Empowering Students for the Data-Driven World: A Qualitative Study of the Relevance of Learning about Data-Driven Technologies
L. Höper, C. Schulte, Informatics in Education (2024).

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<jats:p>In K-12 computing education, there is a need to identify and teach concepts that are relevant to understanding machine learning technologies. Studies of teaching approaches often evaluate whether students have learned the concepts. However, scant research has examined whether such concepts support understanding digital artefacts from everyday life and developing agency in a digital world. This paper presents a qualitative study that explores students’ perspectives on the relevance of learning concepts of data-driven technologies for navigating the digital world. The underlying approach of the study is data awareness, which aims to support students in understanding and reflecting on such technologies to develop agency in a data-driven world. This approach teaches students an explanatory model encompassing several concepts of the role of data in data-driven technologies. We developed an intervention and conducted retrospective interviews with students. Findings from the analysis of the interviews indicate that students can analyse and understand data-driven technologies from their everyday lives according to the central role of data. In addition, students’ answers revealed four areas of how learning about data-driven technologies becomes relevant to them. The paper concludes with a preliminary model suggesting how computing education can make concepts of data-driven technologies meaningful for students to understand and navigate the digital world.</jats:p>
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Informatics in Education
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Höper L, Schulte C. Empowering Students for the Data-Driven World: A Qualitative Study of the Relevance of Learning about Data-Driven Technologies. Informatics in Education. Published online 2024. doi:10.15388/infedu.2024.19
Höper, L., & Schulte, C. (2024). Empowering Students for the Data-Driven World: A Qualitative Study of the Relevance of Learning about Data-Driven Technologies. Informatics in Education. https://doi.org/10.15388/infedu.2024.19
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Höper, Lukas, and Carsten Schulte. “Empowering Students for the Data-Driven World: A Qualitative Study of the Relevance of Learning about Data-Driven Technologies.” Informatics in Education, 2024. https://doi.org/10.15388/infedu.2024.19.
L. Höper and C. Schulte, “Empowering Students for the Data-Driven World: A Qualitative Study of the Relevance of Learning about Data-Driven Technologies,” Informatics in Education, 2024, doi: 10.15388/infedu.2024.19.
Höper, Lukas, and Carsten Schulte. “Empowering Students for the Data-Driven World: A Qualitative Study of the Relevance of Learning about Data-Driven Technologies.” Informatics in Education, Vilnius University Press, 2024, doi:10.15388/infedu.2024.19.
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