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3755 Publications

2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 50344
Heitmann, Ingmar. “Investitionen als Entscheidungsprobleme des Supply Chain Managements.” In Entscheidungsprobleme im Supply Chain Management - Quantitative Lösungsansätze für den Mittelstand -, edited by Stefan Betz, 17–45. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac, 2008.

2008 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 50396
Faupel, Christian. “Wertorientiertes Supply Chain Management.” In Entscheidungsprobleme im Supply Chain Management - Quantitative Lösungsansätze für den Mittelstand, edited by Stefan Betz, 155–75. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac, 2008.

2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5790
Schnedler, Wendelin, and Marisa Ratto. “Too Few Cooks Spoil the Broth: Division of Labour and Directed Production.” The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 8, no. 1 (2008).
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5791
Schnedler, Wendelin. “When Is It Foolish to Reward for A While Benefiting from B.” Journal of Labor Economics, 2008.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 17972
Müller, Heiko, Kay Blaufus, Jochen Hundsdoerfer, Dirk Kiesewetter, Rolf König, Lutz Kruschwitz, Andreas Löffler, et al. “arqus-Stellungnahme: Das BilMoG - Eine Chance zur Steuervereinfachung?” Deutsches Steuerrecht 46, no. 38 (2008): 1844–46.

2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 3546
Garrod, Neil, Urska Kosi, and Aljosa Valentincic. “Asset Write-Offs in the Absence of Agency Problems.” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 35, no. 3–4 (2008): 307–30.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 14935
Sureth-Sloane, Caren, and Ralf Maiterth. “The Impact of Minimum Taxation by an Imputable Wealth Tax on Capital Budgeting and Business Strategy of German Companies.” Review of Managerial Science 2, no. 2 (2008): 81–110.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 14933
Niemann, Rainer, and Caren Sureth-Sloane. “Steuern und Risikobereitschaft in Modellen irreversibler Investitionen.” Journal für Betriebswirtschaft 58, no. 3 (2008): 121–40.
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2008 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 14927
Hundsdoerfer, Jochen, Dirk Kiesewetter, and Caren Sureth-Sloane. “Forschungsergebnisse in der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Steuerlehre — eine Bestandsaufnahme.” Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 78, no. 1 (2008): 61–139.
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2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2496
Dimitrov, Dinko, and Claus-Jochen Haake. “A Note on the Paradox of Smaller Coalitions.” Social Choice and Welfare 30, no. 4 (2007): 571–79.
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2007 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 2600
Betz, Stefan. “Standortplanung.” In Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft, edited by Hans-Ulrich Küpper, 6th ed., 1660–69. Stuttgart, 2007.

2007 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 2601
Betz, Stefan. “Unscharfe Produktionsmengenplanung als Instrument des Risikomanagements in Supply Chains.” In Risikomanagement in Supply Chains, edited by Richard Vahrenkamp, 179–99. Berlin, 2007.

2007 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 3293
Gries, Thomas. “Global Shift – The European Union, the United States, and the Emergence of China.” In 50 Years of EU Economic Dynamics, edited by Richard Tilly, Paul J.J. Welfens, and Michael Heise, 25–45. Springer, 2007.

2007 | Book Chapter | LibreCat-ID: 3294
Gries, Thomas, and Jinjun Xue. “Educational Disparity and Income Inequality in Urban China.” In The Economic Science, 55, No. 3:101–16, 2007.

2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 3470
Beran, Jan, and Yuanhua Feng. “Local Polynomial Estimation with a FARIMA-GARCH Error Process.” Bernoulli 7, no. 5 (2007).
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2007 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 3481
Klose, Karsten, Ralf Knackstedt, and Daniel Beverungen. “Identification of Services --- A Stakeholder-Based Approach to SOA Development and Its Application in the Area of Production Planning.” In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Information System. St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2007.

2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 3508
Becker, Jörg, Axel Winkelmann, Daniel Beverungen, and Christian Janiesch. “Bereitstellung von Artikelstammdaten.” HMD --- Praxis Der Wirtschaftsinformatik, no. 258 (2007): 45--56.

2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 3704
Müller, Jens. “Die Steuerliche Ungleichbehandlung von Anteilen an Kapitalgesellschaften.” Finanz Betrieb, 2007, 415--426.

2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 3063
Gries, Thomas, and Stefan Jungblut. “Employment Effects of International Factor Mobility - A Theoretical Approach with Heterogenous Labor.” Journal of Economic Integration 22, no. 2 (2007): 339–68.
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2007 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 5840
Kundisch, Dennis, F. Pfeiler, and V. Schiefele. “Finanzwirtschaftliche Analyse der schenkungsteuerlichen Zehnjahresregel.” Steuer und Wirtschaft 84, no. 2 (2007): 134–44.

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