgh, Jens Förstner, Torsten Meier, S. T. Cundiff, I. Varga, and P. Thomas. “Modeling Excitonic Line Shapes in Weakly Disordered Semiconductor Nanostructures.” Physical Review B 81, no. 7 (2010).
I. Kuznetsova et al., “Modeling excitonic line shapes in weakly disordered semiconductor nanostructures,” Physical Review B, vol. 81, no. 7, Art. no. 075307, 2010, doi: 10.1103/physrevb.81.075307.
Kuznetsova, I., et al. “Modeling Excitonic Line Shapes in Weakly Disordered Semiconductor Nanostructures.” Physical Review B, vol. 81, no. 7, 075307, American Physical Society (APS), 2010, doi:10.1103/physrevb.81.075307.
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