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1086 Publications
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 13544
R. E. Hagengruber and K. Green, “The History of Women’s Ideas,” The Monist. Vol. 98, 2015.
2015 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 13553
R. E. Hagengruber and J. Rohbeck, Eds., Philosophinnen im Philosophieunterricht. Ein Handbuch. Dresden: Thelem, 2015.
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 15514
R. E. Hagengruber, “Measuring the Value of Women. A Feminist Analysis of Economic Categories and Thought,” in Meta-Philosophical Reflection on Feminist Philosophies of Science, vol. 317, N. Vassallo and M. C. Amoretti, Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 171–183.
2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 15517
R. E. Hagengruber, “Cutting through the Veil of Ignorance. Rewriting the History of Philosophy,” The Monist, vol. 98, pp. 34–42, 2015.
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48815
S. Luft, “The Philosophy of the Marburg Neo-Kantians,” in New Approaches to Neo-Kantianism, N. de Warren and A. Staiti, Eds. Cambridge: University Press, 2015, pp. 221–239.
2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 48812
S. Luft, “Philosophical Historiography in Marburg Neo-Kantianism: The Example of Cassirer’s Erkenntnisproblem (The Problem of Knowledge),” in From Hegel to Windelband. Historiography of Philosophy in the 19th Century, G. Hartung and V. Pluder, Eds. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2015, pp. 181–205.
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2015 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 48821
S. Luft and T. Friedman, Eds., The Philosophy of Ernst Cassirer: A Novel Assessment, vol. 2. DeGruyter, 2015.
2015 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 49141
S. Luft, Interview with Sebastian Luft. Universität Paderborn, 2015.
2015 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 49143
S. Luft, How to Think about Your Dissertation Paper. 2015.
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2015 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 50670
V. Albus, “Kanon und Klassiker,” in Handbuch Philosophie und Ethik, Bd. 1 Didaktik und Methodik, J. Nida-Rümelin, I. Spiegel, and M. Tiedemann, Eds. Paderborn, 2015, pp. 252–260.
2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18901
V. Peckhaus, “De Mol, Liesbeth, ‘Some Reflections on Mathematics and its Relation to Computer Science’, in: A. Adamsky (ed.), Automata, Universality, Computation, Springer: Cham 2015 (Emergence, Complexity and Computation, 12), 75–101,” Mathematical Reviews, MR3328554. 2015.
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18900
V. Peckhaus, “Gebhardt, Rainer (Hg.), Arithmetik, Geometrie und Algebra der frühen Neuzeit. Tagungsband zum wissenschaftlichen Kolloquium „Arithmetik, Geometrie der frühen Neuzeit" vom 11.–13. April 2014 in der Berg- und Adam-Ries-Stadt Annaberg-Buchholz, Adam-Ries-Bund: Annaberg-Buchholz 2014 (Schriften des Adam-Ries-Bundes Annaberg-Buchholz, 23),” Mathematical Reviews, MR3223082 . 2015.
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18897
V. Peckhaus, “Frege, Gottlob, Basic Laws of Arithmetic. Derived using concept-script, Volumes I & II, translated and edited by Philip A. Ebert & Marcus Rosberg with Crispin Wright, Appendix by Roy T. Cook, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2013,” Mathematical Reviews, MR3202390. 2015.
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18720 |

V. Peckhaus, “Bolzano, Bernard, Erbauungsreden des Studienjahres 1816/17, Teilband 2, hg. v. Kurt F. Strasser (Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe, Reihe II.A.22,2), Fromman-Holzboog Verlag: Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 2014,” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1316.01025. 2015.
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18721 |

V. Peckhaus, “Parsons, Charles, Philosophy of Mathematics in the Twentieth Century. Selected Essays, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Mass./London 2014,” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1325.00020. 2015.
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18719 |

V. Peckhaus, “Bolzano, Bernard, Erbauungsreden des Studienjahres 1816/17, Teilband 1, hg. v. Kurt F. Strasser (Bernard Bolzano-Gesamtausgabe, Reihe II.A.22,1), Fromman-Holzboog Verlag: Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt 2014,” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1316.01024. 2015.
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18718 |

V. Peckhaus, “Bolzano, Bernard, Theory of Science, translated by Paul Rusnock and Rolf George, 4 vols., Oxford University Press: Oxford 2014,” zbMATH Open, Zbl. 1315.01056. 2015.
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18898
V. Peckhaus, “Donovan, Peter W., ‘Alan Turing, Marshall Hall, and the Alignment of WW2 Japanese Naval Intercepts’, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 61 (2014), 258–264,” Mathematical Reviews, MR3185359. 2015.
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2015 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 18899
V. Peckhaus, “Hyslop, Scott J., ‘Algebraic Collisions. Challenging Descartes with Cartesian Tools’, Found. Sci. 19 (2014), 35–51,” Mathematical Reviews, MR3163522. 2015.
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2015 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 55215
N. Milkov, Ed., Die Berliner Gruppe: Texte zum Logischen Empirismus, vol. 621. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 2015.