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873 Publications

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27884
@article{Schlegel-Matthies_2011, title={Den Umgang mit Geld und Konsum lernen – Verbraucherbildung in der Schule}, volume={58}, number={3}, journal={Stimme der Familie }, author={Schlegel-Matthies, Kirsten}, year={2011}, pages={3–6} }

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27885
@article{Schlegel-Matthies_2011, title={Was ist Verbraucherbildung? – Was kann sie leisten?}, volume={88}, number={4}, journal={Haushalt & Bildung }, author={Schlegel-Matthies, Kirsten}, year={2011}, pages={3–10} }

2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 17420
@inproceedings{Suess_Koch_Jähn_Fischer_2011, title={Approximative occlusion culling using the hull tree}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Graphics Interface 2011 Conference, May 25-27, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada}, publisher={Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society}, author={Suess, Tim and Koch, Clemens and Jähn, Claudius and Fischer, Matthias}, editor={Brooks, Stephen and Irani, Pourang}, year={2011}, pages={79--86} }

2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 17894
@inbook{Mindt_Mukherjee_2011, place={Berlin}, title={Anglistische Korpuslinguistik. Eine  Einführung. Grundlagen der Anglistik und Amerikanistik 33}, booktitle={Anglistik. International Journal of English Studies, 22, 1}, publisher={Erich Schmidt Verlag, 2009}, author={Mindt, Ilka and Mukherjee, Joybrato}, year={2011}, pages={205–206} }

2011 | Preprint | LibreCat-ID: 18194
@article{Suess_Koch_Jähn_Fischer_Meyer auf der Heide_2011, title={Parallel Out-of-Core Occlusion Culling}, author={Suess, Tim and Koch, Clemens and Jähn, Claudius and Fischer, Matthias and Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm}, year={2011} }
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2011 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 799
@inproceedings{Volkhausen_Schinköthe_Karl_2011, title={Coding Opportunities from Similar Data in Wireless Cooperation Diversity Systems}, DOI={10.1109/MASS.2011.126}, booktitle={IEEE 8th International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, MASS 2011, Valencia, Spain, October 17-22, 2011}, author={Volkhausen, Tobias and Schinköthe, Kai and Karl, Holger}, year={2011}, pages={146--148} }
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2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36018
@inbook{Schlegel-Matthies_Methfessel_Heindl_2011, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Ernährungssozialisation und -bildung und die Entstehung einer “kulinarischen Vernunft”}, booktitle={Die Zukunft auf dem Tisch. Analysen, Trends und Perspektiven der Ernährung von morgen}, publisher={VS-Verlag}, author={Schlegel-Matthies, Kirsten and Methfessel, Barbara and Heindl, Ines}, editor={Plöger, Angelika and Hirschfelder, Gunther and Schönberger, Gesa}, year={2011}, pages={187–202} }

2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36031
@inbook{Schlegel-Matthies_Methfessel_2011, place={Bern}, title={Ernährung und Diätetik}, booktitle={“Gesunde Lebensführung” - kritische Analyse eines populären Konzepts}, publisher={Huber}, author={Schlegel-Matthies, Kirsten and Methfessel, Barbara}, editor={Hoefert, Hans-Wolfgang and Klotter, Christoph}, year={2011}, pages={127–142} }

2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 36008
@inbook{Schlegel-Matthies_2011, place={Wiesbaden}, title={Mahlzeit im Wandel - die Entideologisierung einer Institution}, booktitle={Mahlzeiten. Alte Last oder neue Lust?}, publisher={VS-Verlag}, author={Schlegel-Matthies, Kirsten}, editor={Schönberger, Gesa and Methfessel, Barbara}, year={2011}, pages={12} }

2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 37927
@inbook{Grotjahn_2011, place={Leipzig}, title={Zyklizität und doppelte Autorschaft im Liebesfrühling von Clara und Robert Schumann}, booktitle={Robert Schumann. Persönlichkeit, Werk und Wirkung. Bericht über die Internationale Musikwissenschaftliche Konferenz vom 22. bis 24. April 2010 in Leipzig}, publisher={Gudrun Schröder Verlag}, author={Grotjahn, Rebecca}, editor={Loos, Helmut }, year={2011}, pages={69–89} }

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 40236
@article{Meier-Gräwe_Wagenknecht_2011, title={Frühe Hilfen sind eine Zukunftsinvestition. Eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse im Projekt „Guter Start ins Kinderleben“ im Auftrag des Nationalen Zentrums Frühe Hilfen}, volume={14}, number={3}, journal={Frühe Kindheit}, publisher={Deutsche Liga für das Kind in Familie und Gesellschaft e. V.}, author={Meier-Gräwe, Uta and Wagenknecht, Inga}, year={2011}, pages={46–47} }

