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2593 Publications

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34673
Black, Tobias, Mario Fuest, and Johannes Lankeit. “Relaxed Parameter Conditions for Chemotactic Collapse in Logistic-Type Parabolic–Elliptic Keller–Segel Systems.” Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik 72, no. 3 (2021).
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 34675
Black, Tobias, and Chunyan Wu. “Prescribed Signal Concentration on the Boundary: Weak Solvability in a Chemotaxis-Stokes System with Proliferation.” Zeitschrift Für Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik 72, no. 4 (2021).
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46013
Liu, Dan, Haichao Zhai, Jie Hu, Ying Pan, Gengsheng Xu, Chuhong Zhu, and Yupeng Yuan. “A Composite Consisting of Intermetallic Ni3Fe and Nitrogen-Doped Carbon for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation: The Effect of Increased Pyridinic Nitrogen Dopant.” Ceramics International 48, no. 4 (2021): 5759–65.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46011
Zhang, Dawei, Daniel Sando, Ying Pan, Pankaj Sharma, and Jan Seidel. “Robust Ferroelectric Polarization Retention in Harsh Environments through Engineered Domain Wall Pinning.” Journal of Applied Physics 129, no. 1 (2021).
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46007
Zhai, Qingfeng, Ying Pan, and Liming Dai. “Carbon-Based Metal-Free Electrocatalysts: Past, Present, and Future.” Accounts of Materials Research 2, no. 12 (2021): 1239–50.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46000
Su, Ran, Zhipeng Wang, Lina Zhu, Ying Pan, Dawei Zhang, Hui Wen, Zheng‐Dong Luo, et al. “Strain‐Engineered Nano‐Ferroelectrics for High‐Efficiency Piezocatalytic Overall Water Splitting.” Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60, no. 29 (2021): 16019–26.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46009
Hu, Jie, Daochuan Jiang, Zhaoyue Weng, Ying Pan, Zhongjun Li, Haiwei Du, and Yupeng Yuan. “A Universal Electrochemical Activation Enabling Lattice Oxygen Activation in Nickel-Based Catalyst for Efficient Water Oxidation.” Chemical Engineering Journal 430 (2021).
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46017
Zhang, Dawei, Zheng-Dong Luo, Yin Yao, Peggy Schoenherr, Chuhan Sha, Ying Pan, Pankaj Sharma, Marin Alexe, and Jan Seidel. “Anisotropic Ion Migration and Electronic Conduction in van Der Waals Ferroelectric CuInP2S6.” Nano Letters 21, no. 2 (2021): 995–1002.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45014
Abbas, Wameedh Khider Abbas, and Jadran Vrabec. “Cascaded Dual-Loop Organic Rankine Cycle with Alkanes and Low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants as Working Fluids.” Energy Conversion and Management 249 (2021).
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46049
Dyck, Daniel. “Der Einfluss der Besteuerung auf Managementanreize und die Nutzung von Bonusbanken.” Junior Management Science 6, no. 1 (2021): 100–148.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35951
Schwabl, Franziska, and Christoph Vogelsang. “CoViD-19 Als Katalysator Für Die Digitale Professionalisierung Angehender Lehrpersonen?” MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift Für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung 40 (2021): 253–81.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35952
Daniel-Söltenfuß, Desiree, and Franziska Schwabl. “Selbstreguliertes Lernen im berufsschulischen Übergangssystem.” Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik 117, no. 3 (2021): 431–60.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35962
Schwabl, Franziska, and Desiree Daniel-Söltenfuß. “Selbstreguliertes Lernen Fördern - Lernen Auf Distanz Ermöglichen.” Berufsbildung. Zeitschrift Für Theorie-Praxis-Dialog Heft 187 (2021): 37–39.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46078
Dannheim, Indra, Helena Ludwig-Walz, Anette Buyken, Valerie Grimm, and Anja Kroke. “Effectiveness of Health-Oriented Leadership Interventions for Improving Health and Wellbeing of Employees: A Systematic Review.” Journal of Public Health 30, no. 12 (2021): 2777–89.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Book | LibreCat-ID: 46113
Ghaffar, Zishan. Der Historische Muhammad in Der Islamischen Theologie. Zur Kriterienfrage in Der Leben-Muhammad-Forschung. Vol. 31. Beiträge Zur Komparativen Theologie. Paderborn, 2021.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46135
Schall, Johannes, Marielle Deconinck, Nikolai Bart, Matthias Florian, Martin Helversen, Christian Dangel, Ronny Schmidt, et al. “Bright Electrically Controllable Quantum‐Dot‐Molecule Devices Fabricated by In Situ Electron‐Beam Lithography.” Advanced Quantum Technologies 4, no. 6 (2021).
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 46150
Weber, Tassja. “Zum Einfluss der Erstsprache auf den Gebrauch von Präpositionen. Eine kontrastive Analyse im Lernerkorpus MERLIN.” In Deutsch im Vergleich. Theorie, Praxis, Didaktik., edited by Marina Brambilla, Valentina Crestani, and Nicolò Calpestrati, 32:151–68. Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft international. Berlin: Peter Lang D, 2021.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46122
Kaczmarek, Olaf, Lukas Mazur, and Sayantan Sharma. “Eigenvalue Spectra of QCD and the Fate of <mml:Math Xmlns:Mml="http://Www.W3.Org/1998/Math/MathML" Display="inline"><mml:Msub><mml:Mi>U</Mml:Mi><mml:Mi>A</Mml:Mi></Mml:Msub><mml:Mo Stretchy="false">(</Mml:Mo><mml:Mn>1</Mml:Mn><mml:Mo Stretchy="false">)</Mml:Mo></Mml:Math> Breaking towards the Chiral Limit.” Physical Review D 104, no. 9 (2021).
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46124
Altenkort, Luis, Alexander M. Eller, O. Kaczmarek, Lukas Mazur, Guy D. Moore, and H.-T. Shu. “Heavy Quark Momentum Diffusion from the Lattice Using Gradient Flow.” Physical Review D 103, no. 1 (2021).
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46123
Altenkort, Luis, Alexander M. Eller, O. Kaczmarek, Lukas Mazur, Guy D. Moore, and H.-T. Shu. “Sphaleron Rate from Euclidean Lattice Correlators: An Exploration.” Physical Review D 103, no. 11 (2021).
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