Microscopic theory of electron dynamics and time-resolved two-color two-photon photoemission at semiconductor surfaces
A. Zeiser, N. Bücking, J. Förstner, A. Knorr, Physical Review B 71 (2005).

Journal Article
| Published
| English
Zeiser, A.;
Bücking, N.;
Förstner, JensLibreCat
Knorr, A.

A microscopic description based on the density matrix formalism is developed to describe the dynamics of
photoemission of hot electrons at semiconductor surfaces, including the interaction of bulk and surface states.
The equations of motion for the electronic occupations and transitions include the interaction with arbitrary
optical fields as well as the electron-phonon coupling. Model wave functions are used to qualitatively describe
the bulk-surface dynamics and the subsequent time resolved two-photon photoemission s2PPEd spectra. Our
results suggest that it is possible to extract energetic and temporal information of the underlying dynamical
occupations of the intermediate states from the 2PPE spectra.
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Physical Review B
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Zeiser A, Bücking N, Förstner J, Knorr A. Microscopic theory of electron dynamics and time-resolved two-color two-photon photoemission at semiconductor surfaces. Physical Review B. 2005;71(24). doi:10.1103/physrevb.71.245309
Zeiser, A., Bücking, N., Förstner, J., & Knorr, A. (2005). Microscopic theory of electron dynamics and time-resolved two-color two-photon photoemission at semiconductor surfaces. Physical Review B, 71(24). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.71.245309
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Zeiser, A., N. Bücking, Jens Förstner, and A. Knorr. “Microscopic Theory of Electron Dynamics and Time-Resolved Two-Color Two-Photon Photoemission at Semiconductor Surfaces.” Physical Review B 71, no. 24 (2005). https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.71.245309.
A. Zeiser, N. Bücking, J. Förstner, and A. Knorr, “Microscopic theory of electron dynamics and time-resolved two-color two-photon photoemission at semiconductor surfaces,” Physical Review B, vol. 71, no. 24, 2005.
Zeiser, A., et al. “Microscopic Theory of Electron Dynamics and Time-Resolved Two-Color Two-Photon Photoemission at Semiconductor Surfaces.” Physical Review B, vol. 71, no. 24, 245309, American Physical Society (APS), 2005, doi:10.1103/physrevb.71.245309.
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