2011 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 40213
@inbook{Meier-Gräwe_Wagenknecht_2011, place={Köln}, series={Frühen Hilfen}, title={Kosten und Nutzen Früher Hilfen. Eine Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse im Projekt “Guter Start ins Kinderleben”}, volume={4}, booktitle={Materialien zu Frühen Hilfen}, author={Meier-Gräwe, Uta and Wagenknecht, Inga}, editor={Nationales Zentrum Frühen Hilfen}, year={2011}, collection={Frühen Hilfen} }

2011 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2201
@article{Schumacher_Süß_Plessl_Platzner_2011, title={FPGA Acceleration of Communication-bound Streaming Applications: Architecture Modeling and a 3D Image Compositing Case Study}, DOI={10.1155/2011/760954}, journal={Int. Journal of Recon- figurable Computing (IJRC)}, publisher={Hindawi Publishing Corp.}, author={Schumacher, Tobias and Süß, Tim and Plessl, Christian and Platzner, Marco}, year={2011} }
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26897
@article{Bokhof_Günther_Berg-Beckhoff_Kroke_Buyken_2010, title={Validation of protein intake assessed from weighed dietary records against protein estimated from 24 h urine samples in children, adolescents and young adults participating in the Dortmund Nutritional and Longitudinally Designed (DONALD) Study}, DOI={10.1017/s136898000999317x}, journal={Public Health Nutrition}, author={Bokhof, Beate and Günther, Anke LB and Berg-Beckhoff, Gabriele and Kroke, Anja and Buyken, Anette}, year={2010}, pages={826–834} }
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26899
@article{Cheng_Libuda_Karaolis-Danckert_Alexy_Bolzenius_Remer_Buyken_2010, title={Trends in dietary carbohydrate quality during puberty from 1988 to 2007: a cause for concern?}, DOI={10.1017/s0007114510002278}, journal={British Journal of Nutrition}, author={Cheng, Guo and Libuda, Lars and Karaolis-Danckert, Nadina and Alexy, Ute and Bolzenius, Katja and Remer, Thomas and Buyken, Anette}, year={2010}, pages={1375–1383} }
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26902
@article{Cheng_Remer_Prinz-Langenohl_Blaszkewicz_Degen_Buyken_2010, title={Relation of isoflavones and fiber intake in childhood to the timing of puberty}, DOI={10.3945/ajcn.2010.29394}, journal={The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition}, author={Cheng, Guo and Remer, Thomas and Prinz-Langenohl, Reinhild and Blaszkewicz, Meinolf and Degen, Gisela H and Buyken, Anette}, year={2010}, pages={556–564} }
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27009
@article{Buyken_Flood_Empson_Rochtchina_Barclay_Brand-Miller_Mitchell_2010, title={Carbohydrate nutrition and inflammatory disease mortality in older adults}, DOI={10.3945/ajcn.2010.29390}, journal={The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition}, author={Buyken, Anette and Flood, Victoria and Empson, Marianne and Rochtchina, Elena and Barclay, Alan W and Brand-Miller, Jennie and Mitchell, Paul}, year={2010}, pages={634–643} }
LibreCat | DOI

2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27077
@article{Alexy_Libuda_Mersmann_Kersting_2010, title={Convenience foods in children’s diet and association with dietary quality and body weight status}, DOI={10.1038/ejcn.2010.254}, journal={European Journal of Clinical Nutrition}, author={Alexy, U and Libuda, Lars and Mersmann, S and Kersting, M}, year={2010}, pages={160–166} }
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27078
@article{Libuda_Wudy_Schoenau_Remer_2010, title={Comparison of the effects of dietary protein, androstenediol and forearm muscle area on radial bone variables in healthy prepubertal children}, DOI={10.1017/s0007114510003508}, journal={British Journal of Nutrition}, author={Libuda, Lars and Wudy, Stefan A. and Schoenau, Eckhard and Remer, Thomas}, year={2010}, pages={428–435} }
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2010 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27079
@article{Johner_Libuda_Shi_Retzlaff_Joslowski_Remer_2010, title={Urinary fructose: a potential biomarker for dietary fructose intake in children}, DOI={10.1038/ejcn.2010.160}, journal={European Journal of Clinical Nutrition}, author={Johner, S A and Libuda, Lars and Shi, L and Retzlaff, A and Joslowski, G and Remer, T}, year={2010}, pages={1365–1370} }
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