Professional knowledge of physics student teachers – ProfiLe-P
J. Riese, A. Borowski, H.E. Fischer, Y. Gramzow, C. Kulgemeyer, P. Reinhold, H. Schecker, E. Tomczyszyn, M. Walzer, in: S. Blömeke, O. Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia (Eds.), KoKoHs Working Papers 3, 2013.
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Book Chapter
| English
Riese, JosefLibreCat
Borowski, Andreas;
Fischer, Hans E.;
Gramzow, YvonneLibreCat;
Kulgemeyer, ChristophLibreCat;
Reinhold, PeterLibreCat;
Schecker, Horst;
Tomczyszyn, Elisabeth;
Walzer, Martin

Book Editor
Blömeke, Sigrid;
Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia, Olga
Publishing Year
Book Title
KoKoHs Working Papers 3
Cite this
Riese J, Borowski A, Fischer HE, et al. Professional knowledge of physics student teachers – ProfiLe-P. In: Blömeke S, Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia O, eds. KoKoHs Working Papers 3. ; 2013.
Riese, J., Borowski, A., Fischer, H. E., Gramzow, Y., Kulgemeyer, C., Reinhold, P., Schecker, H., Tomczyszyn, E., & Walzer, M. (2013). Professional knowledge of physics student teachers – ProfiLe-P. In S. Blömeke & O. Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia (Eds.), KoKoHs Working Papers 3.
@inbook{Riese_Borowski_Fischer_Gramzow_Kulgemeyer_Reinhold_Schecker_Tomczyszyn_Walzer_2013, title={Professional knowledge of physics student teachers – ProfiLe-P}, booktitle={KoKoHs Working Papers 3}, author={Riese, Josef and Borowski, Andreas and Fischer, Hans E. and Gramzow, Yvonne and Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Reinhold, Peter and Schecker, Horst and Tomczyszyn, Elisabeth and Walzer, Martin}, editor={Blömeke, Sigrid and Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia, Olga}, year={2013} }
Riese, Josef, Andreas Borowski, Hans E. Fischer, Yvonne Gramzow, Christoph Kulgemeyer, Peter Reinhold, Horst Schecker, Elisabeth Tomczyszyn, and Martin Walzer. “Professional Knowledge of Physics Student Teachers – ProfiLe-P.” In KoKoHs Working Papers 3, edited by Sigrid Blömeke and Olga Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia, 2013.
J. Riese et al., “Professional knowledge of physics student teachers – ProfiLe-P,” in KoKoHs Working Papers 3, S. Blömeke and O. Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia, Eds. 2013.
Riese, Josef, et al. “Professional Knowledge of Physics Student Teachers – ProfiLe-P.” KoKoHs Working Papers 3, edited by Sigrid Blömeke and Olga Zlatkin- Troitschanskaia, 2013.