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420 Publications

2009 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44068
Meier, T., Duc, H. T., & Foerstner, J. (2009). Photo-and spin current generation and dynamics in semiconductor nanostructures. DPG Spring Meeting 2009, 44(5).
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2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44112
Meier, T., Zhang, T., Bristow, A. D., Dai, X., Kuznetsova, I., Thomas, P., & Cundiff, S. T. (2008). Direct determination of exciton homogeneous and inhomogeneous linewidths in semiconductor quantum wells with two-dimensional fourier transform spectroscopy. Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Article QThL5. Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, San Jose, California United States.
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2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44110
Meier, T., Duc, H. T., Koch, S. W., & Pasenow, B. (2008). Intensity dependence of charge and spin currents generated by ultrafast two-color photoexcitation of semiconductor quantum wells. 72nd Annual Meeting and DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section and the Divisions, 43.
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2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44111
Meier, T., Koch, S. W., & Pasenow, B. (2008). Influence of heavy-hole light-hole band mixing on the strength of optically generated spin-currents in III-V semiconductor quantum wells. 72nd Annual Meeting and DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section and the Divisions, 42.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23483
Golde, D., Meier, T., & Koch, S. W. (2008). High harmonics generated in semiconductor nanostructures by the coupled dynamics of optical inter- and intraband excitations. Physical Review B, 77(7), Article 075330.
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2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 44109
Meier, T., Pasenow, B., Reichelt, M., & Stroucken, T. (2008). Microscopic Analysis of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductor Photonic-Crystal Structures. In K. Busch, H.-S. Kitzerow, & R. B. Wehrspohn (Eds.), Nanophotonic Materials: Photonic Crystals, Plasmonics, and Metamaterials (pp. 15–38). Wiley‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
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2008 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 24981
Güdde, J., Rohleder, M., Meier, T., Koch, S. W., & Höfer, U. (2008). Generation and Time-Resolved Detection of Coherently Controlled Electric Currents at Surfaces. Frontiers in Optics 2008/Laser Science XXIV/Plasmonics and Metamaterials/Optical Fabrication and Testing. Frontiers in Optics 2008, Rochester, New York United States.
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2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 23485
Meier, T., Duc, H. T., Vu, Q. T., Pasenow, B., Hübner, J., Chatteryee, S., Rühle, W. W., Haug, H., & Koch, S. W. (2008). Ultrafast Dynamics of Optically-Induced Charge and Spin Currents in Semiconductors. In Advances in Solid State Physics (pp. 199–210). Springer.
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2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 24979
Meier, T., Duc, H. T., Vu, Q. T., Pasenow, B., Hübner, J., Chatteryee, S., Rühle, W. W., Haug, H., & Koch, S. W. (2008). Ultrafast Dynamics of Optically-Induced Charge and Spin Currents in Semiconductors. In Advances in Solid State Physics (pp. 199–210). Springer.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40411
Pasenow, B., Duc, H. T., Meier, T., & Koch, S. W. (2008). Rabi flopping of charge and spin currents generated by ultrafast two-colour photoexcitation of semiconductor quantum wells. Solid State Communications, 145(1–2), 61–65.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 24976
Pasenow, B., Duc, H. T., Meier, T., & Koch, S. W. (2008). Rabi flopping of charge and spin currents generated by ultrafast two-colour photoexcitation of semiconductor quantum wells. Solid State Communications, 145, 61–65.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23482
Pasenow, B., Duc, H. T., Meier, T., & Koch, S. W. (2008). Rabi flopping of charge and spin currents generated by ultrafast two-colour photoexcitation of semiconductor quantum wells. Solid State Communications, 61–65.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 23484
Golde, D., Meier, T., & Koch, S. W. (2008). High harmonics generated in semiconductor nanostructures by the coupled dynamics of optical inter- and intraband excitations. Physical Review B, 77(7), Article 075330.
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2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43266
Golde, D., Meier, T., & Koch, S. W. (2007). Modeling of the Extreme Nonlinear Optical Response of Semiconductor Nanostructures. Ultrafast Phenomena XV: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference, 88, 689–691.
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2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43268
Pasenow, B., Reichelt, M., Stroucken, T., Meier, T., & Koch, S. W. (2007). Microscopic analysis of the optical and electronic properties of semiconductor photonic‐crystal structures. Physica Status Solidi (a), 204(11), 3600–3617.
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2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 43267
Kuznetsova, I., Meier, T., Cundiff, S. T., & Thomas, P. (2007). Determination of homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening in semiconductor nanostructures by two-dimensional Fourier-transform optical spectroscopy. Physical Review B, 76(15), Article 153301.
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2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 43263
Meier, T., Pasenow, B., Duc, H. T., Vu, Q. T., Haug, H., & Koch, S. W. (2007). Ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited charge and spin currents in semiconductor nanostructures. Ultrafast Phenomena in Semiconductors and Nanostructure Materials XI and Semiconductor Photodetectors IV, 6471, Article 647108.
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2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44117
Meier, T., Kuznetsova, I., Thomas, P., Zhang, T., & Cundiff, S. T. (2007). Investigation of Coulomb-induced coupling in semiconductor nanostructures using 2D Fourier-Transform-Spectroscopy. International Quantum Electronics Conference, Article IE3_3. International Quantum Electronics Conference 2007, Munich, Germany.
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2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 44118
Meier, T., Zhang, T., Li, X., Cundiff, S. T., Mirin, R. P., Kuznetsova, I., & Thomas, P. (2007). Experimental and theoretical studies of exciton correlations using optical two-dimensional fourier transform spectroscopy. Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, Article QMA4. Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference 2007, Baltimore, Maryland United States.
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2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 44114 | OA
Meier, T., Zhang, T., Kuznetsova, I., Li, X., Mirin, R. P., Thomas, P., & Cundiff, S. T. (2007). Multidimensional ultrafast spectroscopy special feature: polarization-dependent optical 2d fourier transform spectroscopy of semiconductors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(36), 14227–14232.
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