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2594 Publications

2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21802
Sander, Sascha, Dominik Teutenberg, Gerson Meschut, and Anton Matzenmiller. “Methodenentwicklung zur Langzeitprognose von Klebverbindungen bei kombinierter Temperatur- und Medieneinwirkung.” In 21. Kolloquium Gemeinsame Forschung in der Klebtechnik, edited by DECHEMA, Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V., 2021.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29300
Mirbabaie, Milad, Lennart Hofeditz, and Leon Schmid. “Ausgestaltungs- und Anwendungspotenziale von Virtual und Augmented Reality Technologien im Kontext von Coworking Spaces.” HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2021.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29301
Fromm, Jennifer, Elena Slawinski, and Milad Mirbabaie. “Affordance-Experimentation: Eine Fallstudie zur Entwicklung von Virtual-Reality-Anwendungsfällen im Unternehmenskontext.” HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2021.
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2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 28256
Zhang, Wangyou, Christoph Boeddeker, Shinji Watanabe, Tomohiro Nakatani, Marc Delcroix, Keisuke Kinoshita, Tsubasa Ochiai, Naoyuki Kamo, Reinhold Haeb-Umbach, and Yanmin Qian. “End-to-End Dereverberation, Beamforming, and Speech Recognition with Improved Numerical Stability and Advanced Frontend.” In ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2021.
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2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 28262
Li, Chenda, Jing Shi, Wangyou Zhang, Aswin Shanmugam Subramanian, Xuankai Chang, Naoyuki Kamo, Moto Hira, et al. “ESPnet-SE: End-To-End Speech Enhancement and Separation Toolkit Designed for ASR Integration.” In 2021 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2021.
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2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 28261
Li, Chenda, Yi Luo, Cong Han, Jinyu Li, Takuya Yoshioka, Tianyan Zhou, Marc Delcroix, et al. “Dual-Path RNN for Long Recording Speech Separation.” In 2021 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2021.
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2021 | Book Review | LibreCat-ID: 27372
Mildorf, Jarmila. “Book Review: Katharina Fürholzer: Das Ethos Des Pathographen: Literatur- Und Medizinethische Dimensionen von Krankenbiographien. Heidelberg 2019.” European Journal of Scandinavian Studies, 2021.

2021 | Book (Editor) | LibreCat-ID: 29358
Schönhärl, Korinna, and Mark Spoerer, eds. Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte/Economic History Yearbook- Schwerpunktheft: Staatsfinanzen und Konflikt. Vol. 62. Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte/Economic History Yearbook, 2021.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 27367
Zeipert, Henning, Leander Claes, Sarah Johannesmann, Yevgeniya Lugovtsova, Marcel Nicolai, Jens Prager, and Bernd Henning. “An Approach to Adhesive Bond Characterisation Using Guided Acoustic Waves in Multi-Layered Plates.” At - Automatisierungstechnik, 2021, 962–69.
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2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29381
Schönhärl, Korinna. “‘Unfortunately We Are Bankrupt’: The Greek Bankruptcy Crisis of 1893 and Its Remembrance in the World Economic Crisis 2010-11.” In Remembering and Learning from Financial Crises, edited by Youssef Cassis and Catherine Schenk, 39–56. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29216
Schönhärl, Korinna. “Why Does a Prestigious Emission House Emit a Loan for a Peripheral State? The House of Rothschild and the Greek Guaranteed Loan of 1833.” Business History 63, no. 4 (2021): 557–73.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 29319
Wiethoff, Christoph, and Petra Westphal. “Theoriebasierte Fallreflexion Im Praxissemester.” In Reflexion Und Beratung in Der Lehrerinnen- Und Lehrerausbildung. Beiträge Zur Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften, edited by Y. Völschow and K. Kunze, 285–302. Opladen et al.: Barbara Budrich, 2021.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26987 | OA
Frese, Daniel, Basudeb Sain, Hongqiang Zhou, Yongtian Wang, Lingling Huang, and Thomas Zentgraf. “A Wavelength and Polarization Selective Photon Sieve for Holographic Applications.” Nanophotonics 10, no. 18 (2021): 4543–50.
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2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29486
Firmansyah, Asep Fajar, Diego Moussallem, and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo. “GATES: Using Graph Attention Networks for Entity Summarization.” In Proceedings of the 11th on Knowledge Capture Conference, 73–80. Virtual Event, USA: ACM, 2021.
LibreCat | DOI

2021 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 27592
Gausemeier, Jürgen, and Christoph Pierenkemper. “Developing Strategies for Digital Transformation in SMEs with Maturitiy Models.” In Digitalization – Approaches, Case Studies, and Tools for Strategy, Transformation and Implementation, edited by Daniel R. Schallmo and Joseph Tidd. Management for Professionals. Cham: Springer Nature, 2021.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 26854
Moritzer, Elmar, and Felix Flachmann. “Die Fließfront darf nicht brechen.” Kunststoffe 12 (2021): 42–44.

2021 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 29421
Ober-Blöbaum, Sina, and M. Vermeeren. “Superconvergence of Galerkin Variational Integrators.” In 7th IIFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control LHMNC, edited by IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(19):327–33, 2021.

2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 16294 | OA
Ober-Blöbaum, Sina, and Sebastian Peitz. “Explicit Multiobjective Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems  with Symmetries.” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 31(2) (2021): 380–403.
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2021 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 29543
Djema, Walid, Laetitia Giraldi, Sofya Maslovskaya, and Olivier Bernard. “Turnpike Features in Optimal Selection of Species Represented by Quota Models.” Automatica 132 (2021).
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2021 | Misc | LibreCat-ID: 29549 | OA
Schönhärl, Korinna. Finanzielle Netze. Die bayerisch–französische Familienbank von Eichthal und ihre Investitionspläne in Griechenland in den 1830er Jahren/ Οικονομικά δίκτυα. Η βαυαρογαλλική οικογενειακή τράπεζα των Άιχταλ και τα επενδυτικά σχέδιά της στην Ελλάδα κατά τη δεκαετία του 1830, 2021.
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