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2315 Publications
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5739
@inproceedings{Yigitbas_Stahl_Sauer_Engels_2017, title={Self-adaptive UIs: Integrated Model-Driven Development of UIs and Their Adaptations}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-61482-3\_8}, booktitle={Modelling Foundations and Applications - 13th European Conference, {ECMFA} 2017, Held as Part of {STAF} 2017, Marburg, Germany, July 19-20, 2017, Proceedings}, author={Yigitbas, Enes and Stahl, Hagen and Sauer, Stefan and Engels, Gregor}, year={2017}, pages={126–141} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5740
@inproceedings{Yigitbas_Sauer_Engels_2017, title={Adapt-UI: an IDE supporting model-driven development of self-adaptive UIs}, DOI={10.1145/3102113.3102144}, booktitle={Proceedings of the {ACM} {SIGCHI} Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, {EICS} 2017, Lisbon, Portugal, June 26-29, 2017}, author={Yigitbas, Enes and Sauer, Stefan and Engels, Gregor}, year={2017}, pages={99–104} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5741
@inproceedings{Yigitbas_Grün_Sauer_Engels_2017, title={Model-Driven Context Management for Self-adaptive User Interfaces}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-67585-5\_61}, booktitle={Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence - 11th International Conference, UCAmI 2017, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 7-10, 2017, Proceedings}, author={Yigitbas, Enes and Grün, Silas and Sauer, Stefan and Engels, Gregor}, year={2017}, pages={624–635} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5769
@inproceedings{Töws_Wehrheim_2017, title={Policy Dependent and Independent Information Flow Analyses}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-68690-5_22}, booktitle={Formal Methods and Software Engineering - 19th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2017)}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Töws, Manuel and Wehrheim, Heike}, year={2017}, pages={362–378} }
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 58 |

@article{Dräxler_Karl_2017, title={Specification, Composition, and Placement of Network Services with Flexible Structures}, DOI={10.1002/nem.1963}, number={2}, journal={International Journal of Network Management}, publisher={Wiley Online Library}, author={Dräxler, Sevil and Karl, Holger}, year={2017}, pages={1--16} }
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2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5800
@article{Tramm_Kremer_Reinmann_2017, title={Editorial zur Ausgabe 33: Entwicklungsbezogene (Praxis-)Forschung }, number={33}, journal={bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online}, author={Tramm, T. and Kremer, H.-Hugo and Reinmann, G.}, year={2017}, pages={1–5} }
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2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 5802
@inbook{Kremer_Sloane_2017, place={Detmold}, title={“Quo vadis Wirtschaftspädagogik”: Lehrerbildung für Berufskollegs zwischen akademischem Anspruch und Verwaltungslogiken}, booktitle={Die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Paderborn: Zeitzeugen geben Einblicke in den Werdegang ihrer Fakultät}, author={Kremer, H.-Hugo and Sloane, Peter F. E.}, editor={Sureth-Sloane, C.Editor}, year={2017}, pages={248–262} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 5806
@inbook{Kremer_2017, place={Shanghai}, title={Praxisphasen als Studienelement. Professionalisierung durch Forschendes Lernen}, booktitle={Berufsschullehrerbildung in der Volksrepublik China und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Professionalisierung - Kompetenzen - Herausforderungen}, author={Kremer, H.-Hugo}, editor={Wang, J. and Feng, X. and Rützel, J.Editors}, year={2017}, pages={157–181} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 5807
@inbook{Kremer_2017, place={New York}, title={Teaching under and in inequality in German Vocational Schools}, booktitle={Wealth Equity Dynamics: Economics and Education Challenges}, author={Kremer, H.-Hugo}, editor={Natale, S. and Libertella, A.Editors}, year={2017}, pages={47–67} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5808
@article{Kremer_Kundisch_2017, title={Steuerung aus der Mitte: Relevanz und Methoden einer Rollenschärfung des mittleren Managements am Berufskolleg}, number={31}, journal={bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online}, author={Kremer, H.-Hugo and Kundisch, Heike}, year={2017}, pages={1–20} }
