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3744 Publications

2020 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 42306
@book{N._2020, title={Matching Mechanisms and Organ Exchange}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={N., N.}, year={2020} }

2020 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 42300
@book{N._2020, title={Cartel Fines in the European Union}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={N., N.}, year={2020} }

2020 | Bachelorsthesis | LibreCat-ID: 42302
@book{N._2020, title={Anspruchsregeln in Verhandlungen}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={N., N.}, year={2020} }

2020 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 42292
@book{N._2020, title={Die Zusammenstellung eines Sortiments als Beispiel interdependenter Verhandlungen}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={N., N.}, year={2020} }

2020 | Mastersthesis | LibreCat-ID: 42294
@book{N._2020, title={Matching in Netzwerken}, publisher={Universität Paderborn}, author={N., N.}, year={2020} }

2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 35953
@article{Schwabl_Janssen_Sloane_2020, title={Sprachsensible Formulierung von Erhebungsinstrumenten}, volume={116}, DOI={10.25162/zbw-2020-0005}, number={1}, journal={Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik}, publisher={Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH}, author={Schwabl, Franziska and Janssen, Elmar A. and Sloane, Peter F. E.}, year={2020}, pages={138–152} }
LibreCat | DOI

2020 | Working Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46541
@book{Mayrhofer_Schmitz_2020, series={ Ruhr Economic Papers}, title={Prudence and prevention: Empirical evidence}, volume={863}, publisher={RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen}, author={Mayrhofer, Thomas and Schmitz, Hendrik}, year={2020}, collection={ Ruhr Economic Papers} }

2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46689
@inproceedings{Garnefeld_Krah_Böhm_Gremler_2020, title={Do product testing programs lead to more favorable online reviews? (ausgezeichnet mit Best Paper Award)}, booktitle={2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, CA}, author={Garnefeld, I. and Krah, T. and Böhm, Eva and Gremler, D. D.}, year={2020} }

2020 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 46690
@inproceedings{Eggert_Böhm_Akalan_Gebauer_2020, title={Manufacturers’ service growth through mergers and acquisitions – An event study}, booktitle={2020 AMA Winter Academic Conference, San Diego, CA}, author={Eggert, A. and Böhm, Eva and Akalan, R. and Gebauer, H.}, year={2020} }

2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 46636
@article{Böhm_Eggert_Terho_Ulaga_Haas_2020, title={Drivers and outcomes of salespersons’ value opportunity recognition competence in solution selling}, volume={40}, DOI={10.1080/08853134.2020.1778484}, number={3}, journal={Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management}, publisher={Informa UK Limited}, author={Böhm, Eva and Eggert, Andreas and Terho, Harri and Ulaga, Wolfgang and Haas, Alexander}, year={2020}, pages={180–197} }
LibreCat | DOI

2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56295
@article{Baumgarten_Felbermayr_Lehwald_2020, title={Dissecting between-plant and within-plant wage inequality – Evidence from Germany}, volume={59}, DOI={10.1111/irel.12249}, number={1}, journal={Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society}, publisher={Wiley}, author={Baumgarten, Daniel and Felbermayr, Gabriel and Lehwald, Sybille}, year={2020}, pages={85–122} }
LibreCat | DOI

2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 56294
@article{Baumgarten_Irlacher_Koch_2020, title={Offshoring and non-monotonic employment effects across industries in general equilibrium}, volume={130}, DOI={10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103583}, number={103583}, journal={European Economic Review}, publisher={Elsevier BV}, author={Baumgarten, Daniel and Irlacher, Michael and Koch, Michael}, year={2020} }
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49467 | OA
@article{Trang_Trenz_Weiger_Tarafdar_Cheung_2020, title={One app to trace them all? Examining app specifications for mass acceptance of contact-tracing apps}, volume={29}, journal={European Journal of Information Systems (VHB Jourqual 3 A)}, author={Trang, Simon Thanh-Nam and Trenz, M. and Weiger, W. and Tarafdar, M. and Cheung, C.}, year={2020}, pages={415–428} }
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2020 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 49470
@article{Mandrella_Trang_Kolbe_2020, title={Synthesizing and Integrating Research on IT-Based Value Co-Creation: A Meta-Analysis}, volume={21}, number={2}, journal={Journal of the Association for Information Systems (VHB Jourqual 3 A)}, author={Mandrella, M. and Trang, Simon Thanh-Nam and Kolbe, L. M.}, year={2020}, pages={388–427} }

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 2808
@article{Gries_Jungblut_Krieger_Meyer_2019, title={Economic Retirement Age and Lifelong Learning - a theoretical model with heterogeneous labor and biased technical change}, volume={20}, DOI={10.1111/geer.12140}, number={2}, journal={German Economic Review}, author={Gries, Thomas and Jungblut, Stefan and Krieger, Tim and Meyer, Henning}, year={2019}, pages={129–170} }
LibreCat | DOI

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1139
@article{Kaimann_Hoyer_2019, title={Price competition and the Bertrand model: The paradox of the German mobile discount market}, volume={26}, DOI={10.1080/13504851.2018.1436141}, number={1}, journal={Applied Economics Letters}, publisher={Taylor and Francis Online}, author={Kaimann, Daniel and Hoyer, Britta}, year={2019}, pages={54–57} }
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2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21302
@article{Mirbabaie_Bunker_Stieglitz_2019, title={Who Sets the Tone? Determining the Impact of Convergence Behaviour Archetypes in Social Media Crisis Communication}, journal={Information Systems Frontiers}, author={Mirbabaie, Milad and Bunker, D. and Stieglitz, S.}, year={2019} }

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21303
@article{Stieglitz_Mirbabaie_Kroll_Marx_2019, title={‘Silence’ as a Strategy during a Corporate Crisis - The Case of Volkswagen’s ‘Dieselgate’}, journal={Internet Research}, author={Stieglitz, S. and Mirbabaie, Milad and Kroll, T. and Marx, J.}, year={2019} }

2019 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 21304
@article{Mirbabaie_Marx_2019, title={‘Breaking’ News: Uncovering Sense-Breaking Patterns in Social Media Crisis Communication during the 2017 Manchester Bombing}, journal={Behaviour & Information Technology}, author={Mirbabaie, Milad and Marx, J.}, year={2019} }

2019 | Conference Paper | LibreCat-ID: 21323
@inproceedings{Mirbabaie_Hellmann_2019, place={Munich, Germany}, title={Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence for Incident Management}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IFIP 8.2 OASIS Workshop on Post-Digitalization 2019}, author={Mirbabaie, Milad and Hellmann, M.}, year={2019} }

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