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1080 Publications

2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8727
Schwedt, D., Ch. Nacke, H. Stolz, S. Eshlaghi, Dirk Reuter, and A. Wieck. “Spectrally Resolved Resonant Rayleigh Scattering from Excitons in GaAs Quantum Wells.” Physical Review B, 2003.
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2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8728
Zankovych, S., I. Maximov, I. Shorubalko, J. Seekamp, M. Beck, S. Romanov, Dirk Reuter, et al. “Nanoimprint-Induced Effects on Electrical and Optical Properties of Quantum Well Structures.” Microelectronic Engineering, 2003, 214–20.
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2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8730
Apetrii, G, S F Fischer, U Kunze, Dirk Reuter, and A D Wieck. “Influence of Processing Parameters on the Transport Properties of Quantum Point Contacts Fabricated with an Atomic Force Microscope.” Semiconductor Science and Technology, 2003, 735–39.
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2003 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8790
Baumann, P., G. Pirug, Dirk Reuter, and H.P. Bonzel. “UHV Adsorption Studies of K/H2O on Pt(111) and O/CH3COOH on Cu(110): Orientation and Intermediates.” Surface Science, 2003, 186–96.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1744
Pertsch, T., Thomas Zentgraf, U. Peschel, A. Bräuer, and F. Lederer. “Anomalous Refraction and Diffraction in Discrete Optical Systems.” Physical Review Letters 88, no. 9 (2002).
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 1745
Pertsch, T., Thomas Zentgraf, U. Peschel, A. Bräuer, and F. Lederer. “Beam Steering in Waveguide Arrays.” Applied Physics Letters 80, no. 18 (2002): 3247–49.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8731
Fischer, S. F., G. Apetrii, S. Skaberna, U. Kunze, Dirk Reuter, and A. D. Wieck. “Control of the Confining Potential in Ballistic Constrictions Using a Persistent Charging Effect.” Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 2779–81.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8732
Fühner, C., U. F. Keyser, R. J. Haug, Dirk Reuter, and A. D. Wieck. “Flux-Quantum-Modulated Kondo Conductance in a Multielectron Quantum Dot.” Physical Review B, 2002.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8733
Kähler, D., U. Kunze, Dirk Reuter, and A.D. Wieck. “Quantum Wire Fabrication from Compensating-Layer GaAs–AlGaAs Heterostructures.” Microelectronic Engineering, 2002, 619–23.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8734
Naud, C., G. Faini, D. Mailly, J. Vidal, B. Douçot, G. Montambaux, A. Wieck, and Dirk Reuter. “Aharonov–Bohm Cages in the GaAlAs/GaAs System.” Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2002, 190–96.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8735
Pulizzi, F., P.C.M. Christianen, J.C. Maan, S. Eshlaghi, Dirk Reuter, and A.D. Wieck. “Anomalous In-Plane Motion of Excitons in Single GaAs Quantum Wells.” Physica Status Solidi (A), 2002, 641–45.<641::aid-pssa641>;2-r.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8736
Regul, J., U. F. Keyser, M. Paesler, F. Hohls, U. Zeitler, R. J. Haug, A. Malavé, E. Oesterschulze, Dirk Reuter, and A. D. Wieck. “Fabrication of Quantum Point Contacts by Engraving GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures with a Diamond Tip.” Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 2023–25.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8737
Reuter, Dirk, Cedrik Meier, A Seekamp, and A.D Wieck. “Fabrication of Two-Dimensional in-Plane Gate Transistors by Focused Ion Beam Doping.” Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 13 (2002): 938–41.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8738
Reuter, Dirk, P Schafmeister, J Koch, K Schmidt, and A.D Wieck. “Growth of InAs Quantum Dots on Focussed Ion Beam Implanted GaAs(100).” Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2002, 230–33.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8740
Schaapman, M. R., P. C. M. Christianen, J. C. Maan, Dirk Reuter, and A. D. Wieck. “A Multipurpose Torsional Magnetometer with Optical Detection.” Applied Physics Letters, 2002, 1041–43.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8741
Schmidt, K.H., C. Bock, U. Kunze, V.V. Khorenko, S. Malzer, G.H. Döhler, M. Versen, Dirk Reuter, and A.D. Wieck. “Electronic Structure of InAs Self-Assembled Quantum Dots.” Materials Science and Engineering: B, 2002, 238–42.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8742
Schulze-Wischeler, F., U. Zeitler, F. Hohls, R.J. Haug, Dirk Reuter, and A.D. Wieck. “Phonon Excitation of a Two-Dimensional Electron System around Ν=1.” Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2002, 474–77.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8743
Vitzethum, M., R. Schmidt, P. Kiesel, P. Schafmeister, Dirk Reuter, A.D. Wieck, and G.H. Döhler. “Quantum Dot Micro-LEDs for the Study of Few-Dot Electroluminescence, Fabricated by Focussed Ion Beam.” Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2002, 143–46.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8744
Vitzethum, M., R. Schmidt, P. Kiesel, P. Schafmeister, J. Koch, Dirk Reuter, A.D. Wieck, and G.H. Döhler. “A Novel Photoconductive Detector for Single Photon Detection.” Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2002, 570–73.
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2002 | Journal Article | LibreCat-ID: 8745
Versen, M., K.H. Schmidt, C. Bock, Dirk Reuter, A.D. Wieck, and U. Kunze. “Single-Electron Tunneling through Individual InAs Quantum Dots within a Saddle Point Potential.” Physica Status Solidi (B), 2002, 669–73.<669::aid-pssb669>;2-h.
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