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2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 5810
@inbook{Kremer_Weyland_2017, place={Bad Heilbrunn}, title={Praxissemester in berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Studiengängen}, booktitle={Forschendes Lernen im Praxissemester. Zugänge, Konzepte, Erfahrungen}, author={Kremer, H.-Hugo and Weyland, U.}, editor={Schüssler, R. and Schöning, A. and Schwier, V. and Schicht, S. and Gold, J. and Weyland, U.Editors}, year={2017}, pages={206–214} }
2017 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 5811
@book{Kundisch_Kremer_2017, place={Paderborn}, title={Mittlere Leitungsebene an Berufskollegs. Eine kollegiale Weiterbildung zur Rollenschärfung in Auseinandersetzung mit Handlungsfeldern der Bildungsarbeit}, author={Kundisch, Heike and Kremer, H.-Hugo}, year={2017} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5830
@inproceedings{Wolters_Kirchhoff_Gerth_Engels_2017, place={Cham}, title={XDAI-A: Framework for Enabling Cross-Device Integration of Android Apps}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-68136-8_25}, booktitle={Service-Oriented Computing -- ICSOC 2016 Workshops}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Wolters, Dennis and Kirchhoff, Jonas and Gerth, Christian and Engels, Gregor}, editor={Drira, Khalil and Wang, Hongbing and Yu, Qi and Wang, Yan and Yan, Yuhong and Charoy, François and Mendling, Jan and Mohamed, Mohamed and Wang, Zhongjie and Bhiri, SamiEditors}, year={2017}, pages={203–206} }
2017 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 5896
@inbook{Kempen_Wassong_2017, place={Bielefeld}, title={VEMINT mobile with Apps: Der gezielte Einsatz von mobilen Endgeräten in einem Mathematik-Vorkurs unter Verwendung der multimedialen VEMINT-Materialien}, volume={131}, booktitle={Hochschuldidaktik im Dialog. Beiträge der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik (dghd) 2015}, publisher={wbv}, author={Kempen, Leander and Wassong, Thomas}, editor={Kordts-Freudinger, Robert and Al-Kabbani, Daniel and Schaper, NiclasEditors}, year={2017}, pages={15–40} }
2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 59
@inproceedings{Kling_Mäcker_Riechers_Skopalik_2017, title={Sharing is Caring: Multiprocessor Scheduling with a Sharable Resource}, DOI={10.1145/3087556.3087578}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA)}, author={Kling, Peter and Mäcker, Alexander and Riechers, Sören and Skopalik, Alexander}, year={2017}, pages={123--132} }
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2017 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 5914
@inproceedings{Dellnitz_Eckstein_Flaßkamp_Friedel_Horenkamp_Köhler_Ober-Blöbaum_Peitz_Tiemeyer_2017, place={Cham}, title={Multiobjective Optimal Control Methods for the Development of an Intelligent Cruise Control}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-23413-7_87}, booktitle={Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2014 }, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Dellnitz, Michael and Eckstein, Julian and Flaßkamp, Kathrin and Friedel, Patrick and Horenkamp, Christian and Köhler, Ulrich and Ober-Blöbaum, Sina and Peitz, Sebastian and Tiemeyer, Sebastian}, year={2017}, pages={633–641} }
2017 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 5946
@book{Kühn_2017, title={Outsourcing und Qualität im Supply Chain - Eine Gleichgewichtsanalyse}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={Kühn, Sarah}, year={2017} }
2017 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 5950
@book{Gunning_2017, title={Crowdfunding Plattformen als Vermittler auf zweiseitigen Märkten - Eine mikroökonomische Analyse}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={Gunning, Justine}, year={2017} }
2017 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5975
@article{Tramm_Kremer_Reinmann_2017, title={Entwicklungsbezogene Praxisforschung }, number={30}, journal={bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online}, author={Tramm, T. and Kremer, H.-Hugo and Reinmann, G.}, year={2017} }
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2017 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 5978
@book{Kückmann_Kremer_2017, place={Paderborn}, title={Innovationsarena 3i: Handreichung zur multiprofessionellen Teamarbeit (mpT) in der Ausbildungsvorbereitung am Berufskolleg}, author={Kückmann, Marie-Ann and Kremer, H.-Hugo}, year={2017} }
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