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683 Publications

2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8710
Deviatov, E. V., Würtz, A., Lorke, A., Yu. Melnikov, M., Dolgopolov, V. T., Reuter, D., & Wieck, A. D. (2004). Two relaxation mechanisms observed in transport between spin-split edge states at high imbalance. Physical Review B.
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2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8711
Grbić, B., Ellenberger, C., Ihn, T., Ensslin, K., Reuter, D., & Wieck, A. D. (2004). Magnetotransport in C-doped AlGaAs heterostructures. Applied Physics Letters, 2277–2279.
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2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8712
Bryja, L., Kubisa, M., Ryczko, K., Misiewicz, J., Stȩpniewski, R., Byszewski, M., … Wieck, A. (2004). Magnetic-field-induced excitons in photoluminescence from heavily doped p-type Ga1−xAlxAs/GaAs single heterojunction. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 442–445.
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2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8729
Ebbers, A., Reuter, D., Heuken, M., & Wieck, A. D. (2004). In-plane gate transistors in AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures written by focused ion beams. Superlattices and Microstructures, 381–388.
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2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8848
Tönnies, M. (2004). New Britain as Consumer Country and Commodity. Journal for the Study of British Cultures, 11(2), 117–128.

2004 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9593
Beutner, M., & Twardy, M. (2004). Wirtschaftspädagogische Sichtweise der Spannungsverhältnisse in der Lehrerbildung vor dem Hintergrund des Lernfeldansatzes unter Berücksichtigung des Komplementärprinzips. In R. Dubs, D. Euler, & H. Seitz (Eds.), Aktuelle Aspekte in Schule und wissenschaftlichem Unterricht. Studien und Berichte des IWP (Vol. Band 14, pp. 181–201). St. Gallen.

2004 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 9594
Beutner, M. (2004). Ein Determinantenmodell der Ausbildungsbereitschaft von Klein- und Mittelbetrieben – Basis für eine systematische Förderung der Berufsausbildung. In E. M. Krekel & G. Walden (Eds.), Zukunft der Berufsausbildung in Deutschland: Empirische Untersuchungen und Schlussfolgerungen. Berichte zur Beruflichen Bildung 273 (pp. 94–110). Bonn.

2004 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 9657
Tönnies, M. (2004). Mergenthal, S.: A Fast-Forward Version of England, 2003. Anglia.

2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 988
Niebert, N., Flinck, H., Hancock, R., Karl, H., & Prehofer, C. (2004). Ambient Networks--Research for Communication Networks Beyond 3G. In 13th IST Mobile and Wireless Communications-Summit 2004.

2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 992
Gross, J., Paoluzzi, I., Karl, H., & Wolisz, A. (2004). Throughput study for a dynamic OFDM-FDMA system with inband signaling. In Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC 2004-Spring. 2004 IEEE 59th (pp. 1787--1791).

2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 993
Klimin, N., Enkelmann, W., Karl, H., & Wolisz, A. (2004). A hybrid approach for location-based service discovery in vehicular ad hoc networks. Proc. of WIT.

2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 997
Carlson, E., Karl, H., Wolisz, A., & Prehofer, C. (2004). Distributed allocation of time slots for real-time traffic in a wireless multi-hop network. In Proc. European Wireless. Barcelona/Spain.
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2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 998
Mengesha, S., Karl, H., & Wolisz, A. (2004). Capacity increase of multi-hop cellular wlans exploiting data rate adaptation and frequency recycling. Proc. of MedHocNet 2004.

2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4160
Hehenkamp, B., Leininger, W., & Possajennikov, A. (2004). Evolutionary equilibrium in Tullock contests: spite and overdissipation. European Journal of Political Economy, 20(4), 1045–1057.
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2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4270 | OA
Schaarschmidt, M., Förstner, J., Knorr, A., Prineas, J. P., Nielsen, N. C., Kuhl, J., … Koch, S. W. (2004). Adiabatically driven electron dynamics in a resonant photonic band gap: Optical switching of a Bragg periodic semiconductor. Physical Review B, 70(23).
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2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4274
Butscher, S., Förstner, J., Waldmüller, I., & Knorr, A. (2004). Polaron signatures in the line shape of semiconductor ;intersubband transitions: quantum kinetics of the electron–phonon interaction. Physica Status Solidi (B), 241(11), R49–R51.
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2004 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4277
Nielsen, N. C., Kuhl, J., Schaarschmidt, M., Förstner, J., Knorr, A., Koch, S. W., … Giessen, H. (2004). Linear and nonlinear pulse propagation in a multiple-quantum-well photonic crystal. Physical Review B, 70(7).
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4279
Nielsen, N. C., Siederdissen, T. H. zu, Kuhl, J., Schaarschmidt, M., Förstner, J., Knorr, A., … Giessen, H. (2004). Subpicosecond spatiotemporal pulse compression in a nonlinear defocusing material. In International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2004. Niigata (Japan): Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2004).

2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4280
Höner zu Siederdissen, T., Nielsen, N. C., Kuhl, J., Förstner, J., Knorr, A., & Giessen, H. (2004). Temporal phase evolution during excitonic Rabi flopping in semiconductors. In International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies. San Francisco, California (USA): OSA.
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2004 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 4281
Nielsen, N. C., Kuhl, J., Schaarschmidt, M., Förstner, J., Knorr, A., Koch, S. W., & Giessen, H. (2004). Temporal and spatial compression of near-resonant pulses in a nonlinear defocusing semiconductor . In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies. San Francisco, California (USA): Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2004).

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