An efficient compact blazed grating antenna for optical phased arrays
H. Farheen, S. Joshi, J.C. Scheytt, V. Myroshnychenko, J. Förstner, Journal of Physics: Photonics 6 (2024) 045010.
Journal Article
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PhoQC: PhoQC: Photonisches Quantencomputing
TRR 142: TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen
TRR 142 - B06: TRR 142 - Ultraschnelle kohärente opto-elektronische Kontrolle eines photonischen Quantensystems (B06*)
PC2: Computing Resources Provided by the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing
TRR 142: TRR 142 - Maßgeschneiderte nichtlineare Photonik: Von grundlegenden Konzepten zu funktionellen Strukturen
TRR 142 - B06: TRR 142 - Ultraschnelle kohärente opto-elektronische Kontrolle eines photonischen Quantensystems (B06*)
PC2: Computing Resources Provided by the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing
Phased arrays are vital in communication systems and have received significant interest in the field of optoelectronics and photonics, enabling a wide range of applications such as LiDAR, holography, wireless communication, etc. In this work, we present a blazed grating antenna that is optimized to have upward radiation efficiency as high as 80% with a compact footprint of 3.5 μm × 2 μm at an operational wavelength of 1.55 μm. Our numerical investigations demonstrate that this antenna in a 64 × 64 phased array configuration is capable of producing desired far-field radiation patterns. Additionally, our antenna possesses a low side lobe level of -9.7 dB and a negligible reflection efficiency of under 1%, making it an attractive candidate for integrated optical phased arrays.
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Journal of Physics: Photonics
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Farheen H, Joshi S, Scheytt JC, Myroshnychenko V, Förstner J. An efficient compact blazed grating antenna for optical phased arrays. Journal of Physics: Photonics. 2024;6:045010. doi:10.1088/2515-7647/ad6ed4
Farheen, H., Joshi, S., Scheytt, J. C., Myroshnychenko, V., & Förstner, J. (2024). An efficient compact blazed grating antenna for optical phased arrays. Journal of Physics: Photonics, 6, 045010.
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Farheen, Henna, Suraj Joshi, J. Christoph Scheytt, Viktor Myroshnychenko, and Jens Förstner. “An Efficient Compact Blazed Grating Antenna for Optical Phased Arrays.” Journal of Physics: Photonics 6 (2024): 045010.
H. Farheen, S. Joshi, J. C. Scheytt, V. Myroshnychenko, and J. Förstner, “An efficient compact blazed grating antenna for optical phased arrays,” Journal of Physics: Photonics, vol. 6, p. 045010, 2024, doi: 10.1088/2515-7647/ad6ed4.
Farheen, Henna, et al. “An Efficient Compact Blazed Grating Antenna for Optical Phased Arrays.” Journal of Physics: Photonics, vol. 6, IOP Publishing, 2024, p. 045010, doi:10.1088/2515-7647/ad6ed4.
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