Maximal regularity of evolving FEMs for parabolic equations on an evolving surface
G. Bai, B. Kovács, B. Li, ArXiv:2408.14096 (2024).
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| English
Bai, Genming;
Kovács, BalázsLibreCat
Li, Buyang

In this paper, we prove that spatially semi-discrete evolving finite element
method for parabolic equations on a given evolving hypersurface of arbitrary
dimensions preserves the maximal $L^p$-regularity at the discrete level. We
first establish the results on a stationary surface and then extend them, via a
perturbation argument, to the case where the underlying surface is evolving
under a prescribed velocity field. The proof combines techniques in evolving
finite element method, properties of Green's functions on (discretised) closed
surfaces, and local energy estimates for finite element methods
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Bai G, Kovács B, Li B. Maximal regularity of evolving FEMs for parabolic equations on an evolving surface. arXiv:240814096. Published online 2024.
Bai, G., Kovács, B., & Li, B. (2024). Maximal regularity of evolving FEMs for parabolic equations on an evolving surface. In arXiv:2408.14096.
@article{Bai_Kovács_Li_2024, title={Maximal regularity of evolving FEMs for parabolic equations on an evolving surface}, journal={arXiv:2408.14096}, author={Bai, Genming and Kovács, Balázs and Li, Buyang}, year={2024} }
Bai, Genming, Balázs Kovács, and Buyang Li. “Maximal Regularity of Evolving FEMs for Parabolic Equations on an Evolving Surface.” ArXiv:2408.14096, 2024.
G. Bai, B. Kovács, and B. Li, “Maximal regularity of evolving FEMs for parabolic equations on an evolving surface,” arXiv:2408.14096. 2024.
Bai, Genming, et al. “Maximal Regularity of Evolving FEMs for Parabolic Equations on an Evolving Surface.” ArXiv:2408.14096, 2024.