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722 Publications

2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4959
Iseke, A., Kocks, B., Schneider, M., & Schulze-Bentrop, C. (2015). Cross-cutting organizational and demographic divides and the performance of research and development teams: two wrongs can make a right. R\&D Management, 1, 23--40.

2015 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 45733
Eggert, A., Steinhoff, L., & Garnefeld, I. (2015). Managing the Bright and Dark Sides of Status Endowment in Hierarchical Loyalty Programs. Journal of Service Research, 18(2), 210–228.
LibreCat | DOI

2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46686
Feider, L., Garnefeld, I., & Böhm, E. (2015). Threatening customers not to return – An effective strategy for online retailers? 44th EMAC Annual Conference, Leuven. 44th EMAC Annual Conference, Leuven.

2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46688
Eggert, A., Böhm, E., & Cramer, C. (2015). Stock market reactions to customer service outsourcing in manufacturing firms. 2015 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Antonio, TX. 2015 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Antonio, TX.

2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46687
Böhm, E., Eggert, A., Terho, H., Ulaga, W., & Haas, A. (2015). Recognizing value creation opportunities in business markets. 2015 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Antonio, TX. 2015 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Antonio, TX.

2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46685
Eggert, A., Böhm, E., & Cramer, C. (2015). Stock market reactions to business service outsourcing in manufacturing firms. 44th EMAC Annual Conference, Leuven. 44th EMAC Annual Conference, Leuven.

2015 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 45748
Eggert, A., Steinhoff, L., & Witte, C. (2015). You Might Want to Engage Your Customers, But Choose Them Wisely: The Mixed Effects of Company-Initiated Customer Engagement on Customer Loyalty. 2015 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Chicago. 2015 AMA Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings, Chicago.

2014 | Report | LibreCat-ID: 350
Kaimann, D., & Cox, J. (2014). The Interaction of Signals: A Fuzzy set Analysis of the Video Game Industry. Universität Paderborn.
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2014 | Dissertation | LibreCat-ID: 352
Scheel, F. (2014). The Economics of Individual Behavior in Competitive Environments: Empirical Evidence from Real-Life Tournaments. Universität Paderborn.
LibreCat | Files available

2014 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 3538
Rötzmeier-Keuper, J., & Wünderlich, N. (2014). Customer collectives in healthcare: The transformative potential of service to overcome consumer vulnerability. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Macromarketing Conference. London, GB.

2014 | Conference Abstract | LibreCat-ID: 3541
Rötzmeier-Keuper, J., & Wünderlich, N. (2014). Interdependent Relationships Between and among Service Providers and Customer Collectives. In Proceedings of the AMA SERVSIG International Service Research Conference. Thessaloniki, GR.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 7725
Eggert, A., Böhm, E., & Cramer, C. (2014). Stock Market Reactions to Customer Service Outsourcing in Manufacturing Firms. In 2015 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference Proceedings.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 7727
Kanuri, V., Münkhoff, E., & Scheer, L. K. (2014). Service transition versus service infusion: Different pathways to success for service-oriented manufacturers? In ISBM 2014 Academic Conference.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 7728
Eggert, A., Haas, A., Terho, H., Ulaga, W., & Münkhoff, E. (2014). Selling value in business markets: Why a powerful idea often fails. In ISBM 2014 Academic Conference.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 7729
Ritter, T., Eggert, A., Münkhoff, E., & Ulaga, W. (2014). The corporate marketing department - Between value and vanish. In ISBM 2014 Academic Conference.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 7730
Eggert, A., Münkhoff, E., & Thiesbrummel, C. (2014). Service transition: A viable option for manufacturing companies with declining financial performance? In Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Conference.

2014 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 7731
Terho, H., Eggert, A., Ulaga, W., & Haas, A. (2014). Overcoming Roadblocks to Value-Based Selling: Aligning Organizational Support With Sales Force Activities. In 2014 AMA Winter Marketing Educators’ Proceedings.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5714
Schumann, J. H., Wünderlich, N., & Evanschitzky, H. (2014). Spillover Effects of Service Failures in Coalition Loyalty Programs: The Buffering Effect of Special Treatment Benefits. Journal of Retailing, 90(1), 111–118.

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 444
Mir Djawadi, B., Fahr, R., & Turk, F. (2014). Conceptual Model and Economic Experiments to Explain Nonpersistence and Enable Mechanism Designs Fosterin Behavioral Change. Value in Health, (8), 814–822.
LibreCat | Files available | DOI

2014 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 4850
Eggert, A., Hogreve, J., Ulaga, W., & Muenkhoff, E. (2014). Revenue and profit implications of industrial service strategies. Journal of Service Research, (1), 23--39.

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